19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (

19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (

作者: guido_bxl | 来源:发表于2019-12-04 20:41 被阅读0次

    部分内容参考,感谢  立里  肉丸子 素心 ~

    2019.9.9 (Page1-20):

    phrasal verb重音在后


    sissy diary娘炮 journal


    It comes in handy/useful.用得上,值得学,派上用场

    hit/reach their growth spurt青春期二次发育

    19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (上) 19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (上)

    ...,not age.

    while away=pass the time/kill time消磨打发时间

    Miss Bennett whiled away the hours playing old films on her video-recorder.

    plunk your stuff down

    Instead of plunking it down, she overhauled the whole project to meet customers' needs. 她没有照搬之前的方案,而是做了很大的调整来适应顾客的需求。

    pat on sb's back=encourage

    sit to my right

    Is this seat taken?

    -Are'you taken?名花有主 -I'm taken.

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    scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened一脸懵逼

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    stink=smell bad,disgust/泄愤

    表示时间的小词:back in elementary school

    A couple of days into summer vacation,......


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    I almost got cought on the spot when I was trying to avoid paying the ticket. 在巴黎逃票的时候,差点被当场抓住。

    put sb on the spot :让sb难堪/下不来台/为难/尴尬

    Thanks for putting me on the spot.


    contact lenses(contacts)隐形眼镜,美瞳;熟人=acquaintance

    Phys Ed

    It just goes in one ear and out the other with him.

    连读a couple of days

    pass it on to someone else

    hoop篮筐    play hoops

    Let's keep our fingers crossed.


    My summer did not exactly get off to a great start,thanks to sb.


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    I was pretty dumb for falling for(轻信) that.

    set alarm clock ahead

    had a good talking-to/dressing down挨批  scold、chew him out臭骂

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    tagalong跟屁虫=follower(tagged along)

    covered up his tracks

    got a screw loose or sth. 脑子进水/短路了/缺根弦

    be tight with sb.  老铁,关系/密切要好,

    You need to sit tight with that.你得淡定些。

    apply oneself(to it)全身投入,努力学习


    technically理论上,算得上definitely subject to change

    sleep in/late 睡过头、睡懒觉、晚起

    real+a. : not really/real considerate of不关心

    head up to=go to

    hang out<--play(打球,玩音乐,性暗示)

    noogie(s):the act of rubbing one's knuckles on a person's head so as to produce a mildly painful sensation


    Having sb around is not helping.


    thermos保温杯 be-->there must be(谐音)

    I'll take her under my wing.我罩着她

    a billion/bazillion times(夸张)无数次


    I don't know what is up with her. 我不知道她怎么了。

    a whole lot simpler


    2019.9.10 (Page21-40):

    核心关键动词、实词、元音要念长些,明显些 eg:beat anyone,see,school

    弱读going to learn to... because,if

    common sense重音在后





    play pranks/jokes on him

    He got away with(doing)it.免受惩罚

    You're not gonna get away with this.你们逃不掉的。

    19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (上)

    bug v.

    1.hassle/worry/annoy sb.

    I only did it to bug my parents.我这么做只是为了让我父母心烦。


    I found out my phone was bugged.



    I've definitely been bitten by the gardening bug.


    Roundhay Park in Leeds was the place I first got the fishing bug.


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    close call: a narrow escape 好悬/险,差点(九死一生;千钧一发;险遭意外;死里逃生;幸免于难)...的事

    You were just in time. What a close call.

    uber-/super非常 good、near:

    McNally now owns a clutch of uberchic downtown celebrity hangouts.


    Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must

    undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms.



    Frank ran dodgy errands for a seedy local villain.

    I don't like the atmosphere of seediness and decay about the city.

    bathroom,restroom 厕所 toilet

    flaky不靠谱的 solid靠谱的

    flake:薄片/碎片 flakes of snow


    They can see how its colours have faded and where paint has flaked.


    flake out:(疲倦得)倒下,睡下,完全放松If you flake out, you collapse, go to sleep, or totally relax because you are very tired.

    If he flakes out before I get back, just cover him with a blanket.


    He is always getting on me about going out and doing sth "active".他总是对我说/让我多出去运动运动。

    1.get on with sb 和睦相处

    2.get on with sth继续做/开始做


    Livy's getting on very well in Russian. She learns very quickly.


    Politics is seen as a man's world. It is very difficult for women to get on.



    I'm nearly 31 and that's getting on a bit for a footballer.


    didn't see my logic(n.)


    do sth. sporty运动运动

    类似的词:brainy, pricy贵的, speedy, roomy=spacious, handy有用/方便/附近的, beefy=strong, bulky笨重的, fussy繁饰的,挑剔的

    be/got done with/doing 搞定了/做完了...

    do the trick管用/奏效/行得通 =come in handy / It works.=pan out

    挑刺,吹毛求疵(v.)nitpick,carp, cavil, criticize, peck,pick apart(a.)picky,critical,fussy


    It all backfired on me!一切都与我的愿望背道而驰!

    Rowley's    xx家

    不正确但地道的口语:Us kid

    Me and my brother/buddy/bro/homie,

    I don't know nothing.

    I kind of let my guard down.



    be all for it同意,支持,举双手赞成

    Speak for yourself. I'm all for it.随你怎么说 我没意见。

    sneak(snuck) in/out 潜入/溜出


    be caught on the spot

    given/with the smoking gun确凿的证据(枪还冒着烟呢...)

    be caught with your hand in the cookie jar偷吃

    be caught with one's pants down捉奸在床

    catch sb red-handed(杀了人手上还有血...)

    男主以为自己女朋友和心理咨询师出轨,一路tag along with her,心理独白里有一句:I guess I'm bad at picking good people, but I'm good at catching bad people red-handed.


    I've been there and done it.

    I've gone and done it.

    crank up the AC(turn on)开空调

    lay sth on you:(尤指慷慨或盛情地)提供(食物、娱乐或服务)

    Every facility was laid on to ease their homecoming.



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    2019.9.11 (Page41-63):

    To be a storyteller,not a reader.


    that I /that he

    full effect,visual effect,Apple Arcade

    an apple

    bringing in

    or,in our

    see if


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    a whole lot tougher

    in deep trouble/ water/shit

    be in hot water with Mom

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    day care托儿所

    show-and-tell展示和讲述 =make a presentation做陈述和介绍


    eg: Games are all about the glory, the pain and the play-by-play.


    is like torture

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    That's all it takes./?只需要这样就行了够了(吗?);至于吗?

    jock /dʒɑk/ 运动员,球迷 someone sporty

    get worked up (over sth.)暴跳如雷,动怒,闹不愉快

    eg: Steve shouted at her. He was really worked up now.

    for the taking稳了,稳操胜券,如探囊取物般十拿九稳(就在那,等着你随便拿)=in the bag

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    excel at/have a knack for/be brainy at擅长...

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    when I was your age

    Know-how指南 =guide,handbook


    popsicle 冰棍"pawpsicle"

    head lice头屑

    go trick-or-treating

    I got drenched. 弄/淋湿了

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    spoil his fun扫兴

    have second thoughts about going in 犹豫,不情愿,再想想,后悔

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    take chances冒险,碰运气

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    bail/help sb out (of trouble)救出,出逃,出资帮助,解围

    full-out haunted




    I don't mean to brag or anything,but

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    sugar or milk

    credit or debit信用卡还是借记卡

    believe it or not

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    a whole out/way/far better than

    get the word out转发,宣传=spread the word(info)/forward

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    promote宣传(褒) hype炒作(贬)书先生讲词汇(3)| “炒作”用英文怎么说?

    stretch/twist the truth扭曲事实

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    You're going to find a job that stretch you.充分发挥你的能力

    stretch your money and paycheck薪水(省着用钱=save money) =stretch a dollar


    stretch (sb’s) patience / credulity使某人难以忍受/相信:

    The kids stretch my patience to the limit.


    This once, I’ll stretch the rules and let you leave work early.

    stretch a point (=allow a rule to be broken)


    Reporters sometimes stretch the facts to make a point. 记者为了说明问题,有时会夸大事实。

    He’s a good player, but ‘world class’ is stretching it.


    I’m going to have to stretch this $20 until payday.


    We’re stretched at the moment, otherwise we’d go.


    The budget won’t stretch to a new car this year.

    Carl sat up in bed, yawned, and stretched. 伸了伸懒腰

    Ann stretched across the couch and grabbed the phone. 安向长沙发那头探过身,抓起电话。

    The canvas is stretched over a wooden frame. 画布紧绷在木框上。


    With a goal in the second half, Spurs stretched their lead to 3-0.(领先优势)


    Row after row of orange trees stretched to the horizon.

    make a killing/mint 发大财,挣大钱

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    cough up勉强支付,不情愿地给

    I'll have to cough up $10,000 a year for tuition.

    shell out:为...花一大笔钱

    You won't have to shell out a fortune for it.

    fork out

    They will fork out for expensive coverage instead.

    splurge on 砸钱在...上,为...掏腰包

    Splurge on one or two extravagances. Woman cannot live on cheap cosmetics alone.

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    I told you a bazillion times,but you just don't budge.不买账,冥顽不灵

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    legit=legitimate奉公守法,守规矩的,合情合理=make sense

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    I checked him out, he's legit.我查过他了,他身家清白。

    clear净赚 make money

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    ended up getting grounded for...禁足

    house /haʊs/  horse /hɔrs/

    sword/sɔrd/  plumber tomb lamb

    委婉语not be the smartest choice/man




    19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (上)

    元音不够长,发音不准:advert'isement,the end of,refund,least,cleared  语音语调!

    long story short


    2019.9.12 (Page61-81):

    (l/n/r)连读 football or sth, a big wave of water, laid out, clean up

    注意发音 meant /mɛnt/ , row ,when,'demonstrate,toss /tɔs/  me around without straining himself

    wrest/x/ling,bath /bæθ/, bathe /beɪð/ bathing/'beiðiŋ/ suit泳装

    dove 鸽子 /dʌv/ /dov/,(dive)

    found 建立, (find)

    bathe :嬉水,沐浴,清洗,浸泡


    The arena was bathed in warm sunshine/warmth/soft red light.

    back-to-back wins/victories连胜、in a row、consecutively,on end接二连三的,连续的


    (n.)隐患;隐藏的困难;陷阱(A catch is a hidden problem or difficulty in a plan or an

    offer that seems surprisingly good.)

    Man,I should have known there was a catch when Mom gave me that costume.

    What's the catch?搞什么名堂?


    I was so in love with him and all my friends said what a good catch he was. 我当时和他陷入热恋,我的朋友们都说能找到他是我的福气。

    You won't catch me giving him a bad review.我绝不会说他坏话的。

    there's no way you can change it=not budge

    squirm/wriggle out of 蠕动,扭动,逃避...


    pickup truck皮卡

    came roaring down

    give him credit给他表扬


    紧随其后on/at your heels

    (时间上)紧跟…之后,紧接着come/follow hard/hot on the heels of another

    eg:Unfortunately, bad news has come hard on the heels of good.

    使听话;使就范bring someone to heel=force them to obey you

    咔嚓一声立正(敬礼或问候)clicks his heels

    久等;空等cool one's heels

    无聊地等;不耐烦地等待kick one's heels

    坚持立场;固执己见 dig one's heels in

    尤指因生气或吃惊而)突然转身turn/spin on your heels

    逃走;脚底开溜take to your heels

    (大幅)倾侧heel over

    head over heels=upside down

    head over heels in love/for...爱得人仰马翻;神魂颠倒;死去活来;情浓意密

    keeps her key

    slam on the brakes急刹车

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    make a U-turn,turn around调头

    wait us out


    and whatnot(and so on/forth,etc)等等

    draw us out, hunt you down, hop over

    a truckload of teenagers 一整车...

    dove(dive) into the bushes

    all the way home一直(表强调=way,far,a whole lot)

    pay the price for it 付出代价


    挽尊salvage the pride=save face


    mooch n.混混,流浪汉

    v.索取,mooch around闲逛 mooch off (蹭吃蹭喝,揩油)

    shiftless mooch,shameless freeloader 废柴,(un'promising不思进取的)没出息的寄生虫,啃老族

    freeload 吃白食;不劳而获,占便宜

    Wi-fi squatter (指长时间占用公共场所无线网络连接资源的人,或未经授权使用无线网络连接的人,即“Wi-Fi蹭网族”)squatter ['skwɒtə] 蹲着的人;非法占据某物的人  hack into

    cash in on 蹭热度, 乘机利用, 靠……赚钱 = make a killing capitalizing on...

    He's cashing in on a man's death.他居然赚死人的钱。

    Local firms have been quick off the mark to cash in on the oil boom.地方商行不失时机地利用油价暴涨大赚其钱。

    cash on delivery货到付款

    off the mark不正确; 不得要领; 不够贴切 ;不相关

    A BATHING APE,又名Bape,是著名的日本里原宿潮流品牌,A BATHING APE的全名是A Bathing Ape in Lukewater,意思是一只泡温泉的猿人,暗指安于现状,不思进取的东京年轻人。

    see/present...in a positive/negative light(optimistic=look on the bright side of...)

    sb.be into sth.参与

    If there's one thing most boys in my school are into,it's ...


    You had better look out.I could be a real threat.


    01.(使某人不得动弹的)抓住,夹住,擒拿方法wrestling holds

    02.保持(某个姿势)hold/stay still

    03.停下;慢着 Hold it.




    If only he would hold her close to him.


    08.把…固定住;用力使(某人)不得动弹hold in place;hold me down

    He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived.

    09.(船、飞机等的)货舱,行李舱cargo hold


    11.大量喝(酒)而不醉hold your drink/liquor

    12.(车辆)抓(地)hold the road



    15.担任(职务);掌握(权力);负有(责任) +office,power,responsibility




    The Prime Minister, is holding consultations with his colleagues to finalise the deal.



    20.占有(领先地位、优势等):hold a lead

    21.认定(…负有责任);归(咎)于 hold sb. responsible, liable, or accountable for

    It's impossible to hold any individual responsible.


    Somebody is holding your wife hostage.


    23.hold a place(军队、暴乱人群等)占据,控制

    24.hold over(因握有某人把柄或掌握权力而形成的)控制力,支配力



    He tells his secretary to hold his calls.

    27.hold up(论点、理论等)站得住脚,成立


    Does your offer still hold?


    These laws also hold for universities.

    30.hold to坚持(观点或信念)

    31.hold (sb)to使遵守,使恪守(承诺或高尚的行为准则):

    Don't hold me to that/the promise.



    Barry was holding forth on politics.

    33.get hold of 设法和…取得联络;通常指好不容易)得到,获得=gain;领会,弄懂=get the hang of,grasp

    34.put on hold延迟;暂缓;搁置延迟=delay

    He described their foreign policy as on hold.缓兵之计


    The Frenchman held his own against the challenger.


    She can hold her own against almost any player.

    37.take hold of完全控制;彻底影响

    38.hold tight to抓紧;抓牢;扶好(以站稳);暂不行动

    single me out

    the next thing you know 很快/转眼间,...=immediately

    right that instant, in a heartbeat立刻

    be paired up/partnered with sb


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    feel a 连读


    2019.9.13 (Page82-100):

    读音:cl'assroom ,plan,need,grand fi'nale,says,said


    hit(hit,hit)  sword:w不发音   

    turn...upside down

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    shirts and skins

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    I want to gain my weight in MUSCLE,not fat.

    mark my words 你听着,记住我的话

    That's what you'll end up with, you mark my words.那就是将来你的下场,记住我的话。

    load up on junk food

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    rethink=second thoughts

    get in shape <-->out of shape

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    bulk up=to be stronger

    pack on some muscle

    get six packs 6块腹肌

    get ripped有型(肌肉像被撕成一条一条那种)  易误读rape,类似还有timesheet

    let rip


    Turn the guitars up full and let rip.


    The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.出现生态灾难的部分原因是人们为了增产而不惜一切代价。

    down the road,in the future,later on 日后,今后,未来

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    jumping jack开合跳

    take matters into my own hands,as usual.自己解决

    You're in good hands.放心吧。

    hold me back拖后腿,阻碍进步


    spotting partner

    I need your spot.

    reps=repetitions 次数

    I...Then I...,And I had myself a pretty decent barbell像样的杠铃

    had it all set把它做完

    had this one in the bag胜券在握 赢定了

    flunk/fail the exam/quiz 在(考试)中不及格;未通过(某一课程)


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    take my side

    Dad was no match for Mom.不是...的对手  =B outmatch A

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    audition(sign up) for 办卡,报名

    It's not what I sign up for.


    bean sb. with sth. (bean  v.击中sb.头部)

    play a bit part跑龙套

    have a bone to pick with sb. 对sb有意见,看sb不顺眼(挑骨头)

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    make no bones about sth.直言不讳


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