

作者: 不忘思考 | 来源:发表于2017-02-03 12:27 被阅读111次
Girls' education

Campaign for girls' education

Warning:It seems like deviation from the debated topic is impossible to be avoided more or less.

Now days,the importance of getting access to education has been prioritized by respective governments,not only because education is the key of alleviating poverty and escaping from backward environment,but it also is the meaningful gift bestowed by universal law to imaginary human beings for their creation of new objects.

Notwithstanding this fact referred to above,gender disparity is pervasive especially in lest developed countries when it comes to general human rights,education rights included, there will be still a long path fraught with thorns to pave in terms of the parity of being accessible to education between boys and girls.

Firstly,there exists a type of common phenomenon relating to life roles of different genders that the burden of feeding a family is generally carried on by male,females’ functions are mainly performed inside house through series of trivial daily housework,such as,teaching kids relevant skills.

Naturally,it easily leaves some negative impressions on the society that any woman would struggle for her next day’s budget without any help from man considering that woman has never been paid in cash or other ways despite her consumption of labor.The truth of such sort of debate is that if an educated woman worked for the commercial organizations like her spouse,then she would be likely to earn commensurate salaries as same as man.

Onlookers and insiders move the logic of educating females and making money upside down deliberately or unconsciously,they stubbornly insist that females should be subordinate to males due to they could not make ends meet. As far as the relationship between education and income is concerned,what is the most regrettable is that they never try regarding the investment on females’ education as the precondition of making big money.

Secondly,why we should emphasize girls’ education is because girls as a vital group would have been directly affecting the family-based education of next generation since newborn babies have the ability to perceive outside world.There is no one able to become a winner beneficial to humankind without fundamental language,cognition,reason skills.There is no doubt that all relevant skills of outlining the skeleton of the society are largely acquired from family-based preschool education,which should conspicuouly be ascribed to the contribution of the members of family.

Provided that only uneducated mothers take responsibility of imparting necessary skills to their nascent kids,it is extremely possible that their kids would be left behind under the social Darwinism law.Scientific researches and practical experience discover the strong relevance between both educated parents and excellent kids,so it is imperative to cultivate a sense that educating both parents of last generation lay a foundation for next generation’s marching forward.

Thirdly,in a number of developed countries,with the practice of equally valuing women’ rights with regard to starting business,involving political activities and so on,it is amazingly real that more and more shadows of women are seen in whatever sectors they mesmerize.It is not strange that lots of developed countries could further exploit limited natural resources to create highutilized products to satisfy human beings’ demand owing to they more tolerate women’ roles in commerce and trade exercises in society compared with those less developed countries.

Women enterprisers own all personal qualities helpful for success of cause to pursue their economic independence on condition that the whole society could nurture a relaxing and free atmosphere to shatter then emancipate their stereotyped mindsets so that education could really be treasured .What if those dormant female entrepreneurs actively renovate their businesses with the help of modern professional education?

There is no question that world average unemployment rate will gigantically precipitate,and the economic growth and social development of corresponding nations also will unexpectedly go up.In result,other government’s goals,for instance,social stability,family harmony,etc will be rebalanced to the maximum extent.Anyhow,female enterprisers’ companies are still tightly connected with their navigators,but education is like a beacon able to guide the navigators in the direction.

Fourthly,historical data imply us that women have more likelihood of accumulating loose money to consider next day’s cost of living.In theory,if given more opportunities to expose themselves to primary,middle,high schools and higher education,women could work for other corporations to earn deserving remuneration.

As refereed to above,one side,women have larger inclination of saving money for next day’s spending,the other side,their actions absolutely push primitive capital accumulation forward.Capital is the prerequisite of initiating any investment programme,and one of the stimulators of economic growth relies on investment.

In technology-oriented times,nothing is better than to emphasize the position of education.The situation of girls’ education is gradually bettering,however,there are still many challenges facing girls’ access to education right.The first step,government departments and NGOs should eliminate those traditional obsolete views on the relationship between girls’ education and their social abilities through promulgating special laws ands strictly implementing new made laws;

The next step,creating a women-friendly employment and entrepreneurship environment so as to indeed endow women with independently economic capacities,then demonstrate to the partial society that if women accept enough education,women’s leadership will be equivalent to men’s. All in all,girls’ education never can be deprived by any one or any organization.

Written in 2012



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