笔译训练周计划 - 5.22 Mon. 笔译笔记(必做)

笔译训练周计划 - 5.22 Mon. 笔译笔记(必做)

作者: 家懿 | 来源:发表于2017-05-22 14:16 被阅读0次

Week 3 5.22 Mon. 笔译笔记(必做)


designation n. A designation is a description, name, or title that is given to someone or something.名称,头衔

retaliation n.报复,反击

fit the bill刚好符合要求

trade surplus贸易顺差– trade deficit贸易逆差

material a. Material evidence or information is directly relevant and important in a legal or academic argument.实质性的(证据等)

reserves n.储备金

prop up支撑,维持

capital flight资本流失

broad a.广泛的

impulsiveness n.冲动

bluster n.恫吓

ruefully ad.悲伤地

broadly ad.大体上

hindsight n.后见之明

Council on Foreign Relations外交关系委员会

legality n.合法性

push back against抵制…;对…反击

successive a.连续不断地;依次的

economic dislocations经济混乱

pummel vt.连续捶打

hand over fist平稳快捷地,大量地

foreign reserves外汇储备

greenback n.美钞

multinational n.跨国公司

unheard-of a.空前的,前所未闻的

Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act《综合贸易及竞争法》(1988)

bow to屈从于

have/get bigger fish to fry有更重要的事情要做

supercharged a.超动力的;增加动力的

overhaul n.全面检修;改革If you overhaul a system ormethod, you examine it carefully and make many changes in it in order toimprove it.

sagging a.日益减少/下跌的

posit vt.假定,假想

mediocre a.平庸的If you describesomething as mediocre, you mean that it is of average quality but youthink it should be better.

be flush with与…齐平

stand up to抵抗;勇敢面对

dumping n.倾销

tinker with胡乱摆弄

reserves n.储备金


currency manipulators 货币操纵国:某国通过人为地将人民币兑美元汇率保持在低水平,以扩大出口。



外汇储备:外汇储备(Foreign Exchange Reserve),又称为外汇存底,指为了应付国际支付的需要,各国的中央银行及其他政府机构所集中掌握的外汇资产


倾销:If a firm or company dumps goods, itsells large quantities of them at prices far below their real value, usually inanother country, in order to gain a bigger market share or to keep prices highin the home market.



      本文标题:笔译训练周计划 - 5.22 Mon. 笔译笔记(必做)
