

作者: 书中的电脑 | 来源:发表于2021-04-26 13:52 被阅读0次

1. 主语关系

1.1 规则一——动词的主谓以主格呈现。


(1) God is our fortress.

(2) He comes,the herald of a rising world.

(3) To be contens his natural desire.

(4) To see the sun is pleasant.

(5) What one man owns cannot belong to another.



1. Flashed all their sabres bare.—Tennyson

2. When that the poor have cried, Cæsar hath wept.—Shakespear.

(Cæsar 也写作caesar, Caesar and Cäsar,专用名词,古时罗漫一个家族姓氏。)

3. Beyond that I seek not to penetrate the veil.—Webster.

4. She tore the azure robe of night,

And set the stars of glory there.—Drake.

5. To do aught good never will be our task. —Milton.

6. Jerusalem has derived some reputation from the number and importance of her memorable sieges.—Gibbon.

7. The service past,around the pious man,

With ready zeal, each honest rustic ran.—Goldsmith.

8. Seasons return, but not to me returns

Day, or the sweet approach of even or morn. —Milton.

9. Whatever is, is right.—Pope.

10. Dust thou art, to dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul. —Longfellow.


I. 违背规则一的典型情况

(1) 第一种情况。——错将宾格代替关系代词和疑问代词的主格:例如——

Whom would you suppose stands first in our class? (你猜我们班谁是第一名?)



(2) 第一种情况。——当动词被省略掉的时候:例如——

a. Is she as tall as me.—Shakespeare.

b. Share suffers hourly more than me.—Swift.

c. The nations not so blessed as thee.—Thomson.

d. It is not for such as us to sit with the roulers of the land.—Water Scott.

e. She was neither better nor wiser than you or me.—Thackeray.

以上每个句子都出自著名作者之手,全部违背了主语使用主格呈现的规则。当将省略词补充上以后,错误变得非常明显:例如,在a中“as tall as me am”,在b中“more than me do”,在c中“not so blessed as thee art”,在d中“such as us are”,在e中“than you or me are”。


II. 特别规则

(1) 特别规则一。——在结构上设计用于某个动词的名词或代词,可以表达为或者理解为,必须有一个以它作为主语的动词。例如——

“Two substantiveswhen they come together,and do not signify the same thing,the former must be in the genitive case.”

很显然,名词性实词就是设计用于充当某些动词的主语,但是,没有可以使它充当主语的动词。要纠正这个句子,就必须重新构造它,例如,“When two substantives do not signify the same thing come together,the former must be in genitive case.

(2) 特别规则二。——名词或者代词作为主语的动词,当可以从结构上很容易就补充上的时候,可以忽略。例如——

She will relent some time;he,never.


I. It.——代词it是英语中的一个习语,例如,在这样的结构“It was impossible to recognize him.”中,用于引入动词,真正的(或者逻辑的)主语是位于动词之后。“It was impossible,”等等=To recognize him was impossible.在这个结构中,it可以解析为预期主语(anticipative subject),而真正的主语解析为逻辑主语(logical subject)。

I. There.——There在类似“There come to the beach a poor exile of Erin”= a poor exile of Erin came to the beach. 这样的句子中,有一个类似的功能,There可以解析为代词代(pronominal)或者填充词(expletive).



1. You and me will go together.

2.Them that seek visdom will be wise.

3. He feared the enemy might fall upon his men, whom he saw were off

their guard.

4. Whom do you think called on me this morning?

5. This is a man whom I think deserves encouragement.

6. My brother is a better swimmer than him.

7. Is James as old as me?

8. Such a man as him could never be President.

9. Are you taller than her?

10. Two nations, when one makes war on the other, it is sometimes difficult to tell where the blame lies.

来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。



