CH5&CH6分别讲述了如果把刻意练习应用在工作和生活, 两种应用虽有不同,但万变不离其宗,即离不开刻意练习的核心观点,(前提是充分理解前四章)
1. 人脑跟肌肉一样有适应性,是可以通过训练的改变的
2. 区别刻意练习和有目的练习和天真练习,刻意练习是建立有效的心理表征 mental representation
3. 刻意练习的核心:走出服适区,找对方法,练习,反馈,提高
1.我们的潜力无限 we can shape our own potential
2. 单纯重复练习,单纯的投入时间并不一定能提高你的能力,练习要有效
3. 不要盲目 try harder,更努力不一定能让你提高能力,在遇到瓶劲时,应该try diffierently
1. 在工作中,应重技能性训练,不要盲目掉入知识学习的陷井,知识不等于技能。重要的是如何提高技能,而不是如果传授知识。足够的知识不代表高技能水平
2. 在工作中学习:在工作中养成习惯,思考练习
3. 即时反馈,反馈,在不断的反馈中才有进步
4. 没有老师给反馈时,要找到类似的人机培训的即时反馈系统
1. 首先找到行业专家
2. 弄清隐藏在杰出表现背后的关键
3. 弄清杰出专的心理表征
1. 随着技能的提高,我们需要更换老师
2. 刻意练习需要专注:
3. 遇到瓶劲时,首先弄明白是什么阻止你进步?是不是能换个思路,如果各种方法都尝试,那就找设法找到瓶劲的问师,解决它
4. 动机,动机,保持刻意练习的动机
1. 找到一个好老师
2. 专心投练习,不专注练习就大打折扣
3. 如果找不到一个好老师:利用3f原则: 专注,反馈,改正
CH5 Principles of Deliberate Practice on the Job
How to apply deliberate practice to improve skills in professional and business settings?
The most effective approach is to develop the skills-based training programs that will supplement or completely replace the knowledge-based approaches.
Step 1: determine who the experts are in a given area
Step 2: figure out what underlies superior performance
Step 3: have a good idea of what the superior experts’ representations like like
The better mental representations through training, the better the performance.
CH6 Principles of Deliberate Practice in Everyday Life
Step 1. find a good teach
Step 2. consciously develop and refine your skills
Step 3. without a teacher:
To effectively practice a skill without a teacher, it helps to keep in mind three Fs: Focus. Feedback. Fix it. Break the skill down into components that you can do repeatedly and analyze effectively, determine your weaknesses, and figure out ways to address them.
Step 4: get past plateaus
First, figure out exactly what is holding you back. What mistakes are you making, and when? Push yourself well outside of your comfort zone and see what breaks down first. Then design a practice technique aimed at improving that particular weakness. Once you’ve figured out what the problem is, you may be able to fix it yourself, or you may need to go to an experienced coach or teacher for suggestions.
Either way, pay attention to what happens when you practice; if you are not improving, you will need to try something else.
1. to one's credit
原文:To its credit, the navy was able to devise a successful way to train its pilots without putting them in much danger.
used to indicate that something praiseworthy has been achieved, especially despite difficulties
2. at the expense of (something):
原文:When you look at how people are trained in the professional and business worlds, you find a tendency to focus on knowledge at the expense of skills.
in a way that harms (something or someone)
Your happiness should not be achieved at the expense of others' interests.