Of course most people would prefer not to have weaknesses. Our upbringings and our experiences in the world have conditioned us to be embarrassed by our weaknesses and hide them. But people are happiest when they can be themselves. If you can be open with your weaknesses it will make you freer and will help you deal with them better. I urge you to not be embarrassed about your problems, recognizing that everyone has them. Bringing them to the surface will help you break your bad habits and develop good ones, and you will acquire real strengths and justifiable optimism.
当然,大多数人都希望自己没有缺点。我们 接受的各种教育和现实经历让我们对自身的缺点 感到难堪,并试图掩盖缺点。但能够真实展现自 我的人是最快乐的。如果你能以开放的心态看待 自身缺点,这将解放你,帮助你更好地应对缺 点。我建议你不要为自己的缺点感到羞愧,要明 白任何人都有缺点。把缺点摆上桌面将帮助你戒 掉坏习惯,养成好习惯,获得真正的能力,拥有 充足的理由保持乐观。
This evolutionary process of productive adaptation and ascent—the process of seeking, obtaining, and pursuing more and more ambitious goals —does not just pertain to how individuals and society move forward. It is equally relevant when dealing with setbacks, which are inevitable. At some point in your life you will crash in a big way. You might fail at your job or with your family, lose a loved one, suffer a serious accident or illness, or discover the life you imagined is out of reach forever. There are a whole host of ways that something will get you. At such times, you will be in pain and might think that you don’t have the strength to go on. You almost always do, however; your ultimate success will depend on you realizing that fact, even though it might not seem that way at the moment.
这一创造性适应与提升的进化过程,即不断 寻找、实现和追求更大胆的目标,不仅适用于个 人与社会如何前进的问题。它同样适用于逆境, 而逆境是不可避免的。你一生中必定会经历某个 一败涂地的时刻。你可能工作失败、家庭失败、 失去亲人、遭遇严重事故或疾病,或者发现你想 象的生活永远遥不可及。总会有某些厄运找上 你。那时,你将深陷痛苦,可能觉得失去了继续 前行的力量。然而,你几乎总是有这样的力量
——你最终能否成功,取决于你能否认识到这个 事实,尽管可能当时看起来不是这样。