Unfortunately, this amazing medieval masterpiece has no title. Among scientists it is known from its official library address: "Paris, Bibl. de la Sorbonne, ms. 0121, f. 023," which says nothing to any normal human being. But as we can see it is a rabbit holding an axe. Why on earth was it painted on a very expensive, luxurious item such as a medieval manuscript?
很遗憾,这部令人惊叹的中世纪杰作并没有标题。在学者眼中,它以其官方收录的图书馆地址而出名:“巴黎,索邦,书目ms. 0121, f. 023”,这对普通人来说毫无意义。但正如我们所见,这是一只拿着斧头的兔子。究竟为什么它会被画在非常昂贵、奢华的物品上,比如中世纪的手稿?
It is unknown but you must know one thing—medieval monks had a very interesting sense of humor. And they were probably bored to death while all they did was praying and rewriting books. Maybe because of that, they quite often added little somethings from themselves in so-called marginalia. In these margins, they have painted the upside-down world full of jokes, funny creatures, social caricatures, sex, and many other things. Killer rabbits were very popular as well. They had killer weapons, tortured human beings and dogs, rode on snails, and had combats.
The bunny present today is particularly vicious. Look how he smiles! Doesn't he remind you of Jack Torrance, played by Jack Nicolson in Kubrick's The Shining? But in reality, he is just a regular psychotic rabbit from a medieval manuscript.
We present today's painting thanks to Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne. :)
感谢巴黎索邦大学图书馆与我们分享今天的画作。 :)
marginalia [ˌmɑ:dʒɪ'neɪliə] n.(书等的)旁注;无足轻重的事情;细枝末节
caricature ['kerɪkə.tʃʊr] n.人物漫画;夸张的描述;漫画艺术;漫画手法