T: So before the lesson, you must want toknow something about me, right? Here we go.(播放视频Suri’sVlog-My Introduction)
T: So from the video, what are my hobbies?
S: Maybe your hobbies, like keeping a pet.
T: Yes, I really like keeping a pet. Anymore? You, please.
S: You like sky driving?
T: Yes. Yes, I like sky diving. Thank you,and I think maybe you believe that I leave a colorful life and I am the boss ofthe choices of my hobbies. Right? But it’s not true. Listen, this happens, likeevery day.
Parents: Don’t try this sky diving. You’renot GG Bond.
I: Mom, I should be allowed to try it. It’smy life.
P: No PETS. You can’t even take care ofyourself.
I: Come on, mom, kiddies are really cute. Ishould be allowed to keep one.
T: See parents, parents ,parents, guys, doyou have such problems with your parents? Yes? Come on, share your ideas.
S: I think my parents often treat me a lot.They often take much care of my grades. I think I can get my grades well, so I thinkthey don’t be worried about it.
T: Thank you and what else do you think youshould be allowed to do? But your parents disagree.
S: I think I should be allowed to have myown phone.
T: But your parents ?
S: But my parents disagree.
T: Poor care. I was here. Believe me. Anymore?Yeah, this one .
S: My parents often ask me to go to bed early.But I think I should stay up a little late to study hard.
T: So you want to decide for yourself
right? I feel you. Why don’t parents allow us to make our own decisions? You
don’t know. Maybe we should have an effective talk with them. But how? Just follow
me by reading, thinking and speaking. You can figure it out. Ready? Look at the
passage on page 54, read and think about the following questions. 2 min. Go. (指导语:Underline the keywords. Maybefirst you can number the paragraphs .)
T: Ready? Let’s check. What is the topic ofthe passage. Get over the mic.
S: I think the topic of the passages is “ShouldI be allowed to make my own decisions” ? T: Do you agree? Yes, thank you.
T: And where can we find this topic, fromthe… yes, title. So we can get the first reading tip together. We can often getthe topic from the title. Great, and what does paragraph one tell us.?
S: I think it’s a introduction .
T: It tells us what?
S: Maybe it’s a teenager and parents’relationship.
T: What do teenagers want to do?
S: They want to be allowed for themselves,
T: Decide for themselves. They want topractice…
S: Practice their hobby as much as theywant.
T: Yes, but do the parents agree? Yes or no?No. So we can see that teenagers have hobbies. But parents worryabout the schoolwork and in the following paragraphs, is there a teenager? Yes whois he?
S: Liu Yu.
T: Ok, and any parents?Any parents? Yes, whose parents?
S: Liu Yu’ parents.
T: What’s Liu Yu’s hobby?Running. Do his parents worry about his hobby?
S: Yes.
T: And what happened between them.
S: So I think they had a sort of argument.
T: Yeah, they have the argument, they havethe disagreement, right? Thank you. What does Liu Yu want?
S: Liu Yu always wants to be a professionalrunner when he grows up.
T: Do you agree?Yes,very good. Where can we find his supporting details? His words in paragraph…. LiuYu’s words, you can circle the keywords. So in paragraph three. How about.
S: In paragraph three and five,
T: Do you agree? Yes, thank you. What dohis parents not allow him to do?
S: His parents not allowed him to train somuch.
T:Do you agree? And we can find the parentssupporting details in paragraph….Two. and, yes, you got it. Base on yourunderstanding, discuss in groups and finish the mind map of the structure. Comeon, turn around , you can discuss. Yeah, when you are ready, let me know.
T: When you finish it, you can turn around
to share your ideas with your good members. (手势OK)I think you are ready,
T: So first we have a topic title here andthen… anyone? Anna.
S: The first is introduction, and the nextis giving examples, and the last is parents’ ideas. T: And Liu Yu’s ideas.Right? Okay, thank you. And so far. We’ve got this structure of this passageand we can have the reading tip, too. We can understand the writing logic withthe help of the…
S: We can understand the writing logic withthe help of the mind map.
T: Do you agree? Next time you can draw themind map to understand the writing logic. Okay, and so far we’ve got tworeading tips, and let’s take a closer look at their requests. How do theysupport their requests ? Read and underline the supporting details on thepassage. You can write down the keywords in the chart. Okay, go.
T: Okay, let’s check. What did the parentssay to support their ideas? Summer.
S: Their sporting detail is they think theyhave nothing against running.
T: Anything more? What else did the parentssay? James. You can start now. I can hear you. Okay.
S: I think what will happen if it doesn’tend up as a professional runner?
T: Yes, thank you. What will happen if (板书)? Anything else? Alice.
S: Liu Yu needs to spend more time on hishomework because it is difficult to become a sports star.
T: Yes, anything more? What else did theparents say? Jojo.
S: His parents believed that Liu Yu shouldstudy hard in the evening, so they don’t allow him to practice running atnight.
T: Study harder. Yes, anything else. Sofar, so much. Okay, how about Liu Yu’s side ? What did Liu Yu say? Lisa.
S: Liu Yu says he is serious about running.It is the only thing that he has ever wanted to do.
T: Thank you, be serious about(板书). And more? The boy in the back. How about you first? you next? Okay,
S: Liu Yu says, I think I should be allowedto make this choice myself
T: should be allowed to, thank you, and it’smore.
S: So he thinks that he is a quick runner.
T: He is a quick runner, okay, and more? Anna.
S: Liu Yu needs to have a chance to achievehis dream.
T: Needs a chance, right? Have a chance to
achieve his dream. Ok(板书)So based on the supportingdetails. What is the parents’ biggest worry here?
S: He’s getting older now, so he need tothink about what will happen if he doesn’t end up as a professional runner.
T: Thank you. And with the help of thechart, we can make the information clearer and easier to understand. So I’mwondering whether Liu Yu and his parents reach an agreement. Have they reached an agreement? No,what’s wrong? Let’s think and find it out, whose words sound more reasonable. Let’sact it out. Suppose I am Liu Yu and you are the parents. Ready? Mom, that Ihave always wanted to be a professional runner .Parents?
S:(学生齐读)We havenothing against running. You’re getting older now. It’s difficult to become aprofessional sports star.
T: So do parents tell Liu Yu the reasonswhy he should think about other possible jobs? Yes , so are our parents’ wordspersuasive? Yes, and how about Liu Yu’s said ? You are Liu Yu. You are theparents. So parents?
S:(齐读)Don’t trainso much! You need to think about what will happen if you don’t end up as aprofessional runner.
T: Liu Yu, your turn.
S:(齐读)It’s the onlything I have ever wanted to do. Only then will I have a chance to achieve mydream.
T: Now switch this side. You feel theparents’ feeling, you Liu Yu.
S:(齐读)Don’t trainso much! You need to think about what will happen if you don’t end up as aprofessional runner.
S:(齐读)It’s the onlything I have ever wanted to do. Only then will I have a chance to achieve mydream.
T: So does Liu Yu answer the parents’question ? Does Liu Yu say anything to make his parents feel less worried? Arehis words persuasive? And that is the problem. He didn’t give the exact answerto the question. So to have an effective talk, we should… together. focus onthe problem and respond to the point. So come on let’s help Liu Yu persuade his parents. How to respond to thepoint? Work in pairs and act it out. You can start now.
T:Okay. Let’s have our show. How about thispair?
S1: Liu Yu, what will happen if you don’tend up as a runner?
S2: If I cann’t be a runner, I can be a PEcoach. Because I’m talented in PE.
T: Yes, so tell parents what else you cando. Very good. Anymore?
S1: Liu Yu, what will happen if you don’t
end up as a runner?
S2: If I can’t be a runner, I can be a PEteacher. Because I can teach others to exercise.
T: So you do have the same idea. Being a PE
teacher is like a good choice. Anymore?
S1: Liu Yu, what will happen if you don’t endup as a runner?
S2: If I can’t be a professional runner, Ican be a vlogger because I am strong enough and being a vlogger is a good wayto enjoy myself.
T: Do you know this job of vlogger? Youknow this one? I believe you know this kind of job, right? Yes, Liu Yu has a lot ofpossibilities, a lot of chances, as long as he tells his parents, do you thinkso? And can Liu Yu do better? Experts from OECD and CASEL gave us some advice.According to them, we need to have social and emotional abilities. They are,know your strengths and be confident, air your views and express your ideas. Together.Listen to and understand others. Think out and use persuasion skills. Forexample, Liu Yu said, Together.
S: But I will! I'm a quick runner!
T: Liu Yu knows his strength and isconfident. He showed the first ability, and now read his words again and findout if he has the following three abilities. Now go.
T: Ok, let’s check. For the second one, yesor no?
S: So I think it’s in the third paragraph. Hesays, well, I think I should be allowed to make my own.
T: So it’s a big yes. Do you think so?Thanks. Okay, very good. How about the third one? S: I know my parents careabout me, and I understand this.
T: Yes, so we have a yes here. How aboutthe last one? Yes or no? No, so what persuasion skills can he use to make aneffective talk? Discuss in pairs? Follow the tips, think, apply, and share. Hereare some hints. Okay, you can discuss now. Turn around. Yeah.
T: Ok, let’s see what skills we found here.How about Emily?
S: I think Liu Yu can give a plan B
T: Givea plan B(板书), yes, just tell the parents what else hecan do, right? Anymore, Lisa.
S: He can change his request. For example,if he parents don’t allow him to train at night, he can get up 1 hour earlierto train him in the morning.
T: Very good. We can just be more flexible.
Change. Change your request(板书). Anything more?
S: I think he can do something to let hisparents say yes. For example, he can do some homework to show his parents. Hecan study well.
T: Okay, what did Anna say? What’s the
scale. Do something yet. Do more homework. Okay, do something else. Do other
things(板书). To make parents feel happy, and I think youare ready to put us else into practice. Four rows in a group, make a livereport for example, reporter, mom, dad, Liu Yu, okay, follow the structure anduse the expressions from the textbook and the skills with just mentioned tomake a life report and show us how to persuade parents through an effectivetalk. Always remember to go with the tipsand checklist. Okay, now, go.
T: Okay, are you ready for the live report?Don’t be nervous. You can just use the notes to help you. Okay, any group. Okay,how about you? You four. Come on, you can stay here. Ah, three of them, ofcourse, offer some help, send the mic to them.
S1(Reporter): Good afternoon. Welcome tothis English report. I am the reporter, Judy. Our topic today is that’ shouldteenagers be allowed to make their own decisions’. Many teenagers aren’tallowed to do so. Liu Yu is one of them. He thinks he could be a professionalrunner, but his parents don’t agree and worry about his schoolwork. With somehelp from his friends and experts. He wants to talk with his parents again. Hopefully,they may reach an agreement. Now let’s come to Liu Yu and his parents.
S2(Liu Yu) : Mom and dad, I think I shouldspeak to protect us running because all others seem on talent in running.
S3(Liu Yu’s parent): Dear, we have nothingagainst you becoming a runner, but you really need to think about what you willdo if you do not succeed.
S4(Liu Yu’s parent): We’ll worry about you.You know,
S2(Liu Yu): I know you are various, but Ihave plans. If I can’t be a professional runner, Maybe I can be a coach, right ?
S4(Liu Yu’s parent): You, a PE coach? No, Idon’t think that’s a good idea.
S2(Liu Yu): Yeah, please, please trust me.
S3(Liu Yu’s parent): You know, dear, you’regetting old now. You’ll get married one day. There will be no way that you willbe able to support your family.
S2(Liu Yu): Oh Yes, I’m getting older now,and I should have the idea for the future. I need to be intended, right?
S4(Liu Yu’s parent):If those are your plans for the future. Then there’s nothing that wecan do. But when you fail, don’t say we didn’t warn you.
T: That’s it. Thank you. How can you say noto such an understanding and cute Liu Yu, right? Okay, I think today we’ve learnt a lot ofskills and we will prepare for the coming writing lesson. We can collect moreideas than the skills, and I think with the abilities winner today, we can havea heart to heart talk with our parents. Just like the Asian games in Hangzhou. Wehave different ideas. But as long as we try to reach an agreement, we will tiepeople to people and nation to nation, and this is the end of the class. Thankyou very much.