Life Wisdom 3: Happiness is Coun

作者: 万里云罗一雁飞 | 来源:发表于2022-08-26 06:10 被阅读0次

    Every person desires to be happy. Speaking of happiness, people naturally corollate it with eating delicious food, enjoying physical pleasures, travelling with loved ones, shopping for whatever they want, living in a beautiful house, driving cool cars, and having fun such as going to amusement parks, playing games, watching movies, having parties, etc. All these activities can be summed up in one word: Hedonism.

    If a person spends most of his life chasing physical and material pleasure, he will feel immense pain rather than happiness. All that stuff may give pleasure only for a short time, soon he will get bored again and will be even more veracious for something more or something new or something different. In Chinese, we have a saying, "Carnal desires are never satisfied" (欲壑难平). The more physical craving someone has, the more insatiable he becomes. As a result, he will either become impoverished, like Mike Tyson in his 50s or become an addict, struggling in an abyss. And what's worse, some even die early, like Michael Jackson, Marylin Moore, Elvis Presley, etc.

    Contrary to popular belief, people who believe that physical pleasure brings them happiness and fulfilment end up living with unquenchable desires and endless problems. They are trapped in pain, misery, and even premature death, like these drug addicts. Nothing can cheer them up.

    Most people fail to realize the fact that spiritual pursuit at the price of physical deprivation and reasonable suffering usually leads to eternal bliss and contentment. For example, if you limit the amount of food you eat and the length of time you take in food, you will inevitably become leaner and fitter. Junk food and highly processed food are tastier than a healthy diet. However, the former drives people into ugly and sick obesity, while the latter, although boring, help people stay healthy and look younger. Some religious believers have to practice fasting for a certain period of time every year, which makes them physically lighter, mentally clearer, spiritually uplifting, and thus truly happy.

    Therefore, we should put aside the animalistic pursuit of physical pleasure and strive for spiritual fulfilment, do such tough jobs as eating healthy food, exercising, fasting intermittently and meditating, studying to enrich ourselves, working to contribute to society, caring for our loved ones and those in need, exploring the mysteries of the universe to enhance human understanding, and. Self-discipline is a surepath to happiness.




    desires are never satisfied)。一个人对身体的渴望越多,他就越贪得无厌。结果,他要么变得穷困潦倒,就像50多岁的迈克-泰森一样,要么成为瘾君子,在深渊中挣扎。而更糟糕的是,有些人死得很早,像迈克尔-杰克逊、玛丽莲-梦露、猫王等。






        本文标题:Life Wisdom 3: Happiness is Coun
