If you’re a man over 40, you should know that prostate enlargement is as common as your kids asking for money.
When a man’s prostate becomes enlarged, it may signal a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, which is common in men over 40.
The most usual symptoms involve urination and include: 最常见的症状:
✔an urgent need to (urinate), 撩(niao)急
✔a hesitant or weak urine stream, 撩(niao)等待或 撩 量少
✔and frequent urination, especially at night. 夜撩频多
If you’re experiencing symptoms like these, see a doctor. Your doctor will be able to check you for, and potentially rule out, other conditions such as prostate cancer. 如果你患有以上这些症状,请就医(咨询)。医生将对您进行检查,并排除其他可能,比如 前列线碍(ai)。
Treatment of BPH can reduce urinary symptoms and may help you avoid more serious health problems. BPH(良性前列线增生)的治疗,有效降低泌撩系统症状,可以帮助你避免更严重的健康问题。