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14 –精通级-单元6: WRITING ABOUT A LEG

14 –精通级-单元6: WRITING ABOUT A LEG

作者: 木棉飞雪Harry_Zhou | 来源:发表于2017-10-26 11:11 被阅读34次


Write a description of a legendary creature that’s popular  in your country, or one you find interesting.

Phoenix is one of the most popular legendary creatures in  China. People tend to mention a dragon and a phoenix together. Dragons  represent power, while phoenixes, peace. According to Shi-Ji (The Kings &  Chronicles written by Sima Qian in Han Dynasty), the king of Xia Dynasty of  ancient China held an official banquet about 5,000 years ago, in which, the  jubilant vibe and touching music of vertical bamboo flute called down a pair  of phoenixes dancing; all other birds and beasts then gathered and danced  together. The peace and prosperity introduced by the harmony lasted hundreds  of years. From then on, people of every generation have been longing for the  re-appearance of a phoenix, which was recorded only twice by another two  ancient scholars during the past 5,000 years. Sages in history firmly  believed that phoenix was a real but very reclusive creature on earth. With  berry-like coronet, colorful plumes and feathers, a phoenix is somehow  similar to a peacock, but hundreds of times more brilliant and elegant than a  peacock. Being the king of all birds, a phoenix stays only in a Chinese  parasol (phoenix tree), and eats only the tree’s seeds. This character  represents the virtues%% of purity, loyalty, and nobleness. Most  enchantingly, a phoenix never dies. When it gets old, it would burn itself  and be reborn from ashes. This gallant nature often encourages a Chinese man  to pursue the true meaning of life through fire and water. Phoenixes are a  part of Chinese history and culture. Although there are no sightings of a  phoenix claimed by a living person, phoenixes are a part of our daily lives.  The logo of China Airlines is a phoenix. Enlightened by nirvana of the  phoenix are the names of many places, large companies, and well-known  products, etc. We crave to see a phoenix, the incarnation of peace, because a  phoenix lives in our hearts.

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    本文标题:14 –精通级-单元6: WRITING ABOUT A LEG
