Day 22 词汇扫盲
If you resurrect something, you cause it to exist again after it had disappeared or ended.
Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once.
Sam Torrance is the man I have to thank for resurrecting my career.
Synonyms: revive, renew, bring back, kick-start [informal]
resurrection uncountable noun
This is a resurrection of an old story from the mid-70s.
Synonyms: raising or rising from the dead, return from the dead, restoration to life More Synonyms of resurrect
Synonyms: revival, restoration, renewal, resurgence
If there is a resurgence of an attitude or activity, it reappears and grows.
Police say drugs traffickers are behind the resurgence of violence.
...a period of economic resurgence.
Synonyms: revival, return, renaissance, resurrection
3.communist revolutionary
1. countable noun 本文解释
Something that is an impediment to a person or thing makes their movement, development, or progress difficult.
He was satisfied there was no legal impediment to the marriage.
Synonyms: obstacle, barrier, check, bar
2. countable noun
Someone who has a speech impediment has a disability which makes speaking difficult.
John's slight speech impediment made it difficult for his mother to understand him.
5.set about start or begin 开始做(某事) attack physically or verbally 攻击, 抨击(某人)
1. verb
If one thing is entwined with another thing, or if you entwine two things, the two things are twisted around each other.
His dazed eyes stare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine.
Facing each other, the giraffes were managing to entwine their necks in the most astonishing manner.
He entwined his fingers with hers.
...with silk ribbons and flowers entwined in their hair.
Synonyms: twist, surround, embrace, weave
2. verb
If two things entwine or are entwined, they closely resemble or are linked to each other, and they are difficult to separate or identify.
The book entwines the personal and the political to chart the history of four generations of the family.
Once, years ago, he told me our lives should entwine.
entwined adjective
...before media manipulation became entwined with management.
...the entwined lives of Dorothy Gale and Judy Garland.
In the Christian religion, the Trinity or the Holy Trinity is the union of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in one God.
三位一体 Trinity
三一论主张,圣父、圣子、圣神(天主教会译为圣神,东正教会和新教则译为圣灵)为同一本体(本性)、三个不同的位格,他们以希腊语:homoousios 来表达他们之间的关连。三位格为同一本质,三个位格为同一属性。通俗地说,仅有独一的天主;圣天父完全是天主,圣子完全是天主,圣神完全是天主;圣天父不是圣子,圣子不是圣神,圣神不是圣天父。亚他拿修信经对三一论得到了比较公认的解释。
1. verb
When the tide or the sea ebbs, its level gradually falls.
When the tide ebbs it's a rock pool inhabited by crustaceans.
2. countable noun 本文解释
The ebb or the ebb tide is one of the regular periods, usually two per day, when the sea gradually falls to a lower level as the tide moves away from the land.
...the spring ebb tide.
We decided to leave on the ebb at six o'clock next morning.
Synonyms: flowing back, going out, withdrawal, retreat
3. verb
If someone's life, support, or feeling ebbs, it becomes weaker and gradually disappears.
[formal] a man's physical strength ebbs.
Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed?
Ebb away means the same as ebb.
His little girl's life ebbed away.
Their popular support is ebbing away.
You can use ebb and flow to describe the way that something repeatedly increases and decreases or rises and falls.
...the ebb and flow of feeling and moods.
1. countable noun
The tide is the regular change in the level of the sea on the shore.
The tide was at its highest.
The tide was going out, and the sand was smooth and glittering.
State police say that high tides and severe flooding have damaged beaches.
2. countable noun
A tide is a current in the sea that is caused by the regular and continuous movement of large areas of water towards and away from the shore.
Roman vessels used to sail with the tide from Boulogne to Richborough.
Synonyms: current, flow, stream, course More Synonyms of tide
3. singular noun
The tide of opinion, for example, is what the majority of people think at a particular time.
The tide of opinion seems overwhelmingly in his favour.
4. singular noun
People sometimes refer to events or forces that are difficult or impossible to control as the tide of history, for example.
They talked of reversing the tide of history.
The tide of war swept back across their country.
Synonyms: course, direction, trend, current More Synonyms of tide
5. singular noun
You can talk about a tide of something, especially something which is unpleasant, when there is a large and increasing amount of it. ever increasing tide of crime.
The tide of nationalism is still running high in a number of republics.
If you describe someone or something as compassionate, you mean that they feel or show pity, sympathy, and understanding for people who are suffering.
My father was a deeply compassionate man.
She has a wise, compassionate face.
Robert Tanitch describes the film as 'deeply compassionate'.
Synonyms: sympathetic, kindly, understanding, tender
1. adjective
If grass or hair is shorn, it has been cut very short.
...his shorn hair.
2. adjective 本文解释
If a person or thing is shorn of something that was an important part of them, it has been removed from them.
She looks terrible, shorn of all her beauty and dignity. age increasingly shorn of religious and political faith.
3.Shorn is the past participle of shear.
A brutal act or person is cruel and violent.
He was the victim of a very brutal murder.
...the brutal suppression of anti-government protests.
Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very brutal and reckless.
Synonyms: cruel, harsh, savage, grim More Synonyms of brutal
brutally adverb
Her real parents had been brutally murdered.
Synonyms: cruelly, fiercely, savagely, ruthlessly More Synonyms of brutal
2. adjective
If someone expresses something unpleasant with brutal honesty or frankness, they express it in a clear and accurate way, without attempting to disguise its unpleasantness.
It was refreshing to talk about themselves and their feelings with brutal honesty.
He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.
brutally adverb
The talks had been brutally frank.
'Lotte Bruckner is dead.' It came out more brutally than Brand had intended.
Synonyms: mercilessly, fiercely, cruelly, relentlessly
3. adjective
Brutal is used to describe things that have an unpleasant effect on people, especially when there is no attempt by anyone to reduce their effect.
The dip in prices this summer will be brutal.
The afternoon sun had been brutal.
The 20th century brought brutal change to some countries.
brutally adverb
The early-morning New York air can be brutally cold.
Synonyms: savagely, cruelly, dangerously, ferociously
1. verb
When something such as a dead body, a dead plant, or a tooth decays, it is gradually destroyed by a natural process.
The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed.
The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.
Synonyms: rot, break down, disintegrate, spoil More Synonyms of decay
Decay is also a noun.
When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.
decayed adjective
...decayed teeth.
Synonyms: rotten, bad, decaying, wasted More Synonyms of decay
2. verb 本文解释
If something such as a society, system, or institution decays, it gradually becomes weaker or its condition gets worse.
Popular cinema seems to have decayed.
Congress has tried dozens of approaches to revitalize decaying urban and rural areas.
Decay is also a noun.
There are problems of urban decay and gang violence.
1.thrusting entrepreneurs.
poplars thrusting their branches upward; thrust out his finger.
How delightful to find an arriviste underling of 53 and a slacking boss of 70 in a thrusting, ageist industry such as investment banking.
15.socialist modernity
现代性 Modernity
1. verb
When something rattles or when you rattle it, it makes short sharp knocking sounds because it is being shaken or it keeps hitting against something hard.
She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes rattle.
He gently rattled the cage and whispered to the canary.
The truck pulled away, and she listened to the rattling noises fade down the lane.
Synonyms: clatter, bang, jangle, clang
Rattle is also a noun.
There was a rattle of rifle-fire.
rattling singular noun
At that moment, there was a rattling at the door.
2. countable noun
A rattle is a baby's toy with loose bits inside which make a noise when the baby shakes it.
3. countable noun
A rattle is a wooden instrument that people shake to make a loud knocking noise at football matches or tribal ceremonies.
4. countable noun
A rattlesnake's rattle is the hard part at the end of its tail which makes a rattling sound when it is shaken.
5. verb
If something or someone rattles you, they make you nervous.
The news from Body Shop rattled the rest of the retail sector.
She refused to be rattled by his £3,000-a-day lawyer.
Synonyms: fluster, shake, upset, frighten More Synonyms of rattle
rattled adjective
He swore in Spanish, another indication that he was rattled.
6. verb
You can say that a bus, train or car rattles somewhere when it moves noisily from one place to another.
The bus from Odense rattled into a dusty village called Pozo Almonte.
Somewhere close at hand a train rattled by.
1.the rattle of teacups on the tray.
2.rattle a bill through the House
3.The rattle of the engine was very loud.
4.A train rattled along the track.
5.rattled on about this and that.
6.rattled off a list of complaints.
7.He rattled off the poem.
8.The machine-gun rattled away.
8. 机关枪连续不断地发出嘎嘎嘎声。
9.he rattled some change in his pocket.
10.trains rattled past at frequent intervals.
11.he rattled off some instructions.
12.[with obj.]wind rattled and swayed the trees.
13.The car rattled along at great speed.
14.Who’s rattled his cage?
15.rattled the dishes in the kitchen.
16.She rattled some coins in the box.
17.rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical tone.
18.isn't easily rattled before an audience.
19.she turned quickly, rattled by his presence.
20.The accident rattled me.See Synonyms at embarrass
17.the Middle Kingdom has lost its middle
1. countable noun
The implications of something are the things that are likely to happen as a result.
The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute.
The low level of current investment has serious implications for future economic growth.
Synonyms: consequence, result, development, ramification
2. countable noun
The implication of a statement, event, or situation is what it implies or suggests is the case.
The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.
The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.
by implication
n. 暗示;牵连,卷入;含义
intransitive verb
If several things meld into another thing, or if they are melded into another thing, they combine and become the other thing.
The white smoke and cannon's glare melded into a smear of horror before his eyes.
The second major change at McCormick Place was that two unions were melded into one group.
If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value.
Opposition MPs derided the Government's response to the crisis.
This theory is widely derided by conventional scientists.
Synonyms: mock, ridicule, scorn, knock [informal]
1. uncountable noun
Commitment is a strong belief in an idea or system.
...commitment to the ideals of Bolshevism.
Synonyms: dedication, loyalty, devotion, adherence
2. countable noun
A commitment is something which regularly takes up some of your time because of an agreement you have made or because of responsibilities that you have.
I've got a lot of commitments.
Work commitments forced her to uproot herself and her son from Reykjavik.
3. countable noun
If you make a commitment to do something, you promise that you will do it.
We made a commitment to keep working together.
They made a commitment to peace.
Synonyms: pledge, promise, guarantee, undertaking
4. variable noun
Commitment is the process of officially sending someone to a prison or to hospital.
You use very with certain nouns in order to specify an extreme position or extreme point in time.
At the very back of the yard, several feet from Lenny, was a wooden shack.
I turned to the very end of the book, to read the final words.
The opening of a Euro-Disneyland in the very heart of France is a potent symbol.
He was wrong from the very beginning.
We still do not have enough women at the very top.
You use very with nouns to emphasize that something is exactly the right one or exactly the same one.
Everybody says he is the very man for the case.
She died in this very house.
In my view, it only perpetuates the very problem that it sets out to cure.
'Most secret', he called it. Those were his very words.
Synonyms: exact, actual, precise, same More Synonyms of very
You use very with nouns to emphasize the importance or seriousness of what you are saying.
At one stage his very life was in danger.
The very basis of Indian politics has been transformed.
Mr Campbell said such programmes were by their very nature harmful.
History is taking place before your very eyes.
If you abhor something, you hate it very much, especially for moral reasons.
He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation.
If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover.
Synonyms: hate, loathe, despise, detest
adj. 易使人醉〔发晕〕的;令人陶醉的
adv. 陶醉地;兴奋地
n. 陶醉;兴奋
A heady drink, atmosphere, or experience strongly affects your senses, for example by making you feel drunk or excited. the heady days just after their marriage.
I felt heady and euphoric.
Synonyms: exciting, thrilling, stimulating, exhilarating
26.delve into
If you delve into something, you try to discover new information about it.
Tormented by her ignorance, Jenny delves into her mother's past.
If you're interested in a subject, use the Internet to delve deeper.
Synonyms: research, investigate, explore, examine
27.Pulitzer prize
普利策奖 Pulitzer Prize
普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)亦称普利策新闻奖,是于1917年根据美国报业巨头、匈牙利裔美国人约瑟夫·普利策的遗愿设立的奖项。七、八十年代已经发展成为美国新闻界的一项最高荣誉奖,现在,不断完善的评选制度已使普利策奖被视为全球性的一个奖项。
n. 压制;镇压;禁止
1. adjective
A stirring event, performance, or account of something makes people very excited or enthusiastic.
The Prime Minister made a stirring speech.
Stowe gives a stirring performance as a strong spirited female.
...a stirring account of the final months of the old regime.
Synonyms: exciting, dramatic, thrilling, moving More Synonyms of stirring
2. countable noun
A stirring of a feeling or thought is the beginning of one.
I feel a stirring of curiosity.
...the first stirrings of a sense of guilt.
1. countable noun
A panorama is a view in which you can see a long way over a wide area of land, usually because you are on high ground.
Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills.
Synonyms: view, prospect, scenery, vista More Synonyms of panorama
2. countable noun
A panorama is a broad view of a state of affairs or of a constantly changing series of events.
The play presents a panorama of the history of communism.
Synonyms: survey, perspective, overview, overall picture
n. 都市人
n. 朝圣者的旅程 morality campaign
1. verb
If you co-opt someone, you persuade them to help or support you.
Mr Wallace tries to co-opt rather than defeat his critics.
Sofia Petrovna co-opted Natasha as her assistant.
2. verb
If someone is co-opted into a group, they are asked by that group to become a member, rather than joining or being elected in the normal way.
He was co-opted into the Labour Government of 1964.
He's been authorised to co-opt anyone he wants to join him.
3. verb
If a group or political party co-opts a slogan or policy, they take it, often from another group or political party, and use it themselves.
He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.
countable noun
A truce is an agreement between two people or groups of people to stop fighting or quarrelling for a short time.
The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides.
Let's call a truce.
Synonyms: ceasefire, break, stay, rest
1. adjective
If one thing is inseparable from another, the things are so closely connected that they cannot be considered separately.
He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.
For the ancient Mexicans, life and death were inseparable, two halves of the same whole.
Synonyms: indivisible, inalienable, conjoined, indissoluble
inseparably adverb
The doctrine of karma is inseparably linked with reincarnation.
In his mind, religion and politics were inseparably intertwined.
2. adjective
If you say that two people are inseparable, you are emphasizing that they are very good friends and spend a great deal of time together.
She and Kristin were inseparable.
countable noun
A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject that is given by a member of the clergy as part of a church service.
布道 Sermon
in BRIT, also use epitomise
verb vt. 成为(某事物)的缩影
If you say that something or someone epitomizes a particular thing, you mean that they are a perfect example of it.
Lyonnais cooking is epitomized by the so-called 'bouchons'.
...the sleek lift that epitomized the hotel's glossy decor.
1.But the country that most dramatically epitomises all three is France.
2.Mike Thornton, the party's new candidate in Eastleigh, epitomises the type.
自由民主党在伊斯特雷格的新候选人麦克·桑顿(Mike Thornton)正是这种类型的代表。
3.Recently, a dragon came to epitomise a child's innocence. The lyrics of the 1963 song Puff, the Magic Dragon describe a creature who befriends a little boy.
《BBC News 2016年10月合集》
4.The reason is precisely the sort of cultural mixing that New York epitomises.
《科技-经济学人 Science and technology (The Economist)》
希伯来语:יְרוּשָׁלַיִם (audio),拉丁化:Yerushaláyim;阿拉伯语:القُدس (audio),拉丁化:al-Quds,汉译:古德斯;英语:Jerusalem
Fatalism is a feeling that you cannot control events or prevent unpleasant things from happening, especially when this feeling stops you from making decisions or making an effort.
There's a certain mood of fatalism now among the radicals.
Synonyms: resignation, acceptance, passivity, determinism
adj. 残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的
副 词: brutally
1. adjective
A brutal act or person is cruel and violent.
He was the victim of a very brutal murder.
...the brutal suppression of anti-government protests.
Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very brutal and reckless.
Synonyms: cruel, harsh, savage, grim More Synonyms of brutal
brutally adverb
Her real parents had been brutally murdered.
Synonyms: cruelly, fiercely, savagely, ruthlessly
2. adjective
If someone expresses something unpleasant with brutal honesty or frankness, they express it in a clear and accurate way, without attempting to disguise its unpleasantness.
It was refreshing to talk about themselves and their feelings with brutal honesty.
He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.
brutally adverb
The talks had been brutally frank.
'Lotte Bruckner is dead.' It came out more brutally than Brand had intended.
Synonyms: mercilessly, fiercely, cruelly, relentlessly
3. adjective
Brutal is used to describe things that have an unpleasant effect on people, especially when there is no attempt by anyone to reduce their effect.
The dip in prices this summer will be brutal.
The afternoon sun had been brutal.
The 20th century brought brutal change to some countries.
brutally adverb
The early-morning New York air can be brutally cold.
Synonyms: savagely, cruelly, dangerously, ferociously
n. (戏剧的)主角
(故事的)主人公;现实事件(尤指冲突和争端的)主要参与者, 主要人物
1. countable noun 本文解释Someone who is a protagonist of an idea or movement is a supporter of it.
...the main protagonists of their countries' integration into the world market.
2. countable noun
A protagonist in a play, novel, or real event is one of the main people in it.
...the protagonist of J. D. Salinger's novel 'The Catcher in the Rye'.
The chief protagonists in the row are Visa and Mastercard, the world's leading credit-card brands.
Synonyms: leading character, lead, principal, central character
A pastor is a member of the Christian clergy in some Protestant churches.
Synonyms: clergyman, minister, priest, vicar
牧师 Pastor

Day 23 思维导图+神句翻译
1.In a society without universal rules, many yearn for a new, or reconstituted moral order.
2.A state without virtue can not flourish; a person without virtue can not succeed.
3.Aware of the political implications of a society lacking virtue, Mr. Xi has launched a campaign of
national renewal based on revitalizing China’s traditional values and melding them to the
Communist Party.
Implication: a possible effect or
result of an action or a decision,可能的影响,作用,结果。
The development of the site willhave implications for the surrounding countryside.
They fail to consider the wider implications of theiractions.
4.The party wants believers’morality without their activism, but is finding that the two are
inseparable, especially for Christians.
5.The sermons of Wang yi, a house church pastor in the city of Chengdu, epitomize the changes
taking place across the country, perhaps because he presents a clear vision of the future that is
neither the party narrative nor just a reversion to the past.
Wang yi是成都的一位家庭教会牧师,也许因为他清晰的描绘了中国宗教未来的景象,他的布道可以说是集中体现了中国在这一方面正在经历的变化:未来的宗教格局既不会遵照中国共产党的舆论发展,也不会纯粹恢复过去的模式。
1.Moral decay: 文化遗产
2.A resurgence of religious faith: 宗教信仰的复兴 an impediment to progress: 把...视为前进的阻碍
4.Set about doing sth: 着手做某事
5.Four decades on: 40年里
四十年后(建议内化,以丰富用词,以后可以替代After four decades这种常规用法啦~~)
6.Work out:
7.Delve into: 把...纳入
try hard to find more information about sth探究(非常常见的词组,列为主动储备哦)
8.Fascinating panorama: 璀璨的格局
9.Top-down morality campaign: 自上而下的道德宣传运动
10.Adapt the rhythms of the past to a more modern beat:v
11."A city upon a hill":源自圣经马太福音五章十四节,耶稣说:“你们是世上的光。城造在山上,是不能隐藏的。”
“A city upon a hill",山巅之城:举世瞩目之下,言为人师,行为世范。这是美国政治家心中的美国。
1630年,英国律师,清教徒John Winthrop,率领1000多在英国受迫害的清教徒乘船前往新大陆,期望并坚信在大西洋的另一边找到自己的“应许之地”。他们到达波士顿,还没下船,他就告诫大家:“We must always
consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill—the eyes of all people are upon
此后的美国政治家经常援引John Winthrop上面那句话,愿意相信美国是God's country,
"a city upon a hill"。比如肯尼迪总统1961年说:“Today the eyes of all people are truly upon us—and our governments, in every branch, at every level, national, state and local, must be as a city upon a hill — constructedand inhabited by men aware of their great trust and their great responsibilities.”
Day24 总结反思
在读这篇文章的时候,就注意到了country, nation, state。
1. countable noun
A country is one of the political units which the world is divided into, covering a particular area of land.
Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world.
...that disputed boundary between the two countries.
Young people do move around the country quite a bit these days.
Synonyms: nation, state, land, commonwealth
本文原句:Communist revolutionaries saw these religious traditions as an impediment to progress and a reason why the country remained poor.
2. singular noun
The people who live in a particular country can be referred to as the country.
The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth-term Tory government.
Seventy per cent of this country is opposed to blood sports.
Synonyms: people, community, nation, society More Synonyms of country
3. singular noun
The country consists of places such as farms, open fields, and villages which are away from towns and cities.
...a healthy life in the country.
She was cycling along a country road near Compiègne.
I was a simple country boy from Norfolk.
4. uncountable noun
A particular kind of country is an area of land which has particular characteristics or is connected with a particular well-known person.
Varese Ligure(瓦雷塞利古雷) is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.
...some of the best walking country in the Sierras.
The Japanese visitors set off in search of Brontë country.
Synonyms: territory, part, land, region
5. uncountable noun
Country music is popular music from the southern United States.
For a long time I just wanted to play country music.
...a famous country singer named Katie Cocker.
1. countable noun
You can refer to countries as states, particularly when you are discussing politics.
Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican.
Some weeks ago I recommended to E.U. member states that we should have discussions with the Americans.
原句重现:in China, state and religion were always united.
A state without virtue cannot flourish
2. countable noun
Some large countries such as the USA are divided into smaller areas called states.
Leaders of the Southern states are meeting in Louisville.
Synonyms: province, region, district, area
3. proper noun
The USA is sometimes referred to as the States.
4. singular noun
You can refer to the government of a country as the state.
The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure.
Eastern Europe shows that worker-owned factories can be as inefficient as state-owned ones.
Synonyms: government, ministry, administration, executive
原句重现:the state will continue trying to co-opt religious groups it believes are safe.
5. adjective
State industries or organizations are financed and organized by the government rather than private companies.
...reform of the state social-security system.
6. state school 公立学校
A state school is a school that is controlled and funded by the government or a local authority, and which children can attend without having to pay.
in AM, use public school
7. adjective
A state occasion is a formal one involving the head of a country.
The president of Czechoslovakia is in Washington on a state visit.
8. countable noun
When you talk about the state of someone or something, you are referring to the condition they are in or what they are like at a particular time.
For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinical depression.
When we moved here the walls and ceiling were in an awful state.
Look at the state of my car!
Synonyms: condition, shape, state of affairs
原句重现:shorn of Dao and Mao, modern China has been left with a corrupt party state.
9. verb
If you state something, you say or write it in a formal or definite way.
Clearly state your address and telephone number.
The police report stated that he was arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife.
'Our relationship is totally platonic,' she stated.
Buyers who do not apply within the stated period can lose their deposits.
Synonyms: say, report, declare, specify
1. countable noun
A nation is an individual country considered together with its social and political structures.
Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.
The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad.
Synonyms: country, state, nation state, power
原句重现:The nation's fengshui has been rattled.
Mr.Xi has launched a campaign of national renewal based on revitalising China's traditional values.
2. singular noun
The nation is sometimes used to refer to all the people who live in a particular country.
It was a story that touched the nation's heart.
Synonyms: public, people, community, society
虽然还有一大堆作业没写,真的,还有好多翻 译 作 业没写,外加热词没背。
so 让我入围优秀作业名单吧!哈哈哈哈O(∩_∩)O