

作者: 书中的电脑 | 来源:发表于2021-05-16 23:06 被阅读0次

4. 补语关系



I. 一个及物动词的宾语,或称(谓语)补语(通常称为直接宾语),可以是以下形式:

(1) 名词:例如,“Love your enemies.”

(2) 代词:例如,“Follow me.”

(3) 不限定式动词或者短语:例如——

a. Learn to labor and to wait.(学会劳动和等待。)(简单不限定式动词充当宾语。)

b. Now leave complaining,and begin your tea。(现在别报怨了,开始喝茶吧。)(动名词充当宾语。)

c. Ladies,you deserve to have a temp built you.(女士们,你们应该找个临时工) (不限定式短词充当宾语。)

(4) 主题充当宾语(proposition):例如,“I perceived that we brought good-humor with us。”(我感觉我们带来了幽默。)


II.非谓语性。—— 宾语不仅可以作为限定动词的宾语,也可以是限定动词的非谓语形式的宾语(非谓语形式包括:带to不定式动词,动名词,分词):例如——

a. To PUT [带to不定式] on your harness is different from PUTTING [动名词] it off.

b. The thief, SEEING [分词] the offier, ran away. HAVING EXPLORED [过去分词] the island,Columbus returned to Spain.


And each separate dying ember

Wrought its ghost upon the floor.—Poe.

但是,为了达到修辞学的效果,宾语可以置于动词之前(特别是在诗歌中,通过词序调换,常给人带来模棱两可的感觉,例如,Gray <<挽歌>>(Elegy)中的著名台词,

“And all the air a solemn stillness holds”——

想仅仅从结构形式去判断,是“air” holds “stillness”,还是“stillness”holdsair”,是不可能的,然而,我们可以推断出“stillness”是宾语;事实上,在这种倒装语词汇中,宾语通常紧挨着动词。) 例如——

Honey from out the gnarlèd hive I'll bring,

And apples wan with sweetness gather thee. —Keats.




按照规则六,名词spring, grove, hill, 是及物动词hanut的宾语,以宾格呈现。

1. The Muses haunt clear spring, or shady grove, or sunny hil.

2. Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot.—Wolf

3. When the enamoured sunny light.

Brightens her that was so bright.—Wordsworth.

4. Their furrow oft. the stubborn glebe has broke.-Gray.

5. Beaux banish beaux, and coaches coaches drive. —Pope.

6. The gushing flood the tartans dyed.—Scott.

7. Me he restored, and him he hanged.—Bible.

8. Knowledge in general expands the mind, exalts the faculties, refines the taste of pleasure, and opens innumerable sources of intellectual enjoyment.—Robert Hall.

9. For my own part I have ever believed, and do now know, that there are witches. —Sir T. Browne.

10. They lost no more time in asking questions.—Dichens.

11. They follow an adventurer whom they fear, and obey a power which they hate; we serve a monarch whom we love—a God whom we adore.—Sheridan.

12. Let me live a life of faith,Let me die thy people's death(同源宾语).—Newton.

13. He gathered new and greater armies from his own land—from subjugated lands. He called forth the young and brave-one from every household—from the Pyrenees to the Zuyder Zee—from Jura to the ocean. He marshalled them into long and majestic colnmns, and went forth to seize that universal dominion which seemed almost within his grasp. ——Channing.

4.1.2 应用规则六。 违背规则六的情况。



a. They that honor me I will honor.

纠正:“they”是动词“will honor”的宾语,因此,应该以宾格呈现,应改为“Them that honor”,等。

b. Let the able-bodied fight, and they that are feeble do guard duty at home.


注意事项。——当代词宾语与其受控动词较远时,必须注意,要使用代词的宾格形式(由于距离较远而常常错误地用成主格)。 在规则六下的特别规则。

(1) 特别规则一:一些及物动词,如allowbring,buy,等,可以有两个宾语——直接宾语和间接宾语:例如——

a. Send us [间接宾语] a message [直接宾语].

b. Tell him [间接宾语]to write [直接宾语].

I. 采用这种结构的主要动词有:

allow, do, make, pour, send,bring, draw, offer, present, show,buy, get, order, promise, ling,carry, give, pass, provide, tell,coat, leave, pay, refuse, throw,deny, lend, play, se11, write。

II. 在这种结构中,间接宾语(或者人称代词宾语),总是位于直接宾语前面。可以解析成动词的“以宾格形式呈现的间接宾语”。

(2) 特别规则二:动词allowbring,buy,等的被动语态格式,有时候,准许使用一个间接宾语:例如——

a. We were promised an office.

b. He was refused support.


(3) 特别规则三:表示MAKE,CREATE,ELECT,APPOINT,NAME,CALL含义的词(又称为使役动词,factitive verb),或者其它类似含义的词,采用双宾语——直接宾语和一个宾格形式的属性补语(指谓语的补语,间接宾语):例如——

a. The people elected Washington president.

b. His parents named him John.

c. They made Rollo captain.

I. 在这种结构中,made,named,elected等的宾语是直接宾语,宾语表示人被做了什么,人被命名成什么,人被选为什么,等等的宾语,有时候,又称为使役宾语(factitive object)(factitive这个词,来自拉丁语facere,factum,“to make”的意思,因为“to make”表示这种动词的类型,即使役动词。);但是,使用术语“属性宾语”或者“补语宾语(指将谓语补充完整)”更为可取在这种结构中,直接宾语总是位于属性宾语前面。(注意,与前面特别规则一普通双宾语的位置有点不同)

注意事项。——这种结构通常视为同位语用法的一种情况——属性宾语解析为同位语。但是,这是不正确的。属性宾语有一个非常明显的连接词与动词相连;就其含义而言,它是被属性补语修饰的动作传递到直接宾语上。因此,是“making captain”这个动作传递到“Rollo”,是“naming john”这个动作传递到“him”,是“electing president”这个动作传递到“Washington。”

II. 属性补语可以是不定式动词:例如,“Then made him (tolabor.”

III. 在被动结构中,直接宾语成了主语,宾语补语(或间接宾语,或称属性补语)转换成了谓语主格(见规则七)。

(4) 特别规则四:一些及物动词采用形容词补语修饰宾语:例如——

a. Virtue renders life happy.

b. This struck me dumb.

注意。——可惯于将上面a句子中的形如“happy”的形容词仅当成“life”的一个修饰词,而忽略其整个补语的用法。以这种观点,在分析“We call the man rich”和“We call the rich man”这样的句子时,不可能将它们区分开来。

(5) 特别规则五:带to不定式,动名词,或者分词,可以使用形容词作为补语:例如——

a. To be "virtuous is to be happy.

b. He deceived people by seeming poor·

c. Feeling cold,he put on his coat.关于规则六的特性和习惯用法注意事项。

I. “Ask”和“Teach”。——动词ask和teach带两个(谓语)补语,两都都充当直接宾语;但是,这些(谓语)补语与特别规则一认为的那种动词补语是不同的,后面这种动词,例如,动词bring,buy,等等,携带一个直接宾语和一个间接宾语。但是,当我们说“The teacher asked John a question,”“Murray taught the boy grammar,”“John”和“a question”,“the boy”和“grammar”格式,很明显,尽管“ask”和“teach”同时表达完全不同的含义,但是每一个都携带双宾语(谓语)补语格式(即,都是直接宾语)。在拉丁语中,动词ask和teach支配两个宾格。

当使用被动结构时,表示“问了什么”或者“教了什么”的名词保留宾格形式,例如,“Jobn was asked a question;”“The boy was taught grammar.”(在拉丁语中,宾语保留宾格。)这种结构是习惯用法应当当成被动动词具备以宾格形式支配名词的能力的一种特例对待。

II. 被动动词之后的宾语。——在特别规则二中提到的动词被动格式之后的宾格补语的这种用法,可以从已经说过的关于动词ask和teach的例子中得到一些说明,下面是例子——

a. The conqueror offered them [间接宾语their lives [直接宾语].

b. The porter refused them [间接宾语admittance [直接宾语].


a. Their lives were offered them [间接宾语] by the conqueror.

b. Admittance was refused them [间接宾语] by the porter.


a. They were offered their lives[直接宾语] by the conqueror.

b. They were refused admittance [直接宾语] by the porter.


这种结构,有可能是由“结构的扩展(或混淆)法则”(Law of Extension [or Confusion] of Construction)引起的。也就是说,通过将动词ask和teach的这种结构(错误地)扩展到其它特征的动词(错误形成习惯沿用下来,就成了习惯用法)。从这个事实出发,我们可以说“He was taught grammar”(句中,“He”被规整地被置成了被动动词的主语,因为以主动语态组成了动词的直接宾语——“taught him grammar”,表现了间接宾语转换为主语的例外情况。)(注:很多文法学家称这种结构完全不符合文法规则。但问题是,不能禁止这种格式,因为其具有用法权威性,字面上讲得过,又非常流行。文法学家的职责是解释“是什么”,而不是立规则认定它“应该是什么样”。)



1. Who did you say you met this morning?

2. Who should I meet the other day but him.

3. My father allowed my brother and I to accompany him .

4. Let you and I advance .

5. We don't care about your praising we poor fellows.

6. He wished to know who he should love .

7. I do not know who to send .



I am he,: Washington became president;Napoleon was elected emperor.

I. 不及物动词或被动动词的补语,通常称为谓语主格。

II. 规则七将其使用范围界定为有限数量的谓语不完整的不及物动词,因此,大部分不及物动词不带补语。不完全谓语的主要不及物动词有:be, became,appear, seem,stand,walk(以及其它表示方位(position),动机(motion),或条件(condition))的动词;还有动词makecreate,elect,appoint, name,call以及其它类似含义的动词的被动格式。




1. Tell me not in mournful numbers

Life is but an empty dream.—Longfellow.

2. The grave is not its goal. —Ibid

3. It is I-be not afraid.—Bible.

4. Breathes there a man with soul so dead,

Who never to himself hath said,

This is my own, my native land? —Scott.

5. The proper study of mankind is man—Pope.

6. And the earth was all rest, and the air was all love. —Shelley.

7. The better part of valor is discretion. —Shakespeare.

8. The other shape-

If shape it might be called that shape had none

Distinguishable in member, joint, or limb;

Or substance might be called that shadow seem'd,

For each seem'd either: —black it stood as night.—Milton

4.2.2 应用规则七。规则七下的特别规则。

(1) 特别规则一:不及物动词和被动动词的不定式和分词可以将补语看作对名词或代词的解释,并且与它们之前的名词或代词的格一致。

a. It was thought to be he.

“he”用作“to be”的补语,以主格呈现,因为它之前的代词“it”是主格。

b. I believed him to be a scholar.

“scholar”是动词“to be”的补语,以宾格呈现,因为它前面的代词him是宾格,“believed”的宾语。

c. I cannot help being an admire of beauty.(我情不自禁地爱美。)


(2) 特别规则二:不及物动词和被动动词的不定式和分词可以将将语看成是修饰主语的谓语形容词:例如——

The fields are green.

The nation became powerful.

Some men are called happy·违背规则七的情况。

(1) 违背规则七的第一种情况:使用代词who容易引发的问题.

代词who置于动词to be之前,表示补语, 而其自然的顺序本应该在动词之后:例如,“I know who you are”(“I know you are John”)。这种放置位置的偏好极大地增加了违背规则七的可能性:例如,Whom do men say that I am ? 换成另一个代词就可以回答代词“whom”使用上的问题,我们有,Do men say that I am he? 这种结构,很明显地,要求使用谓语主格,这里应使用who。



(2) 违背规则七的第二种情况:使用代词作为不及物动词的非谓语形式的补语:例如——

Who do you suppose it to be?

纠正“who”作为动词to be的补语,表示与“it”所指的是同一种事物。但是,“it”是宾格形式,作为“suppose”的宾语;因此,“who”应该是“whom”,与“it”的格一致。因此——

It being her,there was nothing more to be said





1. I would act the same part if I were him.

2. They believed it to be I.

3. Whom do you think it is?

4. Who do you suppose it to be?

5. It is them, you said, deserve most blame.

6. I little thought it had been him.

7. Can you tell whom that man is?

8. It might have been him, but there is no proof of It.

9. Let him be whom he might be.

10. Those are the persons who he thought true to his interests.

来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。



