2019-06-03 10,000 Steps A Day? H

作者: 宁萌时光 | 来源:发表于2019-06-03 12:23 被阅读9次

    原文链接: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/05/29/727943418/do-you-really-need-10-000-steps-per-day




    图片来源:Peter Muller/Getty Images/Cultura RF
    10,000 Steps A Day? How Many You Really Need To Boost Longevity

    May 29, 2019

    AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: When it comes to physical activity, taking 10,000 steps per day may sound like a familiar goal. The idea was popularized decades ago by a marketing campaign in Japan for a pedometer. But as NPR's Allison Aubrey reports, a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine finds a far fewer number of steps reduce the risk of premature death.

    ALLISON AUBREY, BYLINE: Researchers suspected there was nothing magical about 10,000 steps. To find out, I-Min Lee of Brigham and Women's Hospital and her collaborators studied a group of about 17,000 women. Their average age was 72, and they all agreed to clip on a wearable device to count their steps.

    I-MIN LEE: They wore it during all waking hours for seven days.

    AUBREY: And then, for the next four to five years, the researchers kept up with the women. It turns out 4,400 steps a day seemed enough to boost longevity. Women who walked that amount were 40% less likely to die during the study, compared to women who took just 2,700 steps a day, on average. I asked Lee if she was surprised by the results.

    LEE: It was sort of surprising because this was below the 10,000 steps a day.

    AUBREY: In general, the more the women walked, the greater the benefit. But here's another surprise. There was a point of diminishing returns. The benefits leveled off at about 7,500 steps a day, meaning the women who got more than that got no additional boost in longevity. So much for that goal of 10,000 steps.

    LEE: Yes, I think the original basis of the number really was not scientifically determined.

    AUBREY: Kathleen Janz of the University of Iowa studies how exercise influences health outcomes.

    KATHLEEN JANZ: I love this study. I think this is really good news for women who may not be particularly active.

    AUBREY: Janz helped to shape the federal exercise recommendations. She says the message from this study is that for older women, just light walking is really beneficial.

    JANZ: They didn't need to go to the gym. They didn't need to invest in a personal trainer or exercise equipment.

    AUBREY: All they had to do was walk.

    JANZ: To me, the study suggests that there's probably more benefit in terms of light activity than we were previously thinking that there might be.

    AUBREY: And Janz says that's encouraging. Allison Aubrey, NPR News.


    1.boost longevity: 更长寿

    2.When it comes to...:说起...(用于引出要谈论的话题)
    e.g.1.I don't discriminate when it comes to age.
    2.And when it comes to applied physic....


    4.There was a point of diminishing returns. 收益递减,在经济学中,指在投入生产要素后,每单位生产要素所能提供的产量增加发生递减的现象。后面对收益递减点有进一步的解释"The benefits leveled off at about 7,500 steps a day, meaning the women who got more than that got no additional boost in longevity."
    level off:曲线趋平、平稳
    e.g.1.The figures show evidence that murders in the nation's capital are beginning to level off...
    2.Inflation is finally levelling out at around 11% a month.

    5.shape the federal exercise recommendations,注意这里用shape表示制定(运动指南)。



        本文标题:2019-06-03 10,000 Steps A Day? H
