
作者: 话时光 | 来源:发表于2022-04-22 13:48 被阅读0次

    1. 副词放置的位置


    a. 直接在动词前面

    Dying neurons do not usually exhibit  these biochemical changes.

    The mental functions are slowed, and patients are often confused.

    b.  当有两个助动词时,在第二个助动词之前

    Language would  never  have  arisen as a set of bare arbitrary terms if …

    Late complications may not always  have  been notified.

    c.  在"to be"的现在时和过去时之后

    The answer of the machine is always correct.


    2) 为了特别强调,一些副词( sometimes, occasionally, often, normally, usually)可以放在句子的开头

    3) 表示确定程度的副词(如probably, certainly definitely)出现在否定句之前(如not和缩略语,如don‘t, won’t, hasn‘t)

    These random substitutions will probably not have a major effect.

    4) 方式副词表示做某事的方式。它们通常直接放在动词后,或直接宾语后

    The curve rises steadily until it reaches a peak at 1.5.

    5) 时间副词可以放在任意位置

    S1.* There has recently been an increasing interest in 3D cellular phones.

    S2. * Recently there has been an increasing interest in 3D cellular phones.

    S3. * In the last few years there has been an increasing interest in 3D cellular phones.

    S4. 3D cellular phones have recently become the focus of considerable interest.


    6) 结果副词和附加副词

    S1.* For this reason / It follows that / As a consequence / As a result , it is not a good idea to use the old system. (反例)

    S2. * The new system should be used.  In addition , it should be integrated with all the data from the previous project.(反例)

    S3.  The old system should thus / therefore / consequently not be used.

    S4.  The  new  system  should  be  used.  It  should  also  be  integrated  with  all  the  data  from  the previous project.


    7) 对比副词和其他连接词

    表示对比的连接词(例如however, nevertheless, in contrast)可以用在句子的开头。他们提供的信息对读者来说是至关重要的——他们立即告诉读者,这段话的逻辑流向将发生变化。


    enumerate points ( • firstly, secondly, finally )

    add further negative support to a negative concept ( • moreover )

    indicate a concession or begin an explanation ( • since, although, despite the fact)

    indicate an alternative ( • alternatively)

    attract attention or express some kind of emotion ( • surprisingly, intriguingly, regrettably, unfortunately)

    specify ( • specifically, in particular) - however in most cases these can simply be deleted。

    **这些词的后面都伴随着逗号,当然也有些词是放在句子中间的如,whereas, but.

     2 主语和动词尽可能靠近,且尽量不插入额外信息

    反例1:People with a high rate of intelligence, an unusual ability to resolve problems, a passion for  computers,  along  with  good  communication  skills  are  generally employed by  such companies.

    正例1: Such companies generally employ people with a high rate of ...


    People with a high rate of intelligence are generally employed by such companies. They must also have other skills including: an unusual ability to ...

    反例2:The result, after the calculation has been made, can be used to determine Y.(插入额外信息)

    正例2:After the calculation has been made, the result can be used to determine Y.(按时间顺序排列)

    3. 动词和直接宾语在一起


    S1. *We can associate a high cost, higher overheads, a significant increase in man-hours and several other problems with these values. (错误例子)

    S2.  We can associate  a high cost  with these values , along with higher overheads, a significant increase in man-hours and several other problems.

    S3.  We can associate several factors with these values : a high cost, higher overheads, a significant increase in man-hours and several other problems.

    S4.  The  following can be associated with these values: i.  a high cost;  ii.  higher overheads;  iii.  a significant increase in man hours.

    4. 直接宾语放在间接宾语之前

    反例:However, only for some cases this operation is defined, these cases are called ...

    正例:However, this operation is only defined for some cases , which are called ...



