annotate: 把芯片数据导出为好看的 HTML

作者: 美式永不加糖 | 来源:发表于2019-06-25 23:46 被阅读8次


    以 HTML table 形式呈现芯片数据的好处是可以加上各个公共注释数据库的链接,便于下游分析,而且小巧便捷,用浏览器可以直接打开。

    制作这样的 HTML table 的先决条件是要有所用芯片的注释信息,当然制造商一般会提供可导入 R 的文件格式,例如用 read.csv() 就可以加载 Affymetrix 的 csv 文件。

    1. 加载包&数据准备

    以 Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 芯片为例,随机取15个基因:

    igenes <- featureNames(sample.ExpressionSet)[246:260]

    2. 准备注释数据

    ## GenBank ID
    gb <- as.character(unlist(lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "ACCNUM")))
    #  [1] "M57423"   "Z70218"   "L17328"   "S81916"   "U63332"   "M77235"  
    #  [7] "X98175"   "AB019392" "J03071"   "D25272"   "D63789"   "D63789"  
    # [13] "U19142"   "U19147"   "X16863"  
    ## LocusLink ID
    ll <- as.character(unlist(lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "ENTREZID")))
    #  [1] "221823" "4330"   "9637"   "5230"   "4287"   "6331"   "841"    "27335" 
    #  [9] NA       NA       "6846"   NA       NA       NA       "2215"  
    ## UniGene ID
    ug <- as.character(unlist(lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "UNIGENE")))
    #  [1] "Hs.169284" "Hs.268515" "Hs.258563" "Hs.78771"  "Hs.532632" "Hs.517898"
    #  [7] "Hs.599762" "Hs.314359" NA          NA          "Hs.458346" NA         
    # [13] NA          NA          "Hs.372679" "Hs.694258" "Hs.736230"
    ## SwissProt ID 一个探针对应多个UNIPROT ID,保留为list格式
    sp <- lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "UNIPROT")
    names(sp) <- NULL
    # [[1]]
    # [1] "P21108"
    # [[2]]
    # [1] "A0A024R1C3" "Q10571"    
    # [[3]]
    # [1] "Q9UHY8"
    # [[4]]
    # [1] "P00558" "V9HWF4"
    # [[5]]
    # [1] "P54252"     "A0A0A0MS38" "C9JQV6"    
    # [[6]]
    # [1] "Q14524"     "Q86V90"     "H9KVD2"     "E9PG18"     "E9PHB6"    
    # [6] "K4DIA1"     "A0A0A0MT39"
    # [[7]]
    # [1] "A0A024R3Z8" "Q14790"    
    # [[8]]
    # [1] "K7ERF1" "U3LUI4" "K7EK53" "Q9UBQ5"
    # [[9]]
    # [1] NA
    # [[10]]
    # [1] NA
    # [[11]]
    # [1] "Q9UBD3"
    # [[12]]
    # [1] NA
    # [[13]]
    # [1] NA
    # [[14]]
    # [1] NA
    # [[15]]
    # [1] "O75015"     "M9MML6"     "A0A087WZR4" "A0A087WU90"

    需要把 NA 转换为 " &nbsp ; ",原因嘛,我也说不清....

    Because the code for SwissProt IDs will not automatically handle missing data, we have to convert the missing data to an HTML empty cell identifier (" ")

    ## 写个循环改一下
    for(i in 1:length(names)) {
      if(i == 9 || i == 10 || i ==12 ||
         i ==13 || i == 14)
      names[i] <- "&nbsp;"
    # [[1]]
    # [1] "P21108"
    # [[2]]
    # [1] "A0A024R1C3" "Q10571"    
    # [[3]]
    # [1] "Q9UHY8"
    # [[4]]
    # [1] "P00558" "V9HWF4"
    # [[5]]
    # [1] "P54252"     "A0A0A0MS38" "C9JQV6"    
    # [[6]]
    # [1] "Q14524"     "Q86V90"     "H9KVD2"     "E9PG18"     "E9PHB6"    
    # [6] "K4DIA1"     "A0A0A0MT39"
    # [[7]]
    # [1] "A0A024R3Z8" "Q14790"    
    # [[8]]
    # [1] "K7ERF1" "U3LUI4" "K7EK53" "Q9UBQ5"
    # [[9]]
    # [1] "&nbsp;"
    # [[10]]
    # [1] "&nbsp;"
    # [[11]]
    # [1] "Q9UBD3"
    # [[12]]
    # [1] "&nbsp;"
    # [[13]]
    # [1] "&nbsp;"
    # [[14]]
    # [1] "&nbsp;"
    # [[15]]
    # [1] "O75015"     "M9MML6"     "A0A087WZR4" "A0A087WU90"
    ## Gene Name
    names <- as.character(unlist(lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "GENENAME")))
    #  [1] "phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1 like 1"    
    #  [2] "MN1 proto-oncogene, transcriptional regulator"       
    #  [3] "fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 2"         
    #  [4] "phosphoglycerate kinase 1"                           
    #  [5] "ataxin 3"                                            
    #  [6] "sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5"        
    #  [7] "caspase 8"                                           
    #  [8] "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit K"
    #  [9] NA                                                    
    # [10] NA                                                    
    # [11] "X-C motif chemokine ligand 2"                        
    # [12] NA                                                    
    # [13] NA                                                    
    # [14] NA                                                    
    # [15] "Fc fragment of IgG receptor IIIb"    
    for(i in 1:length(names)) {
      if(i == 9 || i == 10 || i ==12 ||
         i ==13 || i == 14)
      names[i] <- "&nbsp;"
    #  [1] "phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1 like 1"    
    #  [2] "MN1 proto-oncogene, transcriptional regulator"       
    #  [3] "fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 2"         
    #  [4] "phosphoglycerate kinase 1"                           
    #  [5] "ataxin 3"                                            
    #  [6] "sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5"        
    #  [7] "caspase 8"                                           
    #  [8] "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit K"
    #  [9] "&nbsp;"                                               
    # [10] "&nbsp;"                                               
    # [11] "X-C motif chemokine ligand 2"                        
    # [12] "&nbsp;"                                               
    # [13] "&nbsp;"                                               
    # [14] "&nbsp;"                                               
    # [15] "Fc fragment of IgG receptor IIIb"       

    3. 一些相关的值


    dat <- exprs(sample.ExpressionSet)[igenes,1:10]
    FC <- rowMeans(dat[igenes,1:5]) - rowMeans(dat[igenes,6:10]) 
    pval <- esApply(sample.ExpressionSet[igenes,1:10], 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:5], x[6:10])$p.value)
    tstat <- esApply(sample.ExpressionSet[igenes,1:10], 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:5], x[6:10])$statistic)

    4. 构建 HTML table

    genelist <- list(igenes, ug, ll, gb, sp)
    filename <- "Interesting_genes.html" 
    title <- "An Artificial Set of Interesting Genes" 
    othernames <- list(names, round(tstat, 2), round(pval, 3), round(FC, 1), round(dat, 2))
    head <- c("Probe ID", "UniGene", "LocusLink", "GenBank", "SwissProt", "Gene Name", "t-statistic", "p-value",
              "Fold Change", "Sample 1", "Sample 2", "Sample 3", "Sample 4", "Sample 5", "Sample 6",
              "Sample 7", "Sample 8", "Sample 9", "Sample 10")
    repository <- list("affy", "ug", "en", "gb", "sp") 
    htmlpage(genelist, filename, title, othernames, head, repository = repository) 




    for(i in 1:15) {
      if(i == 9 || i == 10 || i ==12 ||
         i ==13 || i == 14)
        ll[i] <- "---"
    for(i in 1:15) {
      if(i == 9 || i == 10 || i ==12 ||
         i ==13 || i == 14)
        ug[i] <- "---"
    #  [1] "221823" "4330"   "9637"   "5230"   "4287"   "6331"   "841"    "27335"  "---"   
    # [10] "---"    "6846"   "---"    "---"    "---"    "2215"  
    #  [1] "Hs.169284" "Hs.268515" "Hs.258563" "Hs.78771"  "Hs.532632" "Hs.517898"
    #  [7] "Hs.599762" "Hs.314359" "---"       "---"       "Hs.458346" "---"      
    # [13] "---"       "---"       "Hs.372679" "Hs.694258" "Hs.736230"


    绝望中打开了作者的 R Script



    fine 果然成功了。
    而且也没多么好看嘛,作者原话是 nice looking&pretty



    > gb_t <- as.character(unlist(lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "ACCNUM")))
    > gb
     [1] "M57423"   "Z70218"   "L17328"   "S81916"   "U63332"  
     [6] "M77235"   "X98175"   "AB019392" "J03071"   "D25272"  
    [11] "D63789"   "D63789"   "U19142"   "U19147"   "X16863"  
    > gb_t
     [1] "M57423"   "Z70218"   "L17328"   "S81916"   "U63332"  
     [6] "M77235"   "X98175"   "AB019392" "J03071"   "D25272"  
    [11] "D63789"   "D63789"   "U19142"   "U19147"   "X16863"  
    > class(gb)
    [1] "character"
    > class(gb_t)
    [1] "character"

    GenBank ID clear

    > ll_t <- as.character(unlist(lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "ENTREZID")))
    > ll
     [1] "221823" "4330"   "9637"   "---"    "---"    "6331"   "841"   
     [8] "27335"  "---"    "---"    "6375"   "---"    "2543"   "2578"  
    [15] "2215"  
    > ll_t
     [1] "221823" "4330"   "9637"   "5230"   "4287"   "6331"   "841"   
     [8] "27335"  NA       NA       "6846"   NA       NA       NA      
    [15] "2215"  
    > for(i in 1:15) {
    +   if(i == 9 || i == 10 || i ==12 ||
    +      i ==13 || i == 14)
    +     ll_t[i] <- "---"
    + }
    > ll_t
     [1] "221823" "4330"   "9637"   "5230"   "4287"   "6331"   "841"   
     [8] "27335"  "---"    "---"    "6846"   "---"    "---"    "---"   
    [15] "2215" 
    > class(ll)
    [1] "character"
    > class(ll_t)
    [1] "character"

    LocusLink ID clear

    > ug_t <- as.character(unlist(lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "UNIGENE")))
    > ug
     [1] "Hs.169284" "Hs.268515" "Hs.103419" "Hs.380429" "---"      
     [6] "Hs.169331" "Hs.381231" "Hs.283781" "---"       "---"      
    [11] "Hs.3195"   "---"       "Hs.176660" "Hs.272484" "Hs.372679"
    > ug_t
     [1] "Hs.169284" "Hs.268515" "Hs.258563" "Hs.78771"  "Hs.532632"
     [6] "Hs.517898" "Hs.599762" "Hs.314359" NA          NA         
    [11] "Hs.458346" NA          NA          NA          "Hs.372679"
    [16] "Hs.694258" "Hs.736230"
    > for(i in 1:15) {
    +   if(i == 9 || i == 10 || i ==12 ||
    +      i ==13 || i == 14)
    +     ug_t[i] <- "---"
    + }
    > ug_t
     [1] "Hs.169284" "Hs.268515" "Hs.258563" "Hs.78771"  "Hs.532632"
     [6] "Hs.517898" "Hs.599762" "Hs.314359" "---"       "---"      
    [11] "Hs.458346" "---"       "---"       "---"       "Hs.372679"
    [16] "Hs.694258" "Hs.736230"
    > class(ug)
    [1] "character"
    > class(ug_t)
    [1] "character"

    UniGene ID clear

    > sp_t <- lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "UNIPROT")
    > sp_t
    [1] "P21108"
    [1] "A0A024R1C3" "Q10571"    
    [1] "Q9UHY8"
    [1] "P00558" "V9HWF4"
    [1] "P54252"     "A0A0A0MS38" "C9JQV6"    
    [1] "Q14524"     "Q86V90"     "H9KVD2"     "E9PG18"     "E9PHB6"    
    [6] "K4DIA1"     "A0A0A0MT39"
    [1] "A0A024R3Z8" "Q14790"    
    [1] "K7ERF1" "U3LUI4" "K7EK53" "Q9UBQ5"
    [1] NA
    [1] NA
    [1] "Q9UBD3"
    [1] NA
    [1] NA
    [1] NA
    [1] "O75015"     "M9MML6"     "A0A087WZR4" "A0A087WU90"
    > names(sp_t) <- NULL
    > for(i in 1:15) {
    +   if(i == 9 || i == 10 || i ==12 ||
    +      i ==13 || i == 14)
    +     sp_t[[i]][1] <- "&nbsp;"
    + }
    > sp
    [1] "P21108"
    [1] "Q10571"
    [1] "Q9UHY8"
    [1] "Q16444"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "Q14524 "  " Q8IZC9 " " Q8WTQ6 " " Q8WWN5 " " Q96J69" 
    [1] "Q14790"
    [1] "Q9UBQ5"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "P47992"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "Q13065 " " Q8IYC5"
    [1] "Q13070"
    [1] "O75015"
    > sp_t
    [1] "P21108"
    [1] "A0A024R1C3" "Q10571"    
    [1] "Q9UHY8"
    [1] "P00558" "V9HWF4"
    [1] "P54252"     "A0A0A0MS38" "C9JQV6"    
    [1] "Q14524"     "Q86V90"     "H9KVD2"     "E9PG18"     "E9PHB6"    
    [6] "K4DIA1"     "A0A0A0MT39"
    [1] "A0A024R3Z8" "Q14790"    
    [1] "K7ERF1" "U3LUI4" "K7EK53" "Q9UBQ5"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "Q9UBD3"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "&nbsp;"
    [1] "O75015"     "M9MML6"     "A0A087WZR4" "A0A087WU90"
    > class(sp)
    [1] "list"
    > class(sp_t)
    [1] "list"

    SwissProt ID clear

    > name_t <- as.character(unlist(lookUp(igenes, "hgu95av2", "GENENAME")))
    > name_t
     [1] "phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1 like 1"    
     [2] "MN1 proto-oncogene, transcriptional regulator"       
     [3] "fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 2"         
     [4] "phosphoglycerate kinase 1"                           
     [5] "ataxin 3"                                            
     [6] "sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5"        
     [7] "caspase 8"                                           
     [8] "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit K"
     [9] NA                                                    
    [10] NA                                                    
    [11] "X-C motif chemokine ligand 2"                        
    [12] NA                                                    
    [13] NA                                                    
    [14] NA                                                    
    [15] "Fc fragment of IgG receptor IIIb"   
    > for(i in 1:length(names)) {
    +   if(i == 9 || i == 10 || i ==12 ||
    +      i ==13 || i == 14)
    +     name_t[i] <- "&nbsp;"
    + }
    > name
     [1] "hypothetical protein LOC221823"                            
     [2] "meningioma (disrupted in balanced translocation) 1"        
     [3] "fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 2 (zygin II)"    
     [4] "Phosphoglycerate kinase {alternatively spliced}"           
     [5] "&nbsp;"                                                    
     [6] "sodium channel, voltage-gated, type V, alpha polypeptide"  
     [7] "caspase 8, apoptosis-related cysteine protease"            
     [8] "muscle specific gene"                                      
     [9] "&nbsp;"                                                    
    [10] "&nbsp;"                                                    
    [11] "chemokine (C motif) ligand 1"                              
    [12] "&nbsp;"                                                    
    [13] "G antigen 1"                                               
    [14] "G antigen 6"                                               
    [15] "Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIIb, receptor for (CD16)"
    > name_t
     [1] "phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1 like 1"    
     [2] "MN1 proto-oncogene, transcriptional regulator"       
     [3] "fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 2"         
     [4] "phosphoglycerate kinase 1"                           
     [5] "ataxin 3"                                            
     [6] "sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5"        
     [7] "caspase 8"                                           
     [8] "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit K"
     [9] "&nbsp;"                                              
    [10] "&nbsp;"                                              
    [11] "X-C motif chemokine ligand 2"                        
    [12] "&nbsp;"                                              
    [13] "&nbsp;"                                              
    [14] "&nbsp;"                                              
    [15] "Fc fragment of IgG receptor IIIb"  
    > class(name)
    [1] "character"
    > class(name_t)
    [1] "character"

    Gene Name clear

    ## 这些都是一毛一样的
    dat <- exprs(sample.ExpressionSet)[igenes,1:10]
    FC <- rowMeans(dat[igenes,1:5]) - rowMeans(dat[igenes,6:10]) 
    pval <- esApply(sample.ExpressionSet[igenes,1:10], 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:5], x[6:10])$p.value)
    tstat <- esApply(sample.ExpressionSet[igenes,1:10], 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:5], x[6:10])$statistic)
    ## 剩下的都对应地加上"_t"
    genelist_t <- list(igenes, ug_t, ll_t, gb_t, sp_t)
    filename_t <- "Interesting_genes_t.html"
    title_t <- "An Artificial Set of Interesting Genes"
    othernames_t <- list(name_t, round(tstat, 2), round(pval, 3), round(FC, 1), round(dat, 2))
    head_t <- c("Probe ID", "UniGene", "LocusLink", "GenBank", "SwissProt", "Gene Name", "t-statistic", "p-value",
              "Fold Change", "Sample 1", "Sample 2", "Sample 3", "Sample 4", "Sample 5", "Sample 6",
              "Sample 7", "Sample 8", "Sample 9", "Sample 10")
    repository_t <- list("affy", "ug", "en", "gb", "sp")
    htmlpage(genelist_t, filename_t, title_t, othernames_t, head_t, repository = repository_t)




        本文标题:annotate: 把芯片数据导出为好看的 HTML
