美文网首页Yoga writing 007成长营1期


作者: ShawnaHUA | 来源:发表于2018-11-06 00:31 被阅读15次

    English & 中文

    keep the outer side of right thigh on the floor 保持右大腿外側接觸地面

    place the right heel against the inner side of the left thigh 右腳後跟抵在左大腿內側

    place the heels near the perineum 腳後跟靠近會陰

    place the soles and heels on the floor 腳掌和腳後跟放在地面上

    press down through foot to stabilize 腳往下踩,以穩定身體

    keep the extended leg active 伸直的腿保持有力

    press your inner thighs firmly into your upper arms and shoulders 大腿內側緊壓上臂和肩膀

    keep sitting-bones rooted 保持坐骨向下扎根

    sitting your buttocks down 臀部往下坐

    lower your buttocks 放低臀部

    extend your buttocks back 臀部向後伸展

    move from the hips 從髖部開始動

    fold forward at your hip joints 從髖關節折疊前曲

    keep the chest and thighs touching 保持胸腔緊貼大腿面

    rounding the upper back 上背拱起

    stretch the back fully 背部完全伸展

    hug the shoulders 抱住雙肩

    shoulders over the hips 肩膀在髖的正上方

    rotate your shoulder joints forward 肩關節向前旋轉

    roll your shoulders backward 肩膀向後旋轉

    make sure the elbows don't bend 確保手肘不要彎曲

    place the palms on the floor by the hips 手掌放在臀部兩側的地面上

    place your hands a shoulder-distance apart on the mat 雙手分開放在墊子上,與肩同寬

    fingers and toes should line up 手指和腳趾在一條直線上

    arms are perpendicular to the floor 手臂與地面垂直

    exhale, navel in 呼氣,肚臍往里

    stretch the neck 伸展頸部

    extend your chin forward 下巴往前伸展

    reach up through crown of head 頭頂心向上延展

    transfer the weight of your body from your feet to your hands 把身體的重心從腳轉移到手上

    don't overstretch 不要過度伸展



