Encouraging Reading and More Aro

Encouraging Reading and More Aro

作者: 力迈中美国际幼儿园 | 来源:发表于2018-07-25 09:45 被阅读2次

Reading is essential when learning a new language, such as English and for practicing it. 

By giving your child lots of opportunities to read, you are supporting them in developing their language abilities.

At LIMAI, we place great importance on the maintenance of a student’s first language or their “Mother Tongue.”

The most current research supports that the transfer of languages skills is an important part in learning an additional language. 

As a result, all of the activities listed here could both be done in your family’s home language or English.   

Below are just some skills that can help your child improve their language, particularly reading, at different ages or stages.   

Ages 2 - 3

  • When your child is sounding out unfamiliar words, give them time to do so. Remind them to look closely at the first letters of the word.

  • Mistakes are okay. When your child makes a mistake, gently point out the letters they overlooked or read incorrectly.

  • Talk with your child every day about school and things going on around the house. Try to use interesting or new words. This will help them build a new vocabulary base to improve their language comprehension.

  • Pick books that are at the right level. Help your child pick books that are not too difficult. The aim is to give your child lots of successful reading experiences to build their self-esteem and confidence. 

Ages 3 - 4

  • Ask your child to read aloud what they have written at school or for homework. This can be on their blog or maybe a book they are reading in class. Be an enthusiastic listener. 

  • Create a book at home. Fold pieces of paper in half and staple them to make a book. Ask your child to write sentences on each page and add their own illustrations. Have your child read the story to the family if they would like to. 

  • Make up a story together while riding in a car or bus. One person starts it. Each family member takes turns in adding to the story. Try making the story funny or spooky! 

Ages 5 and Above

  • Find ways to introduce readers to a series of books or a favorite author. Ask your child’s teacher for suggestions if you’re unsure.

  • Let your child see when you encounter unfamiliar words while reading, try to think and say what the word might mean.

  • Encourage your child to read different types of books so they are exposed to different types of writing. Graphic novels, non-fiction texts and picture books are all great for students to read.

In general, it is important that at home you develop a reading routine with your child. 

Make it a special experience for your child. This means that they have a space where they feel comfortable to sit-down and read with few distractions. 

Children should be given the opportunity to choose the books they read in order to empower them.

Most importantly, parents should involve themselves in their child’s reading. By asking questions, reading aloud together or even making funny voices

A parent’s involvement as a role model demonstrates the importance of reading to their child. This will help instill excellent reading habits and move them towards success with their language abilities.























    本文标题:Encouraging Reading and More Aro
