

作者: 每日英文晨读 | 来源:发表于2023-12-11 15:00 被阅读0次

Life is like a marathon, and each person is running their own race. The difference lies in the choices we make: some choose self-discipline, while others choose indulgence. Self-discipline is not just a behavior, it is also a mindset, a sense of responsibility towards ourselves and our lives.



When we choose self-discipline, we choose to resist instant gratification and to refuse to indulge ourselves. We remind ourselves that our goals and dreams are more important, and we must strive and work hard for them. Even in the face of difficulties and setbacks, we persevere because we know that it is through adversity that we become stronger. We set clear goals for ourselves, make detailed plans, and diligently execute them each day. We do not retreat in the face of challenges, but rather, we press on with determination. We believe that self-discipline is the only path to success.



On the other hand, a lack of self-discipline means allowing ourselves to be unrestrained and chasing immediate pleasures. We do not set goals for ourselves, nor do we have plans or the discipline to carry them out. We fall into a state of laziness and negativity, where everything becomes blurry and mediocre. We choose to avoid difficulties and give up. Without self-discipline, our dreams become distant and unattainable. We shrink back, we give up, and we can only exist in mediocrity.



Without enduring the pain of self-discipline, we will suffer the exhaustion of mediocrity. Self-discipline is a practice that requires constant perseverance and effort. It is through self-discipline that we achieve success and personal growth. Self-discipline grants us more time and energy, allowing us to be more focused and efficient. It instills order and discipline in us, propelling us towards higher levels of achievement.



let us choose self-discipline and reject mediocrity. Without enduring the pain of self-discipline, we will never taste the sweetness of success. Let us harness the power of self-discipline to chase our dreams and strive for excellence. Let us bid farewell to mediocrity and welcome a bright future. For it is only through self-discipline that we can create an extraordinary life.



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