Update of my spring rhinitis

Update of my spring rhinitis

作者: 心花怒放的绿树 | 来源:发表于2022-04-19 07:02 被阅读0次

It has been 20+ days since my spring rhinitis began. Now, I feel confident that I could pass this spring safely without taking rhinitis medicine. However, my nose and throat do feel quite uncomfortable sometimes. Especially in the morning after getting up and evening after washing up. Sometimes I even need to get up at night to walk around a bit to make myself comfortable, I drink some water and go to the toilet and lie back on bed and go to sleep again.

It is the first time I reaLize that human body is so delicately constructed that the malfunction of a tiny piece of its particles can cause suffering. It is completely true that our body parts are all closely connected and the one weak link can affect the general condition of our body and the quality of life.

I hope by the spring next year, I could look back at these journals and feel happy that I do not have rhinitis or at least less serious symptoms then. But how?

1. Take foot bath at night.

2. Take more rest.

3. Take some medicine.

Generally, it is to take better care of myself.



      本文标题:Update of my spring rhinitis
