Two passions,simple but over unparalleled truth,have govermed my life,the pursuit of wealth , and indulging for woman's charms.These passions are like a heavy patient , Don't take him medicine. I suffered like him everyday .In the end ,I was almost lost in the crowd ,I have sought wealth, because it brings me proprety -property is so great. It is gives me what I need or what I want,I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for making money.So when I go shopping in the mall,I will buy something for my family.I have sought it. I also go to use money to help the poor, to get more poor people to eat.
I also sought woman's charms. First, I am always in loneliness.I am a teenager.I need the opposite sex to chat,to use all kinds of way to win favor. What's more .I required my physical needs . Like heaven in the earth, to bring me more passions.Calming my hot heart, this is what -at last-I have found.