

作者: 翩翩公子周 | 来源:发表于2018-12-11 20:10 被阅读0次

场景:谈吐斯文睿智 迷了一下

例句:I’m afraid Tom Hardy is definitely quite A character who speaks in an educated voice.


英英释义:having been well taught

“educated”是形容词,意思是“受过教育的、有教养的、对......熟知的”。相比它的名词形式 education, 形容词 educated 更加灵活,使用的场合更多,是一个容易被忽略的好词。


1. The Economist correspondents and editors are highly educated thinkers and writers.

    除了用 educated 形容某人接受过教育外,还可以用它来表示熟知、通晓某一方面的知识。几个月前去清华经管院听美国凯雷投资集团共同创始人、亿万富翁、慈善家 David Rubenstein 先生做分享,当他解释自己为什么把自己的财富投入到公民教育时,他说了这么一句话:

2. Americans are not particularly educated on their history.

这句话的意思其实就是: Americans know very little about their history.


在写作时,我们经常会说“人们/大众应该......”,其实很多时候核心意思是人们缺乏某一方面的知识,应该弥补认知短板。这个时候我们就可以用 educated 了。来看两个例句:

3. The public should be educated on the pros and cons of gene editing.

4. In many parts of the country, people are not well educated on the dangers of HIV.


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