刻意练习 Chapter 6 下

刻意练习 Chapter 6 下

作者: 邱火火儿 | 来源:发表于2017-08-17 22:25 被阅读0次


    No matter how much he practiced, he couldn’t improve the speed with which he memorized the order of a randomly arranged deck of cards.


    When you first start learning something new, it is normal to see rapid—or at least steady—improvement, and when that improvement stops, it is natural to believe you’ve hit some sort of implacable limit.


    Thus, when you reach a point at which you are having difficulty getting better, it will be just one or two of the components of that skill, not all of them, that are holding you back.



    One of the best ways to create and sustain social motivation is to surround yourself with people who will encourage and support and challenge you in your endeavors.
    Surrounding yourself with supportive people is easiest in activities that are done in groups or teams.


    New words

    By asking such a question, we can home in on the factors that might boost the motivation of our employees, children, students, and ourselves.

    home in (on sb/sth) to aim your attention toward sth.

    Eg: I homed in on the answer of this question.



          本文标题:刻意练习 Chapter 6 下
