武汉壶语堂博物馆是2012年4月先后经湖北省文物局和武汉市文化局批准,并通过武汉市民政局注册登记成立的武汉首批私人博物馆。馆长夏志钢在30多年的收藏实践活动中,积累了丰富的民间收藏鉴定经验。Wuhan Huyutang Museum is one of the first private museums in Wuhan, which was approved by Hubei cultural relics bureau and Wuhan culture bureau successively in April 2012, and registered and established by Wuhan civil affairs bureau. Curator Xia Zhigang has accumulated rich experience in folk collection and appraisal in more than 30 years of collecting practice.

馆长-夏志钢先生-第二次见夏馆长,如最初般,他总是一如既往的谦逊,随和,大气。The curator-Mr. Xia Zhigang -the second time to meet him , as always, he is humble, easy-going and generous.

跟着夏馆长的步伐,我和我的法国朋友学生,走进了壶语堂的收藏世界。Following in the footsteps of curator Xia, my French friends- students and I entered the world of Huyutang's collection.

2012年度和2013年度,连续二年被武汉市文联评为民间十大收藏家。From 2012 to 2013 , he was awarded as the top ten folk collectors by wuhan literature federation.

Sandra在壶语堂门前的照片。欢迎我们去探索,关于壶语堂的世界。壶语堂专题收藏了民间大量的壶具和中国古代民间雕塑,形成了以中国古代壶文化发展和古代雕塑的系列收藏。 Picture where Sandra is in front of Huyutang . We are welcome to explore here .Huyutang collects a large number of teapot tools and ancient Chinese folk sculpture, forming a series of collections with the development of ancient Chinese teapot culture and ancient sculpture.

Christine Xia, 武汉法语联盟校长助理,她用精致而极美的法语,潺潺由来,关于夏馆长的收藏故事和经历,她向法国朋友打开了关于中国私人收藏家的收藏故事。( 武汉法语联盟是大批留学法国学子,学习法语的母校,它是致力于传播法国文化艺术,教授纯正法语的最权威的机构,是出国留学,商务提高的最佳选择,受法国政府强力支持,世界闻名权威机构,就如中国的“孔子学院”。)Christine Xia , French league assistant principal, she used her delicate and stunning French, gurgling, story about summer curator collection and experience, she told the French friend opened the story about Chinese private collectors collection. (wuhan French alliance is a large number of students study in France, French's Alma mater, it is committed to the spread of French culture and art, professor pure French the most authoritative organization, is to study abroad, the best choice for business increase, the French government's strong support, is well known in the world authority, as China's "Confucius institute".)

Cynthia 是武汉法国领事馆文化专员的夫人,对于此次的参观拜访,感受到如此丰富的民间收藏,她很佩服夏馆长,对于艺术文化的的用心和收藏。 Cynthia is the wife of French consulate cultural attache in Wuhan , for the tour visit, she likes it so much of the rich folk collection, Also she admired the curator, who attentively and do all the collections for art and culture.

木兰山-花木兰是博物馆的中心代表,为父从军,保卫家乡的故事,为中国民间佳话广为流传。Mulan mountain - Hua Mulan is the central representative of the museum, fight for her father from the army, the story of defending the homeland is widely spread.

Florence是巴黎大学的艺术史老师,她跟我学习中国画,也是我的艺术史老师,在参观的过程中,她从欧洲的历史出发,跟我比较中国历史发展时期,对于夏馆长的个人丰富的收藏,她也非常欣赏。Florence is the art history teacher in the university of Paris, she is learning Chinese paintings with me, also she is my Art teacher. During the visiting time, she is starting from the history of Europe, compare with the development period of Chinese history. For curator Xia , about his individual rich collections, she is very appreciate.

为拓展展出空间,壶语堂2013年另辟新址建成中国古代雕塑艺术馆于武汉市黄陂区木兰山风景区内,占地4千平方米,展区2千余平方米。馆藏中国古代雕塑艺术品千余件,大多具有地方特色。壶语堂博物馆木兰山馆主要是以中国古代民间雕塑为主线,重点展示各个时期社会发展中的中国人的生活状态,介绍不同朝代不同民族发展过程中的民俗变化。In order to expand the exhibition space, in 2013, the new site of the teapot language hall was established in the mulan mountain scenic area of huangpi district, wuhan city, covering an area of 4,000 square meters and an area of more than 2,000 square meters. The collection contains over one thousand pieces of ancient Chinese sculpture art, most of which have local characteristics. Pot of language hall museum if mulan mountain visitors to the ancient Chinese folk sculpture as the main line, key show the Chinese life state of social development in different historical periods, introduce different dynasties folk change in the process of national development.

Caroline是法国布艺手工艺术家,她的爱人是东风雷诺公司的高管及技术专家,她跟随爱人来武汉,旅行了中国很多地方,她很喜欢中国的文化,中国红的衣裙加上中式扇子,似乎在和我在说关于中国古典家具的故事。Caroline is a France cloth art craft artist, her husband is from Dongfeng Renault , the executives and technical experts. She came with him to Wuhan, now she traveled many places in China, she likes Chinese culture. Chinese red dress with Chinese fans, seemed to be talking about the story of the Chinese classic furniture.

小模具的制作方法,壶语堂不是传统意义上的私人博物馆,夏馆长给参观者提供充足的体验感,可以现场制作版画,做模具等一系列传统艺术体验活动,用心良苦的他,想唤起参观者对于传统艺术的知识普及和文化珍惜。Sandrine 是武汉法国领事馆教育顾问,漂亮精致的她,在感受中国古床的舒适和制作小模具的工艺。Small mould manufacturing method. Huyutang is not the traditional private museum, the curator Xia provide visitors adequate experience. You can make prints, do your own mold there and also try a series of traditional art experience activity.He wants to arouse the visitors with the traditional art of literacy and cultural treasure. Sandrine is a consultant of education of the French consulate in Wuhan . She is beautiful and elegant , she is trying the comfortable ancient bed ,and the hand-craft.

Beatrice 和 她的女儿 Alice ,去亲手感受具有中国文化特色的民间雕塑艺术-皮影戏,这种亲身的体验感,夏馆长的周到和对于艺术的深层次分享以及艺术文化素养的知识的普及,让我们深层次的去感知艺术和文化. Beatrice and her daughter Alice, personally experience Chinese folk sculpture art with Chinese cultural characteristics--shadow play. This kind of hands-on experience, is very thoughtful , because of curator Xia , the popularity of deep sharing and knowledge of artistic and cultural literacy, we can experience art and culture deeply .

武汉壶语堂博物馆在黄陂区木兰山上建设公益博物馆,是2012武汉博物馆之城建设启动项目,是市文化局的重点关注单位,已经列入武汉博物馆地图之中。Caroline击鼓奏乐.Huyutang museum in Huangpi district of Wuhan is the public museum on Mulan mountain , in 2012 started the project. The city of Wuhan Museum construction is focus on the unit, the city culture department has been included in the map of Wuhan museum.Caroline is playing the drum.

Sandra 在敲钟祈福。Sandra is playing the drum for blessing.











翻译-Andie-邱兰兰, 喜欢英语和旅行。 Translate-Andie-lanlan Qiu, like English and Travel . Traduteur-Andie , elle aime l’anglais et le vayager .


XiuJuan Gong, born in a Tea-business family in Enshi, Hubei. She graduated from art education department belong to academy of arts in Jianghan University.And her major is traditional Chinese painting.Her graduation work 《 Trapped》was kept in school till now. As a Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher from 2009, now her students are from WYIS, French International school, international academy from Jianghan University,Wuhan Business University, top management team,the different consulates and some foreign experts 's family .As an internship in 2012, she worked for 798 art gallery, high--class clothing creation for Fuzang in Caochangdi International studio, Beijing. And also as the Chinese painting artist sailing with "Viking" from Wuhan to Chongqin . Congrats! She opened her own studio " Xiujuan's Calligraphy & Tea " in 2013. From 2015 to 2016, she was invited as local Wuhan artist by Alliance Franciase, attended "art--wine" culture exchange , and "Wuhan--Paris" international children's work show exhibition with French Consul general in Wuhan, and artists from Bordeaux-- Paris . Till 2016, she opened several public free sharing and exhibition in Wuwai Library and art gallery in Tanghu. During summer vacation in 2016 ,2017 and 2018,she was invited to have the Western art history course in Louvre, France. She was volunteer art teacher in Wuhan Yangtze international school .

龚秀娟, 中国画书法老师,出生富硒茶之乡-恩施,家族从事茶叶经营,个人喜欢英语法语艺术文化交流旅行,绘画创作。Grace Gong , Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher , I was born in enshi et my family work on tea business . I focus on English , french art culturel exchange , communication traveling and art creation . Gong Xiujuan, professeur de calligraphie et de peinture Chinoise. Née dans la riche région de Enshi, au sein d'une exploitation familiale de thé. Passionnée par l'art et la culture Anglaise et Française, par la communication et les voyages. Artiste peintre et créatrice.
网站 -my website-mon site l’internet -https://www.gracegong-art.com
邮箱 Mon mail-my email : gong0917@hotmail.com
