In this industrialized time ,people are always busy and as a result ignorel exercise.

For the sake of our health, it is important to emphasize again the benefits of exercise. 为了我們的健康,反复强調运动的好处是很重要的。

当当小猫猫在打冰球。When we eat too much and exercise too little we become fat. 我們吃的太多,动得太少的时候就会发胖。

We know that being fat often leads to sickness so we should keep fit by exercising. 我们知道肥胖常导致疾病,因此我们应该通过运动来保持健康。

Exercise strengthens our muscles and enables us to stay healthy. After exercising we feel full of energy. 因为运动可以强壮我們的肌肉,並且使我们保持健康。运动以后我们会感觉充满活力。

Since we know that there are so many benefits to be obtained from exercise, let's start exercising everyday. 既然我们知道运动有那么多好处,让我们开始每天运动起来吧!
