Long ago, the peacocks of Gongmen City created a thing of great beauty: fireworks. For generations the fireworks brought joy to the city. But one young peacock wondered if the flames held even greater power.
Shen was a peacock with feathers as white as the winter snow. He spent hours in the darkness of his room experimenting with the black powder that created the dazzling light shows in the sky. But Shen wasn't making fireworks. Instead he imagined great weapons capable of deadly force.
Lord and Lady Peacock turned to wise Soothsayer. An old goat, Soothsayer mixed herbs and oils until a cloud of smoke shot up, forming the black and white symbol of yin and yang. Soothsayer warned that if Shen continued down the path he was on, he would be stopped by a warrior of black and white.
Young Shen tried to change his fate, but what he did next only sealed it. He gathered a small army of wolf guards and attacked a village of peaceful panda farmers.
His parents were horrified by what their son had done. They banished him from the city. As he stormed away from the palace, Shen swore he would return and bring his fiery vengeance(['faɪərɪ] ['ven(d)ʒ(ə)ns]) upon all of China.
Years later, Shen was ready to keep his promise. Clouds of hot steam puffed, hissed, and billowed(['bɪləʊd]) inside an old fireworks factory. Sparks flew as workers shaped the red-hot metal with their hammers.
One of the wolf leaders kneeled before his master, a cloaked figure with metal claws.
"It's almost done, Lord Shen," the wolf leader reported, "But we need more metal."
Shen nodded. "Go to the farthest(['fɑːðɪst]) village and get the metal," he replied. "Then we get the black powder. Then...We get the world."
(To be continued)

