
作者: 天在山中 | 来源:发表于2020-04-09 15:57 被阅读0次

There is a newly -found menace on the roads that could be harming our health -brake pads from road vehicles.Scientists have discovered that toxic dust and metal particles from worn-out brake pads could have the same harmful impact on our bodies as diesel emissions.These includ an inflammation of the lungs ,reduced immunity ,an increased risk of respiratory problems.and serious infections like bronchitis or pnemonia.

It is estimated that 93 percent of particulate pollution from traffic comes from sources such as tyres ,clutches and brake wear ,and road dust.

The scientists say brake dust could be the cause of a condition they have dubbed "london throat".sufferers are the city dwellers who continually experience runny noses and irritating coughs and colds.these could be caused by people inhaling the brake dust.


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