A burning question - an important matter that needs to be discussed or solved. 燃眉之急
- We now realize that we are in great danger, but what should we do?
- That's the burning question.
Ask for trouble - to do something or act in a manner that will very likely result in trouble, difficulty, or danger. 自寻烦恼
You're asking for trouble leaving home with your door unlocked.
Scared to death - severely frightened or worried. 吓死
I'm scared to death of snakes.
Short of - not having enough of something or not including something. ……短缺
I'm always short of money by the end of the month.
Be wrapped up in - be very interested in someone or something. 沉迷于……
Hong Kong parents are so wrapped up in their work that they pay scant attention to the needs of their children.
Break the ice -
Bring sb./sth. to a halt - to cause a person or thing stop abruptly. 使……戛然而止
The speeding police car, with its flashing lights and siren, brought all the other drivers to a halt.
Burn the mid-night oil - to stay up late working on a project or task. 开夜车
We should avoid burning the midnight oil because it does not mean we are industrious but signals that we have poor time management.
Jump the queue - push into a queue of people in order to be served or dealt with before one's turn. / take unfair precedence over others. 插队/走后门
He jumped the queue at the ticket counter.
On everyone's lips - being talked about by a lot of people. 被议论纷纷
The question on everyone's lips about the early university admission of some extra-curricular activities relates to concerns about these children's social lives on campus.
Take to the streets - to bring some events onto the streets outside. 游街
The protests occurred last week and Odinga has urged his followers to take to the streets twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.