A state or group in ascendance over others.
If something bad or unlucky befalls you,it happens to you.
Synonyms: happen to
Example:Isn't that supposed to be one of the worst disasters that can befall a child.
a.the art or or practice of improving or of aiding the menory.
b. a system of rules to aid the memory.
If you disavow something,you say that you are not connected with it or responsible for it.
If you eschew something,you deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it.
Synonyms: avoid
Example:Effective design also eschews excessive complexity.
Maritime is used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships.
Synonyms: marine
Example:Friends used to joke that it was visiting a maritime museum.
The technical name for tongue
a. If you dismantle a machine or structure,you carefully separate it into its different parts.
b.To dismantle an organization or system means to cause it to stop functioning by gradually reducing its power or purpose.
Synonyms: ablish
Example:The structure was dismantled by the coalition.
If you have no qualm about doing something,you are not worried that it may be wrong in some way.
Example:Yet he had no qualms about upsetting me.在
1. Keep a low profile, never take the lead, and make a difference。
2.Thucydides Trap:修昔底德陷阱
Thucydides' famous statement that it was the rise of Athenian power and the fear it inspired in Sparta that constituted the true cause of the Peloponnesian War.
3.Washington consensus: 华盛顿共识
Subsequent to Williamson's use of the terminology, and despite his emphatic opposition, the phrase Washington Consensus has come to be used fairly widely in a second, broader sense, to refer to a more general orientation towards a strongly market-based approach (sometimes described as market fundamentalism or neoliberalism).
4.State-of-the-nation speech: 国情咨文
5.Not interfering in other countries’ internal affairs:不干涉别国内政
6. Common and differentiated responsibilities:共同但有区别的责任
1. Go viral: 疯狂传播,像病毒般扩散
2. Marks a change: 标志着转变
3. Be wary of sth:谨防,警觉
4. Boss others around:颐指气使,发号施令,好似老板指使下属。
5. Step up its multilateral commitments: 增进其多边承诺。
6. Model on:以....为榜样,模仿....
7. Be resistant to: 对....有抵抗力的;耐....的
8. One-size-fits-all approach:一刀切的方式,为满足所有人的情况而涉及的
1. The signals are amplified by similar ones further down the system and fleshed out by controlled discussions in state-owned media.
2. China is a revisionist power, wanting to expand influence within the system. It is neither a revolutionary power bent on overthrowing things, nor a usurper, intent on grabbing global control.
3. Global rules on trade and finance, it seems, are too important for Mr. Xi not to defend.

第二十天了,感觉每天都在边际效率递减。这篇有些词语很难懂,翻译的第一句感觉怎么翻都不对,意思很奇怪。这篇文章3/4都在说中国,很少看到有夸中国的文章,也有可能是自己看到夸中国的文章就忽略了。感觉谈到美国方面的很少。就开头一点,前面一点。后面部分介绍了近几年中国在世界上的一些成果措施。belt and road initiative。之前看到的一带一路翻译不是这个。瞬间学到了新的了,感觉这个更加专业。后面还是比较好理解的,举了一些例子更形象。中国方案那有点懵。看完感觉宏观上中国还是很牛逼的。还是很喜欢看政治方面的文章能收集到很多专业的词汇,开拓视野。明天会不会又换了新的话题,期待期待。