

作者: 心内之光 | 来源:发表于2019-03-20 14:54 被阅读3次

    Good morning dear professors, it's my great honor to be here for this interview.

    My name is ZhouJiabin,  26 years old. I was born in Wuxi of Jiangsu province.My parents are doctors and I love and  respect  them very much, I graduated in the fourth military medical university, majoring in clinical medicine.My target is to be a good neurosurgeon.

    I'm optimistic, patient, careful, and  responsible for my work.I have a strong adaptive ability and  I'm good at personal communication and cooperation.

    I have passed  Band 4 and 6 of College English Test.After that, I still tried my best to read English papers and mastered some professional vocabulary.What's more, I have published 2 Chinese science and technology papers as the second author, and I have participated in writing one book.

  Even so, I don't think I have done well enough. I need a broader and a professional platform to enrich myself, and I urgently need to go back to school to improve my professional level.I will  treasure the opportunity by working hard, dedicating myself on the development of clinical medicine.

    That's all.Thank you for your attention.



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