Apiece of history memory has been carved in our hearts forever, with which God strengthens our souls steel hard. As I said, remembering is not my only option. We sworn to public in Tiananmen Square under sunshine, and we must keep ourwords as long as we still stand on our feet and breathe the wind. Action is theonly proof of that. Repeatedly we stumbled in the battlefields; again andagain, we stand up and fight beyond the front lines. We are the chosen ones,because we are still alive after going through so many ups and downs. Time has not worn out us. So, let’s keep going, discarding dictatorship, approaching our ultimate goal—freedom for everyone in our motherland...
Todayis June 4th; I have set up a news group, requesting every member communicate in English. English is very popular among younger Chinese generation. I believe that when we study English, we are also learning clean, valuable and applicable ideas, which will bring a fresh breeze to our campaign for democracy and freedom in China. I hope you would join us and bring your friends to us.
