如何与外教团队进行合作沟通20180512How to Coop

如何与外教团队进行合作沟通20180512How to Coop

作者: 斯美一支笔 | 来源:发表于2018-05-15 19:04 被阅读0次

1、时代校区是一个外教自管理的校区,同样已定校长为Herc。所以,遵循校长管理责任制,我们时代校区周末的班的任何活动都得由Herc取得与Fiona同意的情况下与Teresa沟通后,安排员工执行。翻译的工作是翻译Herc与Fiona共同决定后的内容,沟通可以用口译的方式协调外籍团队与雅文团队的管理工作。 Grandbuy Campus is a school. Now the School Principal is Hercules as well as the Principal of our Kindergarten. All the things related with those two schools will definitely go to Hurcules to make a decision. Of course before the final announcement Hercules will talk with Fiona first. And all the announcements are for Teresa to translate. Make sure both Chinese and English Versions are understandable.

2、关于校历与周历:校历是以8月到次年8月底为一周年的;周历是细化具体的工作,目前我们大方向的周历是到9月2号止的。Herc要根据此周历安排具体细致的工作。主要关注我们原有多少个外教;美国会来多少个外教;在肇庆期间,我们如何才能具体地、更好地让他们为幼儿园及时代校区做好宣传或上好课,授课形式可以以一对一雅思课、时代校区和幼儿园的亲子汇报活动为主,这样才有价值。至于住宿的外教,由住宿家庭负责接送到校。 About the school calendar, it usually starts from premier August to the next year August. That will be only the general planning of the whole school year. Normally it comes from our government main schedule of the whole school year. We need to plan for it depending on the government education bureau. And we used to plan our weekly schedules according to different months. For we need to plan details each week, we try to make it at least a month earlier. All for Hercules to know is that try to get the exact numbers of our foreign teachers here including those American Observers may come in July to August. Try to think of something to do, like activities ,speeches, outings, lectures ,or One on one tutoring to do during their stay in Zhaoqing, as well as some travelling camps with our students. All these plannings should be focus on Kindergarten and Bosstown in Grandbuy Campus. Need to consider those new comers' Home Stay Accommodations and Weekend Activities if we can offer some senior high students to do such a volunteer job.


Teresa    和 Hercules

其余的所有微信沟通的内容均为不重要的内容,后果自负。 To Hurcules and Teresa: All the important documents should go in or out from both sides in an email box instead of just wechat messages. Otherwise it will be considered as not so important or not in an emergency order.

关于广百校区的招生:According to Grandbuy Campus Enrollment

1.不参与六六双十二的优惠政策 Refuse to join our normal way of JUNE 6th / DECEMBER 12 Big Discount Promotion, because this school will have its own way to do the enrollment of the next semester. 2.不能强调一个班招收多少个人 Cannot emphasize how many students in one class, because the number of each class will be determined by different teachers or different timetables. 理由是:The above reasons are:

1.)由于珠三角太多机会,外教越来越不想来肇庆工作 Less and less foreign teachers are willing to work in Zhaoqing City because other cities can offer them more opportunities . Other cities will be more attractive for some of the foreign teachers. 2.)合资格能够办证的外教越来越难请,我们是肇庆市的一个良好用工示范单位,我们能够请的一定是合资格的外教 .We are good example school hiring good qualified foreign teachers in Zhaoqing City. But to hire those good quality ones are becoming more and more difficult.

3.)每个老师的课堂管理驾驭能力都不相同,我们的班级人数配置是严格按照国家标准的小班制编制招生人数,目前我们学校内部规定不会超过一个班22人,比起国家规定的一个班35人为小班还相差甚远;但是,我们学校也有一个班8个人,10个人和12个人的班,主要是对某些新加入斯美剑桥教学模式的外教一个试验期阶段的的,我们学校有个明文规定一个教师合伙人必须要经得起办学年历对教师资历的考验,有学生愿意追随,没有家长投诉,学校常规管理各项指标都合格甚至优秀的情况下才可以多收几个学生的,因为每个老师的工资待遇是与教学人数挂钩的,但这个人数也是在学校可控范围之内的人数配置,不会让老师胡乱招生的。 We arrange the number of students in each classed dueling to different teaching abilities and if he is new comer to our school , we need to put less numbers of the students in his class , just to check if he can make it good. Then the next semester we may allow him to get more students in his class. Because different numbers of students may cause different salaries and different bonus.

4、需要知道的几个负责人:就是说关于广百的所有事务都首先要请问Hercules,他自然会经得Fiona同意后才去做的。如果实行不了,再请直接反馈到Fiona处。Very important persons that everybody needs to know: Fiona      Hercules  商讨决策 决定事务Decide everything      

Teresa  文秘/翻译/协调/跟进执行Help with the final decision translation

(雅文 Yawen)    广百校长助理   

    Assistant in the school management

(格格 Karen)      外教生活助理 

                      Helper in daily lives

(春谊Anna)   外教租房管理合同等

Accommodations and renting contracts                                                           

5、此决定于2018年5月份生效,由Hercules接管广百校区校长一职以及斯美剑桥幼儿园园长一职,其月薪工资正式多加两级职务工资,具体金额已由Fiona正式与Hercules个人亲自沟通,特此公示,执行起薪日期。 This announcement efective from May 2018,Hersules will take the new job as a principal in charge of two foreign departments, so we decide to raise his salaries because of these two mor reasons.  The exact amount of each monthly pay is just between the school and Hercules himself. 至于学期奖金以所管辖校区和幼儿园缴费总金额比前一期增长20%为合格指标,各数值分段奖励Hercules的团队奖金,完全可由其个人分配处理,举例如下: Besides Hercules as well as his foreign department team, our school also plan the Grandbuy School Semester Bonus as below:


少于上期的less than last semester

只能领月薪工资can only get each month salaries

等于上期的equal to last semester 没有额外奖金no extra bonus 增长10%以内的raise up to 10% 由学校拔款用于团队活动,吃饭或其他奖励,使用权为学校Fiona决定

Fiona will arrange some money to Hercules to do some teamwork activities ,such as dinner or outings. Fiona decides to use that money.

增长20%以内的 Raise up to 20%


Our school will offer some money as bonus to Hercules, and Hercules decides to do everything to help with the teamwork


Should know: All the amount of money our school give Hercules to use as teamwork bonus should consider no more than the Grandbuy school profits 10% after deduction of all the running expense of the school foreign projects.

决议领导签名:Signatures of the following

To prove the above 何建平 、陆碧素 


斯美剑桥外语教育培训学校管理中心                                      Summit Cambridge Management Center



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      本文标题:如何与外教团队进行合作沟通20180512How to Coop
