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001-024-So another batch of amor

001-024-So another batch of amor

作者: 试遣愚衷 | 来源:发表于2017-07-02 19:44 被阅读0次


"So another batch of amorous sinners are bent on making trouble by reincarnation," commented the Taoist. "Where will this drama take place?"

"It's an amusing story." The monk smiled. "You've never heard anything like it. In the west, on the bank of the Sacred River, beside the Stone of Three Incarnations there grew a Vermilion Pearl Plant which was watered every day with sweet dew by the attendant Shen Ying in the Palace of Red Jade.


commented the Taoist
"So another batch of amorous sinners are bent on making trouble by reincarnation,"
"Where will this drama take place?"

The monk smiled.
"It's an amusing story."
"You've never heard anything like it.
In the west, on the bank of the Sacred River, beside the Stone of Three Incarnations
there grew a Vermilion Pearl Plant
which was watered every day with sweet dew by the attendant Shen Ying in the Palace of Red Jade.


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