

作者: 无名小绿的前半生 | 来源:发表于2021-09-17 21:33 被阅读0次


Martian(火星的,火星人) Crust(地壳) Could Sustain(维持) Life through Radiation(辐射)

Meteorites(陨石) reveal that so long as groundwater is present, the Martian subsurface(地表下层) is habitable

Meteor 流星   Meteoroid 流星体

habitable :可居住的  inhabitable 可居住的 uninhabitable 不可居住的

Deep below the ground, radioactive elements disintegrate(分解v.) water molecules(分子), producing ingredients that can fuel subterranean(地下的) life. This process, known as radiolysis(辐射分解), has sustained bacteria in isolated,water-filled cracks(裂缝) and rock pores(气孔) on Earth for millions to billions of years.Now a study published in Astrobiology(天体生物学) contends(提出,主张) that radiolysis could have powered microbial(微生物的) life in the Martian subsurface.

integrate :整合  mediintegrate 地中海的



Dust storms(沙尘暴), cosmic rays(宇宙射线) and solar winds ravage(摧毁) the Red Planet’s surface. But belowground(地下的), some life might find refuge(避难处). “The environment with the best chance of(...机会) habitability on Mars is the subsurface,”says Jesse Tarnas, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory(喷气式推进实验室) and the new study’s lead author(第一作者). Examining the Martian underground could help scientists learn whether life could have survived there—and the best subsurface samples available today are Martian meteorites(陨石) that have crash-landed(紧急降落) on Earth.

cosmonaut 苏联宇航员

take refuge 找避难处

co-author 联合作者

Tarnas and his colleagues evaluated the grain sizes(粒径),mineral make up and radioactive element abundance(含量) in Martian meteorites and estimated the Martian crust’s porosity(渗透性) using satellite and rover(火星车) data. They plugged these attributes(特性) into a computer model that simulated(模拟) radiolysis to see how efficiently the process would have generated hydrogen gas and sulfates(硫酸盐):chemical ingredients that can power the metabolism(新陈代谢) of underground bacteria. The researchers report that if water was present, radiolysis in the Martian subsurface could have sustained microbial communities(群落) for billions of years—andperhaps still could today.

plug into ...把...接入...

Scientists have previously studied Mars radiolysis,but this marks the first estimate using Martian rocks to quantify(量化) the planet’s subsurface habitability. Tarnas and his colleagues also evaluated the potential richness of life in the Martian underground and found that as many as a millionmicrobes could exist in a kilogram of rock. (Geobiologists(地球生物学家) have found comparable(相当的) densities in Earth’s subsurface.)

The most habitable meteorite samples analyzed appearedto be made of a rock type called regolith(风化层) breccia(角砾岩). “These are thought to come from the southern highlands of Mars, which is the most ancient terrain(地势) on Mars,” Tarnas says.

Underground life, as described by this research, would require water—and it remains unknown if groundwater exists on the planet, says Lujendra Ojha, a planetary scientist at Rutgers University, who was not involved in the study. Determining(查明) whether the Martian crust contains waterwill be an important next step, but this investigation helps to motivate that search, Ojha says: “Where there is groundwater, there could be life.”



