

作者: Raymond雷曼德 | 来源:发表于2019-04-10 20:09 被阅读0次

In this weekend, the club organised some small competitions where the kids were playing each other according to the group on training, and their age.

My team of 10年 D 班 played with the team of same age from A to C 班

The competition was on Saturday and Sunday



The idea of competition was good, the kids like matches and playing for long time, and i pretty know that the objective of those match was to make kids happy and enjoying the long weekend of small holiday, but unfortunately

with my team considering that the majority ari beginners and other small number of them they football level is lower than others from team A,B and C, because the teams were made considering to the football level and their age.

The team D suffered to much as they are begginers who have been training for only 1 week, one month, because even those who were good, they recently moved to higher team C, others their football abilities were very down.

By concequency, the kids from my team D, lost all the games, and lost in a ludicrous way        20 to 0 or 10 to 0 in average. I know that this way of loosing can affect the kids and their parents, by thinking that football is a bad game, where it's impossible to win, or the parents can say that i don't want to protect my kid and my self from being embarrassed in front of others, and the choose to stop football or changing the club。


Logically and scientifically kids who have big difference of training age, different level of football abilities can't compete together, there is a way of looking for teams whose almost the same level and the same biological as well as training age in order to play fairly we balance.


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