Wisdom in Life 6: Showing vulner

Wisdom in Life 6: Showing vulner

作者: 万里云罗一雁飞 | 来源:发表于2022-09-01 05:54 被阅读0次

    It is common to perceive vulnerability as a negative trait. Those who are vulnerable are viewed as weak losers. It is common sense not to show one’s vulnerability to others. As a result, many of us psychologically armour ourselves against the world.

    Every time we are wounded or hurt or suffer from the outside, we erect a protective emotional wall around us. The result is the creation of armour, whether in relationships, business, or certain experiences. But in reality, the counterintuitive consequence is that the more armour one wears, the more he isolates himself from life and the world. If he represses his feelings, he will eventually become depressed mentally, and even develop various horrible diseases like cancer. The act of hiding one's vulnerability leads to a vicious spiral which turns a person into a helpless loner, isolated and ill. 

    Making yourself vulnerable in front of your friends means giving up your armour, showing your weakness, and exposing your fragile part. Others will be moved by your candid vulnerability and seek to lift you with compassion because of your sincerity and humility. Consequently, your life will not be walled off in stagnation. The best life is, as a matter of fact, a vulnerable life, which is totally counterintuitive, and is something most people fail to understand.

    Men, for example, often suffer a lot from this problem because they always try to appear strong and play macho. Men do not like to admit that they are vulnerable. However, when they show women their most delicate, soft side, it awakens in women a feeling of empathy, and a desire to care for and protect men. Men and women relationships can thus become instantly closer. A man who admits his vulnerability and discloses it to others will live a healthier life emotionally than if he represses himself and pretends to be strong. This rule is applicable to everyone.

    Let us embrace our vulnerability and take off the psychological armour. Do not hide your weakness from your friends. Open it up to people around you. People will subsequently give you more care, help and warmth, and you will become more truthful, open-minded, and much happier than if you wear emotional armour.


    生活中的智慧 5:表现出脆弱是反直觉的






    一个承认自己的弱点并向他人披露的人,在情感上会比压抑自己和假装坚强的人活得更健康。 这对每个人来说都是如此。




        本文标题:Wisdom in Life 6: Showing vulner
