26、April 16,1951

作者: 四月不见 | 来源:发表于2022-01-01 08:24 被阅读0次
                            14 East  94th St.
                            New York City
                            April 16,1951
    To All at 84, Charing Cross Road:
        Thank you for the beautiful book. I’ve
    never owned a book before with pages edged
    all round in gold. Would you believe it
    arrived on my birthday?
        I wish you hadn’t been so
    over-courteous about putting the
    inscription on a card instead of on the
    flyleaf. It’s the bookseller coming out in
    you all, you were afraid you’d  decrease
    its value. You would have increased it for
    the present owner. (And possibly for the
    future owner. I love inscriptions on
    flyleaves and notes in margins, I like the
    comradely sense of turning pages someone
    else turned, and reading passages some one
    long gone has called my attention to.)
        And why didn’t you sign your names? I
    expect Frank wouldn’t let you, he probably
    doesn’t want me writing love letters to
    anybody but him.
        I send you greetings for America—
    faithless friend that she is, pouring
    millions into rebuilding Japan and Germany
    while letting England starve. Some day,
    God willing, I’ll get over there and
    apologize personally for my country’s sins
    (and by the time i come home my country
    will certainly have to apologizefor mine).
        Thank you again for the beautiful book,
    I shall try very hard not to get gin and
    ashes all over it, it’s really much too
    fine for the likes of me.
                                Helene Hanff

    He probably doesn’t want me writing love letters to anybody but him.



        本文标题:26、April 16,1951
