

作者: 啊攀攀了 | 来源:发表于2021-02-07 22:10 被阅读0次

How do you read a book one week?  We all know that people who read succeed.  85% of millionaire read at least two books per month while 25% of  entire American population haven't read a book over last year.  So what's the best method to get yourself to start reading?  And at a good pace so that you can succeed too. So you can basically guarantee you will read a book or a once a week by taking advantage of three psychology tricks.

The first one is so called implementation intention.  Basically setting an appointment.

See, the biggest problem when it comes to reading is to get started.

So many people buy books that interested in saying to themselves, I will definitely read this. Guess what? The books sit on the bookshelves and never to be touched again.

By physically writing down the time and place of when you started reading a book, you are essentially setting up an appointment to do so.

Think about this.  We don't really miss our appointment.  When was the last time you completely skipped a job interview or a visit to a doctor?

Sure, it might have been late. But when you set up an appointment, you know you have to show up and you surely do.

The second psychology trick to reading a book is to use what is called chunking. Basically break down a task into smaller ones. One of the biggest reason that people start reading a book and never finished it is because it seems way too big.  It feels like we can't do it.  Just take a look at the average non fiction book, which is normally 200 pages long. How long do you think it takes to read the entire thing in one sitting? You probably think in 10 or 15 hours. In fact, the average human can read a 200 page book in about five hours, Which means you really have to spend 45 minutes a day reading, Which probably just account to one chapter or two. So instead of saying, I'm going to read, um, I'm going to read just after lunch tomorrow, it's much more effective to say I'll read next chapter tomorrow after lunch at home.  When you break a task into a chapter or even further into subsection, which a most non fiction book usually have your booking  Your brain will no longer see it as an obstacle you have to overcome.  Instead of saying, "oh, my god, this is gonna take forever." You will think  you're gonna say it's easy. I can definitely do that.

The finally, the last psychological trick to reading a book is to use what is called temptation bundling.  Basically taking a task that you don't much enjoy and attach it to something you really, really enjoy.  F. For example, you can tell yourself that every after every chapter or subsection of the chapter you read, you can reward yourself with the episode or next segment of a tv show you love watching.  By doing this a couple of times you actually start feeling very good about reading.  Because your brain starts to associat it with something very pleasurable.  It's gonna think "Wow every time a read a chapter or subsection I feel great after. What you might find is that you actually started reading more than you need.

By doing all these three tricks, you will end up doing something like this. Okay, tomorrow after after lunch, I'm gonna read a chapter on my book. And after every chapter are gonna watch one episode of game of throne. Try this out. I guarantee that you will find yourself reading a lot more.


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