Kung Fu Panda2-Chapter1 功夫熊猫2-第一

Kung Fu Panda2-Chapter1 功夫熊猫2-第一

作者: 吴和平vip | 来源:发表于2019-05-11 00:14 被阅读24次

    Chapter1 / 第一章

    Forty Bean Buns / 40个豆包

    The sun dawned gently that morning in the Valley of Peace. The bright rays shone through the windows of the Furious ['fjʊərɪəs] Five's training barracks. Viper['vaɪpə], Crane[kreɪn], Mantis['mæntɪs], Tigress['taɪgrɪs], and Monkey were gathered around the Dragon Warrior.


    "Thirty-four!" yelled the Five. "Stop him! It's too dangerous! Thirty-five! Thirty-six! Thirty-seven!"


    "How is he doing that with his face?" asked Mantis.


    The Five stopped and studied Po, the dragon Warrior, a large panda with a round belly. He was stuffing dumplings into his mouth with a pair of chopsticks. His furry['fɜːrɪ] cheeks looked like they couldn't fit another bite.


    But Po shoved one last dumpling into his mouth, and then pounded[paundid]  his fist on the table in front of him.

    然而, 阿宝又把一个包子塞进了嘴里,然后一拳擂在面前的桌子上。

    "Thirty-eight bean buns!" he cried triumphantly[traɪ'ʌmfəntli] through a mouth full of food.


    "Ahh! It's too horrible," Viper cried.


    But Mantis cheered. "Yeah! New record! You monster!" The little green insect waved his front legs.


    "More! Hit forty!" Monkey urged.


    Po's face turned red. He started to mumble something but couldn't form the words.


    "Are you choking?" Crane asked.


    Po tried to answer but he couldn't. His mouth was too full.


    "Do you need me to hit you on the back?" Crane asked.


    Po mumbled something else.


    "Is that a yes?" Crane asked.


    Po quickly stuffed two more dumplings in his mouth.


    "Thirty-nine, forty!" he cried triumphantly[traɪ'ʌmfəntli] . Then he dashed out - he was late for training with Master Shifu.


    (To be continued)

    Kung Fu Panda2-Chapter1 功夫熊猫2-第一章(双语有声故事)



        本文标题:Kung Fu Panda2-Chapter1 功夫熊猫2-第一
