- We should study the seed of greatness. What is the source of health, success and wellbeing ?
- Getting rid of depression does not guarantee you to be happy. People are accustomed to comfortably numb(舒适地麻木)and quiet depression(沉寂的抑郁). 当身边越来越多的人陷入到这种“不健康的”、“不合理的”状态中,人们就把它们当做是正常的。But we could be better.
- illness model (疾病模型)与 health model(健康模型)。
- illness model:take away the illness => healthy
- health model:why we get illness and how to recover ? => We do not focus enough on health, and we should cultivate the health, and build what is right.- Human nature needs to be obeyed. We should be a practical idealist.(务实的理想主义者), and realize that change is possible.
- We should connect what we study and what we learn in academia to our life, we should practice what we think.
- Studying the average is important, but study the best is also important. And most people can get a lot more from that.
- We want to know the potential of human, so we should study the happiest people, the most successful people and the greatest relationships. This is not elitism, it benefits everyone.
- We should focus on what works and the best things.