一、解决问题:利用日常挑战和孩子一起练习解决问题。 1) 在家庭会议中,或与一个孩子头脑风暴解决办法。 2) 提启发性问题,让孩子寻求解决办法。 3) 关于打架:“孩子们,你们可以解决的带着你的计划回来。” 4) 关于家务活:头脑风暴需要完成的家务,请孩子创建一个计划。用一周时间来尝试。
Problem solving: Use daily challenges to practice problem solving with children. 1) Brainstorming solutions in family meetings or with a child. 2) Ask enlightening questions and let children find solutions. 3) About the fight: "Children, you can solve it and come back with your plan." 4) About housework: Brainstorm the housework that needs to be done. Ask your child to create a plan. Take a week to try.
二、日常惯例:帮助孩子建立日常惯例表,鼓励自律。 1) 和孩子一起建立日常惯例表。 2) 头脑风暴需要做的事。(如:上床、早上起床、家庭作业等等) 3) 拍下孩子做事的照片。 4) 让日常惯例表做主:“你的日常惯例表下一项是什么?” 5) 不要带有奖励,因为奖励会带走能力感。
2. Daily routines: Help children set up daily routines and encourage self-discipline. 1) Establish a daily routine table with your child. 2) What brainstorming needs to do. (e.g. going to bed, getting up in the morning, doing homework, etc.) 3) Take pictures of children doing things. 4) Let the daily routine table be the master: "What is the next item in your daily routine table?" 5) Don't carry rewards, because rewards take away the sense of competence.
三、决定你将做什么:决定你将做什么,而不是引发权力之争。 1) 计划你将做什么,提前通知:“桌子摆好时我才开饭。”;“我在星期二和星期四帮你做功课,但 不是在最后一分钟。”;“完成家务活后我开车送你去朋友家。” 2) 和善而坚定地执行你的计划。
3. Decide what you will do: Decide what you will do, not trigger a power struggle. 1) Plan what you're going to do. Notify in advance: "I don't cook until the table is set." "I'll help you with your homework on Tuesday and Thursday, but not in the last minute." "After finishing the housework, I'll drive you to your friend's house." 2) Be kind and firm in carrying out your plan.
四、认同感受: 1) 允许孩子有自己的感受,这样孩子才能了解他们有能力处理。 2) 不要修复、解救,或试图说服孩子放弃感受。 3) 认同孩子的感受:“我能看出来你真的很(生气、沮丧、伤心)。” 4) 然后保持沉默,相信孩子能处理。
4. Identity Feelings: 1) Allow children to have their own feelings, so that children can understand their ability to deal with. 2) Do not repair, rescue, or try to persuade children to give up feeling. 3) Identify with the child's feelings: "I can see that you are really (angry, depressed, sad)." 4) Then keep silent and believe that the child can handle it.
五、教孩子该做什么:教孩子该做什么、而不是不要做什么。 1) 教孩子“轻轻拿”,演示,而不是说“别打碎了”。 2) 教完后,提醒“你该怎么轻轻拿?” 3) 教孩子去外面玩球,提醒:“你该在哪里玩球?” 4) 说:“你可以玩平底锅。”,而不是“不要玩灯”
Fifth, teach children what to do: teach them what to do, not what not to do. 1) Teach your child to "hold it lightly" and demonstrate it instead of saying "don't break it". 2) After teaching, remind me, "How should you gently handle it?" 3) Teach children to play outside and remind them, "Where should you play ball?" 4) Say, "You can play with pans." Instead of "don't play with lights"
六、关注于解决方案:关注于解决方案,而不是责备。 1) 发现问题。 2) 头脑风暴尽可能多的解决办法。 3) 选择一个对每个人都可行的解决方案。 4) 尝试一个星期。 5) 一星期后评估,如果没效果再重新开始。
Sixth, focus on solutions: focus on solutions, not blame. 1) Finding problems. 2) Brainstorm as many solutions as possible. 3) Choose a workable solution for everyone. 4) Try for a week. 5) Assessment after a week and start again if it doesn't work.
七、特别时光:安排和平常不同的特别时光。 1) 切断电话。 2) 轮流选择你们一起头脑风暴出的都喜欢活动清单中的一项。 3) 年龄指导:2-6岁:每天10分钟;7-12岁:每周最少30分钟;13岁以上:每月一次,做青少 年不能拒绝的事。
Seventh, special time: arrange special time which is different from ordinary time. 1) Cut off the phone. 2) Take turns choosing one of your favorite activities that you brainstorm together. 3) Age guidance: 2-6 years old: 10 minutes a day; 7-12 years old: at least 30 minutes a week; 13 years old and over: once a month, do things that teenagers can not refuse.
八、共赢的合作:当父母理解并尊重孩子的观点时,孩子感到深受鼓舞。 1) 对孩子的想法和感受表示理解。 2) 共情但不怜悯。 3) 分享你有类似的感受或行为的情形。 4) 分享你的想法和感受。(只有当孩子感到被倾听时才会听你的。) 5) 关注于共同解决问题。
8. Win-win cooperation: When parents understand and respect their children's views, their children feel inspired. 1) Express understanding of children's thoughts and feelings. 2) Empathy but no pity. 3) Share situations where you have similar feelings or behaviors. 4) Share your thoughts and feelings. (Children listen to you only when they feel they are being listened to.) 5) Focus on solving problems together.
九、细小步骤:把任务细化,让孩子体验成功。 例如:学前班儿童写自己的名字很吃力。 1) 示范正确的执笔方法。 2) 一次写一个字母。你写一个,让孩子写一个。 3) 教技能,但不要为他们做。 4) 当孩子能完成细小步骤时,就会放弃“我不行”的信念。
Ninth, small steps: detailed tasks, so that children experience success. For example, preschool children struggle to write their names. 1) Demonstrate the correct writing method. 2) Write one letter at a time. You write one, let the child write one. 3) Teach skills, but don't do it for them. 4) When children can complete small steps, they will give up the belief that "I can't".
十、约定: 1) 讨论,每个人表达对问题的感受和想法。 2) 用头脑风暴的形式提出解决办法,选择一个每个人都同意的办法。 3) 对执行约定的最后期限达成一致。 4) 如果约定没有被执行,避免判断和批评。使用非语言信号,或者问:“我们的约定是什么?” 5) 如果约定仍然没有被执行,从第一步重新开始。
10. Agreements: 1) Discuss and express everyone's feelings and thoughts about the problem. 2) Brainstorm solutions and choose a solution that everyone agrees on. 3) To reach an agreement on the deadline for the implementation of the agreement. 4) Avoid judgment and criticism if the agreement is not implemented. Use nonverbal signals, or ask, "What is our agreement?" 5) If the agreement is still not implemented, start again from the first step.