Java后台-Spring JDBC 框架-2020-12-17

Java后台-Spring JDBC 框架-2020-12-17

作者: 勇往直前888 | 来源:发表于2020-12-18 09:19 被阅读0次

    在使用普通的 JDBC 数据库时,就会很麻烦的写不必要的代码来处理异常,打开和关闭数据库连接等。但 Spring JDBC 框架负责所有的低层细节,从开始打开连接,准备和执行 SQL 语句,处理异常,处理事务,到最后关闭连接。

    所以当从数据库中获取数据时,你所做的是定义连接参数,指定要执行的 SQL 语句,每次迭代完成所需的工作。

    Spring JDBC 示例

    • 数据访问对象接口文件 StudentDAO.java 的内容:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    public interface StudentDAO {
        * This is the method to be used to initialize
        * database resources ie. connection.
       public void setDataSource(DataSource ds);
        * This is the method to be used to create
        * a record in the Student table.
       public void create(String name, Integer age);
        * This is the method to be used to list down
        * a record from the Student table corresponding
        * to a passed student id.
       public Student getStudent(Integer id);
        * This is the method to be used to list down
        * all the records from the Student table.
       public List<Student> listStudents();
        * This is the method to be used to delete
        * a record from the Student table corresponding
        * to a passed student id.
       public void delete(Integer id);
        * This is the method to be used to update
        * a record into the Student table.
       public void update(Integer id, Integer age);
    • Student.java 文件的内容:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    public class Student {
       private Integer age;
       private String name;
       private Integer id;
       public void setAge(Integer age) {
          this.age = age;
       public Integer getAge() {
          return age;
       public void setName(String name) {
          this.name = name;
       public String getName() {
          return name;
       public void setId(Integer id) {
          this.id = id;
       public Integer getId() {
          return id;
    • StudentMapper.java 文件的内容:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
    public class StudentMapper implements RowMapper<Student> {
       public Student mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
          Student student = new Student();
          return student;
    • 为定义的 DAO 接口 StudentDAO 的实现类文件 StudentJDBCTemplate.java:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
    public class StudentJDBCTemplate implements StudentDAO {
       private DataSource dataSource;
       private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplateObject; 
       public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
          this.dataSource = dataSource;
          this.jdbcTemplateObject = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
       public void create(String name, Integer age) {
          String SQL = "insert into Student (name, age) values (?, ?)";     
          jdbcTemplateObject.update( SQL, name, age);
          System.out.println("Created Record Name = " + name + " Age = " + age);
       public Student getStudent(Integer id) {
          String SQL = "select * from Student where id = ?";
          Student student = jdbcTemplateObject.queryForObject(SQL, 
                            new Object[]{id}, new StudentMapper());
          return student;
       public List<Student> listStudents() {
          String SQL = "select * from Student";
          List <Student> students = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL, 
                                    new StudentMapper());
          return students;
       public void delete(Integer id){
          String SQL = "delete from Student where id = ?";
          jdbcTemplateObject.update(SQL, id);
          System.out.println("Deleted Record with ID = " + id );
       public void update(Integer id, Integer age){
          String SQL = "update Student set age = ? where id = ?";
          jdbcTemplateObject.update(SQL, age, id);
          System.out.println("Updated Record with ID = " + id );
    • 配置文件 Beans.xml 的内容:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
        http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd ">
       <!-- Initialization for data source -->
       <bean id="dataSource" 
          <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
          <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/TEST"/>
          <property name="username" value="root"/>
          <property name="password" value="password"/>
       <!-- Definition for studentJDBCTemplate bean -->
       <bean id="studentJDBCTemplate" 
          <property name="dataSource"  ref="dataSource" />    
    • MainApp.java 文件的内容:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
    import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
    import com.tutorialspoint.StudentJDBCTemplate;
    public class MainApp {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          ApplicationContext context = 
                 new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml");
          StudentJDBCTemplate studentJDBCTemplate = 
          System.out.println("------Records Creation--------" );
          studentJDBCTemplate.create("Zara", 11);
          studentJDBCTemplate.create("Nuha", 2);
          studentJDBCTemplate.create("Ayan", 15);
          System.out.println("------Listing Multiple Records--------" );
          List<Student> students = studentJDBCTemplate.listStudents();
          for (Student record : students) {
             System.out.print("ID : " + record.getId() );
             System.out.print(", Name : " + record.getName() );
             System.out.println(", Age : " + record.getAge());
          System.out.println("----Updating Record with ID = 2 -----" );
          studentJDBCTemplate.update(2, 20);
          System.out.println("----Listing Record with ID = 2 -----" );
          Student student = studentJDBCTemplate.getStudent(2);
          System.out.print("ID : " + student.getId() );
          System.out.print(", Name : " + student.getName() );
          System.out.println(", Age : " + student.getAge());      
    • 输出的消息:
    ------Records Creation--------
    Created Record Name = Zara Age = 11
    Created Record Name = Nuha Age = 2
    Created Record Name = Ayan Age = 15
    ------Listing Multiple Records--------
    ID : 1, Name : Zara, Age : 11
    ID : 2, Name : Nuha, Age : 2
    ID : 3, Name : Ayan, Age : 15
    ----Updating Record with ID = 2 -----
    Updated Record with ID = 2
    ----Listing Record with ID = 2 -----
    ID : 2, Name : Nuha, Age : 20

    SQL 的存储过程

    SimpleJdbcCall 类可以被用于调用一个包含 IN 和 OUT 参数的存储过程。你可以在处理任何一个 RDBMS 时使用这个方法,就像 Apache Derby, DB2, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle,和 Sybase。

    • 数据访问对象接口文件 StudentDAO.java 的内容:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    public interface StudentDAO {
        * This is the method to be used to initialize
        * database resources ie. connection.
       public void setDataSource(DataSource ds);
        * This is the method to be used to create
        * a record in the Student table.
       public void create(String name, Integer age);
        * This is the method to be used to list down
        * a record from the Student table corresponding
        * to a passed student id.
       public Student getStudent(Integer id);
        * This is the method to be used to list down
        * all the records from the Student table.
       public List<Student> listStudents();
    • Student.java 文件的内容:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    public class Student {
       private Integer age;
       private String name;
       private Integer id;
       public void setAge(Integer age) {
          this.age = age;
       public Integer getAge() {
          return age;
       public void setName(String name) {
          this.name = name;
       public String getName() {
          return name;
       public void setId(Integer id) {
          this.id = id;
       public Integer getId() {
          return id;
    • StudentMapper.java 文件的内容:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
    public class StudentMapper implements RowMapper<Student> {
       public Student mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
          Student student = new Student();
          return student;
    • 实现类文件 StudentJDBCTemplate.java,定义了 DAO 接口 StudentDAO:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.SqlParameterSource;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcCall;
    public class StudentJDBCTemplate implements StudentDAO {
       private DataSource dataSource;
       private SimpleJdbcCall jdbcCall;
       public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
          this.dataSource = dataSource;
          this.jdbcCall =  new SimpleJdbcCall(dataSource).
       public void create(String name, Integer age) {
          JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplateObject = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
          String SQL = "insert into Student (name, age) values (?, ?)";
          jdbcTemplateObject.update( SQL, name, age);
          System.out.println("Created Record Name = " + name + " Age = " + age);
       public Student getStudent(Integer id) {
          SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource().
                                  addValue("in_id", id);
          Map<String, Object> out = jdbcCall.execute(in);
          Student student = new Student();
          student.setName((String) out.get("out_name"));
          student.setAge((Integer) out.get("out_age"));
          return student;
       public List<Student> listStudents() {
          String SQL = "select * from Student";    
          List <Student> students = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL,new StudentMapper());
          return students;
    • 配置文件 Beans.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
        http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd ">
       <!-- Initialization for data source -->
       <bean id="dataSource" 
          <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
          <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/TEST"/>
          <property name="username" value="root"/>
          <property name="password" value="password"/>
       <!-- Definition for studentJDBCTemplate bean -->
       <bean id="studentJDBCTemplate" 
          <property name="dataSource"  ref="dataSource" />    
    • MainApp.java:
    package com.tutorialspoint;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
    import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
    import com.tutorialspoint.StudentJDBCTemplate;
    public class MainApp {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          ApplicationContext context = 
                 new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml");
          StudentJDBCTemplate studentJDBCTemplate = 
          System.out.println("------Records Creation--------" );
          studentJDBCTemplate.create("Zara", 11);
          studentJDBCTemplate.create("Nuha", 2);
          studentJDBCTemplate.create("Ayan", 15);
          System.out.println("------Listing Multiple Records--------" );
          List<Student> students = studentJDBCTemplate.listStudents();
          for (Student record : students) {
             System.out.print("ID : " + record.getId() );
             System.out.print(", Name : " + record.getName() );
             System.out.println(", Age : " + record.getAge());
          System.out.println("----Listing Record with ID = 2 -----" );
          Student student = studentJDBCTemplate.getStudent(2);
          System.out.print("ID : " + student.getId() );
          System.out.print(", Name : " + student.getName() );
          System.out.println(", Age : " + student.getAge());      
    • 输出消息:
    ------Records Creation--------
    Created Record Name = Zara Age = 11
    Created Record Name = Nuha Age = 2
    Created Record Name = Ayan Age = 15
    ------Listing Multiple Records--------
    ID : 1, Name : Zara, Age : 11
    ID : 2, Name : Nuha, Age : 2
    ID : 3, Name : Ayan, Age : 15
    ----Listing Record with ID = 2 -----
    ID : 2, Name : Nuha, Age : 2


    Spring JDBC 框架



          本文标题:Java后台-Spring JDBC 框架-2020-12-17
