Only keep things and people which spark joy in your life. Putting your things in order can make a big difference for your life.
* The six basic rules of tidying:
1. Commit yourself to tidying up.
2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle. Write it down on paper.
3. Finish discarding first.
4. Tidy by category, not by location.
5. Follow the right order: Clothes-Books-Papers-Komono-Sentimental items.
6. Ask yourself if it sparks joy.
* Anxiety arises from not being able to see the whole picture.
* No matter how much stuff you may own, the amount is always finite.
* The act of discarding things on its own will never bring joy to your life. Our goal in tidying should be to create a living environment filled with the things we love.
* There are only two choices: keep it or chuck it. And if you're going to keep it, make sure to take care of it.
* Four principles of storage: fold it, stand it upright, store in one spot, and divide your storage space into square parts.
The above helped me a lot during my tidying. When I feel tired or stressed out, I would get up and put my things in order. This is a life-saver!!