spark sql 综合实例

spark sql 综合实例

作者: weare_b646 | 来源:发表于2019-04-20 08:20 被阅读0次

    该文主要展示的是spark sql 例子

    (内容是找了份oracle的例子,翻译成spark sql的)





    image image image image



    884,zhagnxueyou,female,1980/2/10,Assistant professor,department of computer
    856,liudehua,female,1980/12/10,professor,department of electronic engineering
    825,liming,female,1980/1/10,advandced professor,department of computer
    831,zhourunfa,female,1981/12/10,jonior professor,department of electronic engineering


    108,ceng hua,male,1977/9/1,95033




    3-105,introduction to computer,825
    3-245,the operating system,804
    6-166,the digital circuit,856
    9-888,higher math,831


           <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.spark/spark-sql -->


    import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
    import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
    import scala.collection.mutable
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
      * 2017/05/26
      * CDP
    object SparkSqlExample1 {
       def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        /** ***************************************************************************************************************
          * sparksession
        val spark = SparkSession
          .config("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "5")
        /** ***************************************************************************************************************
          * 表结构
        val StudentSchema: StructType = StructType(mutable.ArraySeq(  //学生表
          StructField("Sno", StringType, nullable = false),           //学号
          StructField("Sname", StringType, nullable = false),         //学生姓名
          StructField("Ssex", StringType, nullable = false),          //学生性别
          StructField("Sbirthday", StringType, nullable = true),      //学生出生年月
          StructField("SClass", StringType, nullable = true)          //学生所在班级
        val CourseSchema: StructType = StructType(mutable.ArraySeq(   //课程表
          StructField("Cno", StringType, nullable = false),           //课程号
          StructField("Cname", StringType, nullable = false),         //课程名称
          StructField("Tno", StringType, nullable = false)            //教工编号
        val ScoreSchema: StructType = StructType(mutable.ArraySeq(    //成绩表
          StructField("Sno", StringType, nullable = false),           //学号(外键)
          StructField("Cno", StringType, nullable = false),           //课程号(外键)
          StructField("Degree", IntegerType, nullable = true)         //成绩
        val TeacherSchema: StructType = StructType(mutable.ArraySeq(  //教师表
          StructField("Tno", StringType, nullable = false),           //教工编号(主键)
          StructField("Tname", StringType, nullable = false),         //教工姓名
          StructField("Tsex", StringType, nullable = false),          //教工性别
          StructField("Tbirthday", StringType, nullable = true),      //教工出生年月
          StructField("Prof", StringType, nullable = true),           //职称
          StructField("Depart", StringType, nullable = false)         //教工所在部门
        /** ***************************************************************************************************************
          * 获取当前时间函数
        def getDate(time: String) = {
          val now: Long=System.currentTimeMillis()
          var df: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(time)
        /** ***************************************************************************************************************
          * 读取数据
        val StudentData = spark.sparkContext.textFile("input/sqltable/Student").map{
          lines =>
            val line = lines.split(",")
        val CourseData = spark.sparkContext.textFile("input/sqltable/Course").map{
          lines =>
            val line = lines.split(",")
        val ScoreData = spark.sparkContext.textFile("input/sqltable/Score").map{
          lines =>
            val line = lines.split(",")
        val TeacherData = spark.sparkContext.textFile("input/sqltable/Teacher").map{
          lines =>
            val line = lines.split(",")
        /** ***************************************************************************************************************
          * 转换成表
        val StudentTable = spark.createDataFrame(StudentData, StudentSchema)
        val CourseTable = spark.createDataFrame(CourseData, CourseSchema)
        val ScoreTable = spark.createDataFrame(ScoreData, ScoreSchema)
        val TeacherTable = spark.createDataFrame(TeacherData, TeacherSchema)
        /** ***************************************************************************************************************
          * 走sql节奏
          * 表名,字段名,区分大小写
        ////1、 查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname、Ssex和Class列。
        spark.sql("SELECT sname, ssex, sclass FROM Student").show()
        ////2、 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列。
        spark.sql("SELECT DISTINCT depart FROM Teacher").show()
        ////3、 查询Student表的所有记录
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Student").show()
        ////4、 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录。
        //spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score WHERE degree BETWEEN 60 and 80").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score WHERE degree >= 60 and degree <= 80").show()
        ////5、 查询Score表中成绩为85,86或88的记录。
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score WHERE degree = '85' OR degree = '86' OR degree = '88'").show()
        ////6、 查询Student表中“95031”班或性别为“女”的同学记录。
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE sclass = '95031' OR ssex = 'female'").show()
        ////7、 以Class降序,升序查询Student表的所有记录。
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Student ORDER BY sclass DESC").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Student ORDER BY sclass").show()
        ////8、 以Cno升序、Degree降序查询Score表的所有记录。
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score t ORDER BY t.sno ASC, t.degree DESC").show()
        ////9、 查询“95031”班的学生人数。
        spark.sql("SELECT t.sclass totalnum FROM Student t WHERE sclass = '95031'").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT t.sclass AS totalnum FROM Student t WHERE sclass = '95031'").show()
        ////10、 查询Score表中的最高分的学生学号和课程号。(子查询或者排序)
        //// oracle    =>  WHERE rownum = 1
        //// spark sql =>  LIMIT 1
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM Score ORDER BY degree DESC LIMIT 1)").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT t.sno, t.cno FROM Score t ORDER BY degree DESC").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score WHERE degree IN(SELECT MAX(degree) FROM Score t)").show()
        ////11、 查询每门课的平均成绩。
        spark.sql("SELECT AVG(degree) average FROM Score t WHERE cno = '3-245'").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT AVG(degree) average FROM Score WHERE cno = '3-105'").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT AVG(degree) average FROM Score WHERE cno = '6-166'").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT cno, AVG(degree) FROM Score t GROUP BY cno").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT cno, AVG(degree) FROM Score WHERE cno LIKE '3%' GROUP BY cno HAVING COUNT(1) >= 5").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT sno FROM Score WHERE degree BETWEEN 70 AND 90").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT s.sname, t.cno, t.degree FROM Score t, Student s WHERE t.sno = s.sno").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT s.sname, t.cno, t.degree FROM Score t JOIN Student s ON t.sno = s.sno").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT s.sname, t.cno, t.degree FROM Score t JOIN Student s ON t.sno = s.sno").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT s.sname, t.degree, c.cname FROM Score t, Student s, Course c WHERE t.sno = s.sno AND t.cno = c.cno").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT s.sname, t.degree, c.cname FROM Score t " +
          "JOIN Student s on t.sno = s.sno " +
          "JOIN Course c on c.cno = t.cno").show()
        ////17、 查询“95033”班学生的平均分。
        spark.sql("SELECT AVG(degree) average FROM Score WHERE sno IN (SELECT sno FROM Student WHERE sclass = '95033')").show()
        ////19、  查询选修“3-105”课程的成绩高于“109”号同学成绩的所有同学的记录。
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score WHERE cno = '3-105' AND degree > (SELECT degree FROM score WHERE sno = '109' AND cno = '3-105')").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score WHERE sno IN " +
          "(SELECT sno FROM Score t GROUP BY t.sno HAVING COUNT(1) > 1) AND degree != (SELECT MAX(degree) FROM Score)").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score WHERE degree != (SELECT MAX(degree) FROM Score)").show()
        ////21、 查询成绩高于学号为“109”、课程号为“3-105”的成绩的所有记录。
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Score t WHERE t.degree > (SELECT degree FROM Score WHERE sno = '109' AND cno = '3-105')").show()
        //// oracle    =>  to_char(t.sbirthday,'yyyy')
        //// spark sql =>  substring(t.sbirthday, 0, 4)
        spark.sql("SELECT sno, sname , sbirthday " +
                  "FROM Student " +
                  "WHERE substring(sbirthday, 0, 4) = ( " +
                    "SELECT substring(t.sbirthday, 0, 4) " +
                    "FROM Student t " +
                    "WHERE sno = '108')").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT t.tno, c.cno, c.cname, s.degree FROM Teacher t " +
          "JOIN Course c ON t.tno = c.tno " +
          "JOIN Score s ON c.cno = s.cno WHERE t.tname = 'Zhang xu'").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT tname FROM Teacher e " +
          "JOIN Course c ON e.tno = c.tno " +
          "JOIN(SELECT cno FROM Score GROUP BY cno HAVING COUNT(cno) > 5) t ON c.cno = t.cno").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE sclass IN('95031', '95033')").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE sclass LIKE '9503%'").show()
        ////26、  查询存在有85分以上成绩的课程Cno.
        spark.sql("SELECT cno FROM Score WHERE degree > 85 GROUP BY cno").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT t.sno, t.cno, t.degree FROM Score t " +
          "JOIN Course c ON t.cno = c.cno " +
          "JOIN Teacher e ON c.tno = e.tno WHERE e.depart = 'department of computer'").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT t.sno, t.cno, degree " +
                  "FROM SCORE t " +
                  "WHERE degree > ( " +
                    "SELECT MIN(degree) " +
                    "FROM score " +
                    "WHERE cno = '3-245' " +
                    ") " +
                  "AND t.cno = '3-105' " +
                  "ORDER BY degree DESC").show()
        // oracle方式 spark.sql("select t.sno, t.cno, t.degree from SCORE t where t.degree > select degree from score where cno='3-245' or cno='3-105'").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT t.sno, t.cno, t.degree FROM Score t WHERE t.degree > (SELECT MAX(degree) FROM Score WHERE cno = '3-245' ) AND t.cno = '3-105'").show()
        ////31、 查询所有教师和同学的name、sex和birthday.
        spark.sql("SELECT sname, ssex, sbirthday FROM Student " +
                  "UNION SELECT tname, tsex, tbirthday FROM Teacher").show()
        //// 32、查询所有“女”教师和“女”同学的name、sex和birthday. union
        spark.sql("SELECT sname, ssex, sbirthday " +
                  "FROM Student " +
                  "WHERE ssex = 'female' " +
                  "UNION " +
                  "SELECT tname, tsex, tbirthday " +
                  "FROM Teacher " +
                  "WHERE tsex = 'female'").show()
        ////33、 查询成绩比该课程平均成绩低的同学的成绩表。
        spark.sql("SELECT s.* " +
                  "FROM score s " +
                  "WHERE s.degree < ( " +
                    "SELECT AVG(degree) " +
                    "FROM score c " +
                    "WHERE s.cno = c.cno)").show()
        ////34、 查询所有任课教师的Tname和Depart. in
        spark.sql("SELECT tname, depart " +
                  "FROM teacher t " +
                  "WHERE t.tno IN ( " +
                    "SELECT tno " +
                    "FROM course c " +
                    "WHERE c.cno IN (" +
                      "SELECT cno " +
                      "FROM score))").show()
        ////35 、 查询所有未讲课的教师的Tname和Depart. not in
        spark.sql("SELECT tname, depart " +
                  "FROM teacher t " +
                  "WHERE t.tno NOT IN ( " +
                    "SELECT tno " +
                    "FROM course c " +
                    "WHERE c.cno IN ( " +
                      "SELECT cno " +
                      "FROM score))").show()
        ////36、查询至少有2名男生的班号。  group by, having count
        spark.sql("SELECT SClass " +
                  "FROM Student t " +
                  "WHERE Ssex = 'male' " +
                  "GROUP BY SClass " +
                  "HAVING COUNT(Ssex) >= 2").show()
        ////37、查询Student表中不姓“王”的同学记录。 not like
        spark.sql("SELECT * FROM Student t WHERE Sname NOT LIKE('Wang%')").show()
        ////将函数运用到spark sql中去计算,可以直接拿String的类型计算不需要再转换成数值型 默认是会转换成Double类型计算
        spark.sql("SELECT Sname, ("+ getDate("yyyy") +" - substring(sbirthday, 0, 4)) AS age FROM STUDENT t").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT Sname, (CAST("+ getDate("yyyy") +" AS INT) - CAST(substring(sbirthday, 0, 4) AS INT)) AS age " +
                  "FROM Student t").show()
        ////39、查询Student表中最大和最小的Sbirthday日期值。 时间格式最大值,最小值
        spark.sql("SELECT MAX(t.sbirthday) AS maximum FROM Student t").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT MIN(t.sbirthday) AS minimum FROM Student t").show()
        ////40、以班号和年龄从大到小的顺序查询Student表中的全部记录。 查询结果排序
        spark.sql("SELECT * " +
                  "FROM Student " +
                  "ORDER BY SClass DESC, CAST("+ getDate("yyyy") +" AS INT) - CAST(substring(Sbirthday, 0, 4) AS INT) DESC").show()
        ////41、查询“男”教师及其所上的课程。 select join
        spark.sql("SELECT TSex, CName " +
                  "FROM Teacher t " +
                    "JOIN course c ON t.tno = c.tno " +
                  "WHERE TSex = 'male'").show()
        ////42、查询最高分同学的Sno、Cno和Degree列。 子查询
        spark.sql("SELECT * " +
                  "FROM Score " +
                  "WHERE degree = ( " +
                    "SELECT MAX(degree) " +
                    "FROM SCORE t)").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT sname " +
                  "FROM STUDENT t " +
                  "WHERE ssex IN ( " +
                    "SELECT ssex " +
                    "FROM student " +
                    "WHERE sname = 'Liu Jun')").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT sname " +
                  "FROM Student t " +
                  "WHERE ssex IN (  " +
                    "SELECT ssex " +
                      "FROM student " +
                      "WHERE sname = 'Liu Jun') " +
                    "AND sclass IN (SELECT sclass " +
                      "FROM student " +
                      "WHERE sname = 'Liu Jun')").show()
        spark.sql("SELECT t.sno, t.cno, t.degree " +
                  "FROM Score t " +
                    "JOIN Course c ON t.cno = c.cno " +
                    "JOIN Student s ON s.sno = t.sno " +
                  "WHERE s.SSex = 'male' " +
                    "AND c.CName = 'Introduction to computer'").show()



          本文标题:spark sql 综合实例
