

作者: AmyTrilinguist | 来源:发表于2020-09-25 10:13 被阅读0次

“我女儿还小,不要教给她这些东西!” 网友吵翻了......丨Never too young to talk about sex(来自Chinadaily)



A primary school teacher's conversation with her girl student's parent has gone viral because of the topics involved. Snapshots of the WeChat interaction show the parent complaining that it is too early for the teacher to be discussing pregnancy and anatomical differences between boys and girls to a class of 9-year-olds. The parent even said he/she would raise the issue with the headmaster.

The parent's concern is understandable. He/she wants to protect his/her child from sex-related discussions so early in life. However, the parent fails to realize that sex education can actually shield the child from sexual exploitation. Ignorance could lead to a child being sexually exploited without even realizing it.

Almost every year, there are reports of girls, some as young as 6, being sexually exploited. In 2013, it emerged that a 9-year-old girl in Xinyi, Guangdong province, was being sexually exploited by her neighbor for three years but was too innocent to know what was happening.

As a popular saying goes: "You might think the child is too young to receive sex education, but the devil never thinks a child is too young to be violated."

However, proper sex education can shield a child against sexual exploitation. By letting children know what sex is, how it is inappropriate for children, and how they should call for help or the police if someone tries to sexually exploit them, we can protect children from sexual abuse.

n the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education issued in 2009, UNESCO clearly recommends that sex education should start at age 5 and continue till adolescence.

Therefore, instead of skirting sex education in school, parents should welcome it and cooperate by imparting sex education at home too. Children often repose great trust in their parents, who are their first teachers and teachers for life. It is parents' responsibility to make good use of that trust。

2018年1月10日,联合国教科文组织UNESCO,与联合国艾滋病规划署UNAIDS,联合国人口基金会UNFPA,联合国儿童基金会UNICEF,联合国妇女规划署WNWOMAN和世界卫生组织WHO,联合发布了国际性教育指导纲要,2018版。International technical guidance on sexualityeducation。这份指导纲要,采用循证方式,适用于各类性教育的工作者(学校、教师、健康工作者等)。按照这份纲要的指导要求,性教育应该以学校教育为主。这次2018版的实际是对2009版进行了修订,所以,从权威和专业的角度,应以新版本为准。这份纲要提出的性教育方式是全面的性教育comprehensivesexuality education(CSE)。





科学准确的研究 Scientifically accurate,CES基于科学研究,尤其是有关性的生理学、性行为等的准确研究;

持续的课程 Incremental,CES是从小就开始的持续的教育课程;

年龄和发育相适应 Age- and developmentally-appropriate,CES会根据儿童和青少年的不同年龄和从他们性的心理、生理发育角度出发,设计课程,以适应他们的变化和发展。

以课程为基础Curriculum based,CES通过建立学习目标,学习重点等,让教育工作者(老师,专业的性教育工作者等)将知识、理念等以课程的形式传达到学生心中。以学校中的课程教育为主,也可以在校外,或其他环境中。


基于人权方针 Based on a human rights approach,CES是以人权为出发点和归属,建立并促进儿童和青少年对权利(人权)的理解,以及所有人对教育、健康的权利需求,保障权利平等,尊重人权、消除歧视。

基于性别平等Based on gender equality,CES尊重和提倡性别平等,反对性别差异和性别暴力。

与文化背景相适应 Culturally relevant and context appropriate,CES强调教育的文化和背景因素,不同地区不同时间的差异等,理解文化差异。


培养和支持做健康选择所需的生活技能Able to develop life skills needed to support healthy choices,CES培养青少年获得生活技能,比如,和伴侣、朋友、家庭成员等形成和谐、尊重、健康的人际关系,等。


美国儿童性教育短片 Miss P



