04【每日英文】 空洞/没什么变化/刻薄/温顺用英语怎么说呢?

04【每日英文】 空洞/没什么变化/刻薄/温顺用英语怎么说呢?

作者: 滨海晨阳 | 来源:发表于2020-09-04 11:36 被阅读0次


每个人对简·奥斯丁的一生有不同的看法,但是坦白讲,怎么去过自己的一过是她自己的事,跟我们关系不大。我们无法去对别人的生活评头论足,但是只能作为另外一种人生报以欣赏。 虽然她一生未嫁,但是她有很多优秀的作品呈现给大家。并犀利的眼光为我们展示了当代家庭生活,也是挺好的一件事么。 

Although Jane led a full life, she was misunderstood by some family members. One of her nephews wrote, " of course he life was singularly barren, few changes and no great crisis ever broke the smooth current of its course." after her death, her brother Henry tried to portray her as sweet and meek, a lonely spinster. In fact, Jane loved to dance, flirt, and gossip, and she had several admirers. she had a sharp tongue and often made clever but unkind remarks about people she knew.




    本文标题:04【每日英文】 空洞/没什么变化/刻薄/温顺用英语怎么说呢?
