

作者: 是心非心若流水 | 来源:发表于2019-07-13 14:12 被阅读0次

重新发现你的目标Rediscover Your Goals

This section is about connecting with your deepest, most important goals. Your goals don't need to be of the “become so rich I get to hang out with celebrities” variety. Nor do they need an approval stamp from anyone who's not directly involved. What they do need to be is personally meaningful for you.


找到那些如果实现就可使你容忍焦虑的目标Find the Goals Where Pursuing Them Is Worth Tolerating Anxiety

If you've got severe anxiety, it may have created a goals vacuum in your life. It may seem like your anxiety problems have been so all-consuming that you haven't focused much on anything else. This is understandable. Since overcoming anxiety involves moving toward something, not just moving away from anxiety, it'll involve rediscovering what your goals are. You need to uncover the goals that genuinely light your fire, where pursuing them is worth tolerating the anxiety that they create. Finding those goals is a very personal process.


Experiment: Can you think of anything that you want more than you fear? Your example could be anything from buying an investment property to taking up jogging (people who are anxious sometimes avoid vigorous exercise because the sensations mimic their physical anxiety symptoms). If you can't think of anything right now, the rest of the chapter might spark your thinking, or you might need to let the question marinate for a few days.


Goals Don't Need to Be Giant to Be Important to You(Omit 略)

当你出于焦虑的原因限制你的目标的时候,意识到这一点Acknowledge When You're Restricting Your Goals Due to Anxiety

As I've said, small goals are just as valid as big goals. However, there are some instances when anxiety causes people to restrict their goals. It's important to acknowledge when this is happening. People with shaky self-worth may hold back from setting ambitious goals because they worry that others will see them as too confident or full of themselves. However, setting less ambitious goals sometimes backfires. For example, people who hold back from thinking big may end up working in ineffective or inefficient ways because they're not as focused on developing scalable systems as they would be if they were thinking bigger.


Sometimes we set lower goals because we “fear success.” When people talk about fear of success, they're talking about anticipatory anxiety related to what they predict success would bring. You can confront and problem-solve this fear, but first you need to identify what you're actually anxious about.


Experiment: Are there goals that interest you, but anxiety is causing you to choose smaller targets than you might otherwise? Can you identify specifically what it is you're worried about? For example, you might fear that success will mean drowning in your inbox and other increased social demands. Your worry might be that you won't get the alone time you need to feel balanced. How could you problem-solve this fear? For example, what might you do to cope if greater success meant receiving a lot more email?


What larger targets would you set if you didn't fear success?


曝光于机会之下Expose Yourself to Opportunity

Achieving personal dreams doesn't always arise out of relentless pursuit of goals. Sometimes you achieve dreams simply by exposing yourself to life. If you're restricting how much you're living your life due to feelings of anxiety, you'll miss out on unexpected opportunities to achieve your goals. Here's an example: A friend of mine had the goal of meeting author Malcolm Gladwell. He was near the top of the list of people she most wanted to meet in her lifetime. She was visiting New York City from New Zealand and found herself sitting across from him in a coffee shop. This was an incredibly lucky coincidence, but it wouldn't have occurred if she'd been sitting at home in New Zealand, rather than sitting in the West Village.

实现个人的梦想并不总是带来无止境地追求目标。有时候你仅仅需要将你曝光于生命之下就可以实现你的梦想。如果你由于恐惧感而限制你如何生活的话,你会错过很多实现你的目标的机会。下面是一个例子:我的一个朋友有一个梦想是与作家Malcolm Gladwell见面。这个作家是她想见的人清单中排名靠前的。她有次从新西兰去纽约,发现作家就坐在她所在的咖啡店里的对面。这是相当巧合了,但是如果她只是坐在家里而不是坐在West Village的话,一切都不会发生。

Experiment: Have you ever had the experience of achieving a goal or dream by putting yourself in the right place at the right time? Have you noticed that you expose yourself to less of these opportunities when you're focused on your anxiety?

实验: 你是否有这样的经历,你仅仅是在正确的时间把自己放在了正确的地点就实现了一个梦想或目标呢?你是否注意到你由于聚焦在你的焦虑上导致你曝光于这样的机会的次数就变少了呢?

Boyes Ph.D, Alice. The Anxiety Toolkit (p. 42). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle 版本.



