

作者: 书中的电脑 | 来源:发表于2021-05-29 22:35 被阅读0次

6. 代表关系

6.1 规则九——代词在人称,性,和数方面与其先行词或所代表的词呈一致性:


To him who in the love of nature holds

Communication with her visible forms,she speaks

A various language.

I. 关系词与先行词一致;人称与其代词所表示的名词或与名词相当的词一致。

II. 代词在人称,性,和数方面与其先行词或所代表的词保持一致;但是,代词的格由其在句子中的结构决定。因此,解析一个代词采用两个规则——一方面是人称,性,和数的一致性,另一方面是其格对应的恰当的句法规则。




1. Fools who came to scoff remained to pray. —Goldsmilh.

2. This petulance ruined Essex, who had to deal with a spirit naturally as proud as his own.—Macaulay.

3. Shall he alone whom rational. we call,

Be pleased with nothing, if not blessed with all? —Pope.

4. A land of slaves shall ne'er be mine.—Byron

5. Some natural tears they dropped, but wiped them soon.—Milton.

6. They [the Indians] are shrinking before the mighty tide which ls pressing them away; they must soon hear the roar of the last wave, which will settle over them forever. —Sprague.

7. Cold Is thy brow, my son l and I am chill,

As to my bosom I have tried to press thee.—Willis

6.2 应用句法规则九。

6.2.1 在句法规则九下的特别规则。

I. 特别规则一:以单数格式呈现的代词,可以用于表示——

(1) 通过ornor连接的两个或以上的单数格式的词汇。

(2) 表示统一概念的集合名词。

(3) 词汇each,every,either,neither,one,不管是否与名词或代词一起使用,不管连接方式如何。

a. 正确的结构。——下面的例子是特别规则一下的正确结构:

(1) But love or friendship, with its pleasures and embarrassments,was insufficient to occupy Swift's active mind.

(2) The army dragged itself along through the mud.

(3) Each in his narrow cell forever laid.

Every season has its peculiar power of striking the mind.

Has either girl finished her lesson?

Neither of these classifications is in itself erroneous.

One is seldom at a loss what to do with his money.

b. 不正确的结构。——下面的例子违背了特别规则一:

(1) When he shoots a partridge, a woodcock, or a plesant, he gives them away.

(2) Society is not always answerable for the conduct of their members.

(3) Each was the centre of their own fair world.

Every plant and every flower proclaims their Maker's praise.

Never,was either to see their native land again.

Neither boy bas learned their lesson.

He cannot see one in prosperity without envying them.

II. 特别规则二:以复数格式呈现的代词,可以用于表示——

(1) 通过and连接的两个及以上的单数格式的词汇,或者表示复数概念的词汇。

(2) 表示复数概念的集合名词。

a. 正确的结构。——下面的例子是特别规则二下的正确结构:

(1) Both Cato and Cicero loved their country.

(2) The clergy began to withdraw themselves.

b. 不正确的结构。——下面的例子违背了特别规则二:

(1) Every man is entitled to liberty of conscience and freedom of opinion, if he does not pervert it to the injury of others.

(2) The people were astonished at its[the people's] success.

III. 特别规则三:关系词who和which通常用于引入解释性从句;that仅用于引入限定性从句——

(1) 当一个关系词延续了先行词的内容,加入了额外的一些想法,或者是从为插入句的时候,这个关系词就是解释性的(explanatory)关系词:例如——

(i) He gave me a letter, which he requested me to read.

(ii) Words, which are signs of ideas, may be divided into eight parts of speech.

在解释性用法中,who和which引入了另一个主题,他们相当于and he, and she, and it, and this,和they (或 these),等等。例如,上面句子(i)相当于“He gave me a letter, and he requested me to read it.” 句子(ii)相当于“Words, and these are the signs of ideas,may,”等等。

(2) 当关系代词像一个形容词一样,限制了先行词所表示的概念,则这个关系代词就是限定性的关系代词:例如——

(i) The army which conquered at Waterloo was comm血ded by Wellington (=“The conquering army at Waterloo,” 等等.)

(ii) The evil that men do lives after them (=“The evil done by men,” 等等.)

(3) 特别规则三指出,关系代词that仅作用限定性关系代词使用,而 whowhich通常用于解释性从句:有时候,制定了严格的规则来界定关系词whowhich的解释性用法;但是,看起来,似乎不能精确地画一条使用的边界线,经常有这种情况,正确地使用whowhich来引入限定性从句(也就是说,并非只能用于解释性从句用法)。尽管如此,whowhich引入解释性从句可以作为一个通用的直接的规则且从句未标为限定性从句但是that用于引入强调限定性从句特别地,在下列句子中,that用于指whowhich:

a. 在形容词最高级之后:例如,“this is the best that I have seen.”

b在疑问代词指示或非确定性形容词或代词之后:例如,“Who that has common-sense can say so?”“All that he knows.”“ Some people that were there”“Any man that says so.” “The same that I bought.”

c.在“to be”动词之后用于表示与个人无关(与说话人无关):例如,“It was my father that said so.”

d用在人和事物的结合之后:例如,“The lady and the lapdog that we saw.”

e用在表示无限意义的名词组成的先行词之后:例如,“Thoughts that breathe,and words that burn.”

IV. 特别规则四。——不同人称代词的单数的位置,第二人称位于其它人称之前,第三人称位于第一人称之前。而不同人称代词的复数的位置,“We”位于第一位置,“You”位于第二位置,“They”位于第三位置:例如——

a. You and he will go.

b. He and I will go.

c. We and they start tomorrow.

单数和复数代词的位置的不同的理由是:用于单数时,说话者(“我”)将他自己置于说话对象和谈及对象之后,是一种礼貌行为。但是,用于复数时,同样是基于礼貌的理由,将那些与 自己关系最为亲密的人放在第一位(不可避免地包括自己而使用“we”),然后是说话的对象,最后才是谈话提及对象。

V. 特别规则五。——表示不同人称的词汇的代词,相对于第二人称时应当于第一人称一致;相对于第三人称时,应当与第二人称一致:例如——

(1) John and you and I will do our duty.

(2) You and Mary may do the work between you.

6.2.2 违背句法规则九的情况。

(1) 违背情况一。——当使用代词时是作为名词的先行词还是作为某个名词的代词变得歧义时,容易出现违背规则九的错误:例如,

He[Philip] wrote to that distinguished pl1ilosopber [Aristotle] in terms the most polite and flattering, begging of him [Aristotle] to undertake him[Alexander's] education, and to bestow upon him [Alexander] those useful lessons which his[Philip's] numerous avocations would not allow him [Philip] to bestow. —Goldsmith.


注意事项一。——使用代词代替先行词或者代有名词,不应该有歧义,应当明确清晰。(通常有这种情况,为了消除可疑的代词用法,唯一正确可行的办法就是重复使用名词,或者使用与同样的名词相当的词完成表达。你例如,上面的句子可以写成这样:“Philip wrote to Aristotle in terms the most polite and flattering, begging of that distinguished philopher to undertake the education of Alexander, and to bestow upon him those useful lessons that his own numerous avocations would not allow him to bestow.”)

(2) 违背情况二。——使用了关系代词,却没有合适的先行词:例如,

Be diligent; without which you can never succeed.

在这个句子,关系词“which”唯一可以指向的作为先行词的词是形容词“diligent”;但是,很自然的是,关系代词能代表的只能是名词,或者与名词相当的词或短语。处理这种类型的句子的方法,就是不要使用关系代词,使用隐含在形容词中的表示量的抽象名词。例如,“Be diligent; for without diligence you cannot succeed.” 因此,我们有:


(3) 违背情况三。——关系代词的不恰当省略:例如,

He is still in the situation you saw him.

在这儿,与“in”联系的关系代词“which”,为了将从句“you saw him”与第一个句子连接起来,是有必要出现在这儿的。例如,“He is still in the situation in which you saw him.”没有关系词“which”,句子的这部分就缺乏恰当的衔接。因此,我们有:


6.3 关于规则九的特性和习惯用法的注意事项。

6.3.1 性别的问题。——当代词所指是一个不确定的性别的词汇的时候,第三人称的单数习惯于使用阳性:例如,“Let every one attend to his own business.”“A parent should love his child.” 当我们想分别表示两个不同性别的单数名词时,困难就出现了:例如——

If an ox gore a man or a woman so that ... die.

使用复数代词“they die,” 违背了特别规则一;在英语中,没有通用性的第三人称代词单数,对于这种情况,使用“笨拙”的对应性的代词的重复法就变得很必要。例如,“If an ox gore a man or a woman so that he or she die.” 大部分作家偏好于使用复数代词,而没有考虑特别规则一的准则,而是采用这种正式的重复法。(Cobbett<<英语语法)>>强烈坚持使用不同性别的代词的重复,同时认为,就算重复可能有不一致,也比有歧义或不准确要好。这一点,在模仿Cobbett风格的Smith兄弟的<< Rejected Addresses >>中有所触及:“I take it for granted that every Intelligent man, woman, and child to whom I address myself has stood severally and respedively In Little Russell Street, and cast their,his,her, and its eyes on the outside of this building before they paid their money to view the Inside.”)

6.3.2 “which”的用法。——关系代词which可以有一个它的先行词的主题:例如,“Cæsar crossed the Rubicon , which was in effect a declaration of war.” 这儿,which有先行词,不是名词“Rubicon”,而是整个主题“Cæsar crossed the Rubicon”。也应当指出,当先行词是一个表示统一概念的集合名词时,尽管它表示人称,通常也使用关系代词which,而不是关系代词who:例如,“The family which they considered as usurpers”仅用于作为一个名称的专用名词,或者一个并不是严格意义上的人称的称谓,用which表示,而不是使用who表示:例如,“Herod—which is but another name for cruelty.”

6.3.3 “whose”的用法。——按照有些规则,whose应该仅用于表示阳性或阴性的名词;但这是没有理由的,不管是基于词源的,还是最为现代的用法。在Anglo-Saxon中,属格的hwæs用于中性,也用于阳性和中性。在诗歌中,我们也常常发现whose用于引用中性名词:例如——

(1) That undiscovered country

From whose bourn no traveller returns.—Shakespeare.

(2) The poor banished insects whose intent,

Though they did ill, was innocent. —Shelly.

6.3.4 带有前置词的关系词用法。——关系代词that不能位于其支配前置词前面;前置词必须置于从句末尾:例如,“The steamboat that I went up the river in was sunk.”支配whom和which的前置词可以位于从句的末尾,但是,现代用法偏好于将它们置于关系代词的正前面。因此,句子“The steamer in which I went up the river”比起句子“The steamer which I went up the river in”,被视为是更为优雅的表述。因此,很多情况下,比起使用which或whom来引导从句,一种更加有力和有效的表述方法是通过that引导从句,其支配前置词紧随在that之后。例如,句子“The musquito is good for nothing that I know of”比句子“The musquito is good for nothing of which I know”显得更为实在朴素。


And do you now strew flowers in his way,

That comes in triumph over Pompey's blood? —Shakespeare.

这儿,“that”的先行词是所有格代词“his”;但是其缺陷是,“his”在这里仅仅是一个附加语,可以通过与“his”相当的“of him”来满足,而那个“him”,隐含指的是“his”,是关系代词that逻辑上的先行词。

6.3.6 as和but的用法。——as通常用于替换关系代词,特别是在some和such之后:例如——

(1) Art thou afeard

To bet the same in thine own act and valor

As thou art in desire?

(2) Tears such as angels weep burst forth.


There is no fireside, howsoe'er defended,

But has [ =which has not] one vacant chair.



1. A civilized people has no right to violate their solemn obligations.

2. Let each esteem others better than themselves.

3. We see the beantiful variety of colors in the rainbow, and are led to consider the cause of it.

4. At home I studied geometry,that I found useful afterwards.

5. A man may see a metaphor or an allegory iu a picture, as well as read them In a book.

6. This is the friend which I love.

7. Man is not such a machine as a watch or a clock, which move merely as they are moved.

8. Had the doctor been contented to take my dining-tables, as anybody in their senses would have done.

9. Not on outward charms should man or woman build their pretensions to please.

10. Each contributed what they could.

11. Those that have the Fourth Reader will bring them with them.

12. An invitation was sent to me and George.

来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。



