# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jun 26 16:52:22 2018
@author: hao.wang
import os
import pandas as pd
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import scipy.signal as signal
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
cwd = os.getcwd()
# data_dir = 'D:\百分点工作资料\PHM技术资料\_871PHM_贝晓强\871PHM\871PHM\data_dictionary\data1.csv'
data_dir = 'data1.csv'
strPath = data_dir
ori_data = pd.read_csv(strPath)
ori_data = ori_data.sort_values(by=['code', 'time'])
machine1 = ori_data[ori_data['code'].isin([663201])]
machine2 = ori_data[ori_data['code'].isin([663202])]
machine3 = ori_data[ori_data['code'].isin([663203])]
machine1 = pd.read_csv('machine1.csv')
machine2 = pd.read_csv('machine2.csv')
machine3 = pd.read_csv('machine3.csv')
# delete the non-numerical columns
tmp = machine1.dtypes == 'object' # store if the type is not numerical
for i in range(0, len(tmp)-1):
if tmp[i] == True:
del machine1[tmp.index[i]]
del machine2[tmp.index[i]]
del machine3[tmp.index[i]]
# def separate(df, n):
# to_cluster_data = df.loc[:, ('frequency', 'GNOM', 'MP02', 'MP03', 'MP05', 'MP10', 'MP11')]
# scaled = scale(to_cluster_data, axis=0)
# scaled[:, 0] = scaled[:, 0]*6
# estimator = KMeans(n_clusters=n)
# estimator.fit(scaled)
# label_pred = estimator.labels_
# # centroids = estimator.cluster_centers_
# # inertia = estimator.inertia_
# return label_pred
# see the frequency of different machines
def choose_frequency(machine):
tmp_count = machine['frequency'].value_counts()
tmp_count > len(machine)*0.02
# chooose the frequency that is larger than 0.02
choose_freq = tmp_count.index[tmp_count > len(machine)*0.02]
return choose_freq
# use boxplot to show the data
def save_seriesplot(df, name):
# close the in screen print of the figure
# define a figure
f, axs = plt.subplots(27, 2, figsize=(10*2, 27*2))
axs = axs.ravel() # use ravel to make the tuple flat
for i in range(0, len(df.iloc[0,:])-1):
axs[i].plot(df.iloc[:, i].reset_index(drop=True))
# open the on screen print of the figure
# define a function to separate diffrent frequency on specific machine
def choose_and_plot(machine, name):
freq = choose_frequency(machine)
for item in freq:
machine_freq = machine[machine['frequency'] == item]
machine_freq = machine_freq[machine_freq['op_st'] == 112]
machine_freq.to_csv('freq_' + str(item) + '_'+ name + '.csv')
save_seriesplot(machine_freq, 'freq_' + str(item) + '_' + name)
choose_and_plot(machine1, 'machine1')
choose_and_plot(machine2, 'machine2')
choose_and_plot(machine3, 'machine3')
# define a function to find the average stable length of a series
# def mean_normal(series):
# tmp_length = 1 # store the temp normal series length
# shift_times = 0 # store the total shift times
# length = 0
# search_range = len(series)
# for i in range(1, search_range):
# if series[i]==series[i-1]:
# tmp_length += 1
# else:
# shift_times += 1
# length = length/shift_times*(shift_times-1) + tmp_length/shift_times*1
# # print(tmp_length)
# # print(length)
# tmp_length = 1
# # do again for the last patch since there is not shift
# shift_times += 1
# return length/shift_times*(shift_times-1) + tmp_length/shift_times*1
# mean_normal(label_pred)
# # define my function to smooth abnormal shift
# def smooth_abnormal(series):
# length = mean_normal(series)
# radius = int(length/2)
# series_new = series
# # then we try to smooth the abnormal shifts:
# for i in range(0, len(series)):
# if series[i] != series[i-radius] and series[i] != series[i+radius]:
# series_new[i] = series[i-radius]
# return series_new
# # label_smooth = smooth_abnormal(label_pred)
# label_smooth = signal.medfilt(label_pred, 999)
# f, axs = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
# axs = axs.ravel() # use ravel to make the tuple flat
# axs[0].plot(label_pred)
# axs[0].set_title('label_pred')
# axs[1].plot(label_smooth)
# axs[1].set_title('label_smooth')
# axs[2].plot(machine1['frequency'])
# axs[2].set_title('frequency')
# machine1['label'] = label_smooth
# machine1['label'] = label_pred
len(machine1) + len(machine2) + len(machine3) == len(ori_data)
del ori_data
# separate the machine data into different frequency
# machine1_frequency_1 = machine1[machine1['label'].isin(['0'])]
# machine1_frequency_2 = machine1[machine1['label'].isin(['1'])]
# machine1_frequency_3 = machine1[machine1['label'].isin(['2'])]
# machine1_frequency_1 = machine1_frequency_1[machine1_frequency_1['op_st'].isin([112])]
# machine1_frequency_2 = machine1_frequency_2[machine1_frequency_2['op_st'].isin([112])]
# machine1_frequency_3 = machine1_frequency_3[machine1_frequency_3['op_st'].isin([112])]
# make some summarize about the machines data
def save_quant(df, name):
# make a copy of original stdout route
stdout_backup = sys.stdout
# define the log file that receives your log info
log_file = open(str(name) + "_message.log", "w")
# redirect print output to log file
sys.stdout = log_file
# begin print
for item in df.columns:
# close the file
# restore the output to initial pattern
sys.stdout = stdout_backup
save_quant(machine1, 'machine1')
save_quant(machine2, 'machine2')
save_quant(machine3, 'machine3')
# use boxplot to show the data
def save_boxplot(df, name):
# close the in screen print of the figure
# define a figure
f, axs = plt.subplots(6, 9, figsize=(6*6 , 9*6))
axs = axs.ravel() # use ravel to make the tuple flat
for i in range(0, len(df.iloc[0, :])-1):
axs[i].boxplot(df.iloc[:, i])
# open the on screen print of the figure
save_boxplot(machine1, 'machine1')
save_boxplot(machine2, 'machine2')
save_boxplot(machine3, 'machine3')
save_seriesplot(machine1_frequency_1, 'machine1_frequency_1')
save_seriesplot(machine1_frequency_2, 'machine1_frequency_2')
save_seriesplot(machine1_frequency_3, 'machine1_frequency_3')
save_seriesplot(machine2, 'machine2')
save_seriesplot(machine3, 'machine3')
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
wd = os.getcwd()
data_dir = '/data_20180627/my_871uptransmitterminutedata2018-06-27.csv'
# obtain the original data
ori_data = pd.read_csv(wd + data_dir, header=None, sep='\t')
# split the string to measurement data
split_data = ori_data.iloc[:, 8].str.split(':', expand=True)
# 删除第一列,因为是空列
del split_data[0]
# give name to those columns
# 给各列命名
split_data.columns = ['mode', 'frequency', 'preset_power', 'mdlt_md', 'op_st',
'laV1', 'lg1V2', 'lg2V2', 'laV2', 'VaV2',
'APD', 'VSWR', 'Pfwd', 'Vfil1', 'VaV1',
'Vfil2', 'Vg1V2', 'Vg2V2', 'water', 'MP01',
'MP13', 'MP02', 'MP03', 'MP04', 'MP05',
'MP06', 'MP07', 'MP08', 'MP09', 'MP10',
'MP11', 'MP12', 'MS22', 'MS23', 'MS24',
'MS25', 'MS27','CPFD', 'CPRV', 'CPH1',
'CPH2', 'RFAT', 'GNOM', 'PREEQ', 'TAF',
'TOL', 'TAO', 'TNOM', 'TP', 'TTCS',
'TIS', 'TSF', 'TFS', 'TFH', 'TBHH',
# for some '57' like entries, can be transferred to numeric by 'to_numeric' function
# 部分列可以直接转换为numeric模式
for item in ['mode', 'frequency', 'preset_power', 'mdlt_md', 'op_st',
'laV1', 'lg1V2', 'lg2V2', 'laV2', 'VaV2',
'APD', 'VSWR', 'Pfwd', 'Vfil1', 'VaV1',
'Vfil2', 'Vg1V2', 'Vg2V2', 'water', 'MP01',
'MP13', 'MP02', 'MP03', 'MP04', 'MP05',
'MP06', 'MP07', 'MP08', 'MP09', 'MP10',
'MP11', 'MP12',
'CPFD', 'CPRV', 'CPH1',
'CPH2', 'RFAT', 'GNOM', 'TAF',
'TOL', 'TAO', 'TNOM', 'TP', 'TTCS',
'TIS', 'TSF', 'TFS', 'TFH', 'TBHH',
split_data[item] = pd.to_numeric(split_data[item], errors='coerce').fillna(0)
# convert ON OFF to 0/1 variables
for item in ['MS22', 'MS23', 'MS24', 'MS25', 'MS27', 'PREEQ']:
split_data[item] = (split_data[item] == 'ON').astype(int)
split_data['index'] = split_data.index
other_data = pd.DataFrame({'code': ori_data.ix[:, 1], 'time': ori_data.ix[:, 2]})
other_data['index'] = other_data.index
# merge to obtain a new dataframe
new_data = pd.merge(other_data, split_data, on='index')
new_data = new_data.sort_values(by='time')
new_data = pd.read_csv('new_data.csv')
# change the time string to 'datetime' format
new_data['time'] = pd.to_datetime(new_data['time'])
new_data = new_data.set_index('time', drop= False)
# separate the newdata based on time index
new_20170725 = new_data['2017-07-24':'2017-07-26']
new_20170805 = new_data['2017-08-04':'2017-08-06']
new_20170815 = new_data['2017-08-14':'2017-08-17']
# check the total length
len(new_20170725) + len(new_20170805) + len(new_20170815)
# 找到高压挂起的时间点
# Find the high V pending time using TTCS
new_20170815[new_20170815['TTCS'] == 1]
# 找到粗调的时间点
# 1:normal 2:coarse 3:fine 4: VaRising
tmp = new_20170725[new_20170725['TFS'] == 2.0]
new_20170725[new_20170725['TFS'] == 3.0]
new_20170725[new_20170725['TFS'] == 4.0]
# 画图
# use boxplot to show the data
def save_seriesplot(df, name):
# close the in screen print of the figure
# define a figure
f, axs = plt.subplots(56, 1, figsize=(80, 80))
axs = axs.ravel() # use ravel to make the tuple flat
for i in range(0, 56):
axs[i].plot(df.iloc[:, i + 3], linewidth=0.5)
axs[i].set_title(df.columns[i + 3])
# open the on screen print of the figure
# use boxplot to show the data
def save_seriesplot_noindex(df, name):
# close the in screen print of the figure
# define a figure
f, axs = plt.subplots(56, 1, figsize=(80, 80))
axs = axs.ravel() # use ravel to make the tuple flat
if drop == False:
for i in range(0, 56):
axs[i].plot(df.iloc[:, i + 3], linewidth=0.5)
axs[i].set_title(df.columns[i + 3])
for i in range(0, 56):
axs[i].plot(df.iloc[:, i + 3].reset_index(drop=True), linewidth=0.5)
axs[i].set_title(df.columns[i + 3])
# open the on screen print of the figure
new_20170725.iloc[:, 0+3].reset_index(drop=False)
f = plt
f.plot(new_20170725.iloc[:, 0+3].reset_index(drop=False))
save_seriesplot(new_20170725, 'new_20170725')
save_seriesplot(new_20170805, 'new_20170805')
save_seriesplot(new_20170815, 'new_20170815')
# remove all zero data as possible
# get the on working data
new_20170725_nozero = new_20170725[(new_20170725['laV1'] > 0.5) &
(new_20170725['op_st'] == 112)&
(new_20170725['laV2'] > 0.5)]
new_20170805_nozero = new_20170805[(new_20170805['laV1'] > 0.5) &
(new_20170805['op_st'] == 112)&
(new_20170805['laV2'] > 0.5)]
new_20170815_nozero = new_20170815[(new_20170815['laV1'] > 0.5) &
(new_20170815['op_st'] == 112)&
(new_20178025['laV2'] > 0.5)]
save_seriesplot(new_20170725_nozero, 'new_20170725_nozero', True)
save_seriesplot(new_20170805_nozero, 'new_20170805_nozero', True)
save_seriesplot(new_20170815_nozero, 'new_20170815_nozero', True)
# all data sum up for frequency
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# read the data
new_data = pd.read_csv('new_data.csv')
machine1 = pd.read_csv('machine1.csv')
machine2 = pd.read_csv('machine2.csv')
machine3 = pd.read_csv('machine3.csv')
# remove some columns
del new_data['Unnamed: 0']
del new_data['index']
del machine1['Unnamed: 0'], machine1['TAH'], machine1['index']
del machine2['Unnamed: 0'], machine2['TAH'], machine2['index']
del machine3['Unnamed: 0'], machine3['TAH'], machine3['index']
# check
len(new_data.ix[0, :])
len(machine1.ix[0, :])
len(machine2.ix[0, :])
len(machine3.ix[0, :])
# merge, 'axis=0' means join by rows
all_data = pd.concat([new_data, machine1, machine2, machine3], axis=0, join='outer')
# check
len(all_data) == len(machine1) + len(machine2) +len(machine3) +len(new_data)
# see the counts of different frequency
tmp_counts = all_data['frequency'].value_counts()
# divide by frequency
# based on THAMES Transmitter Technique Specifications
interval = [[5900, 6295], [7100, 7600], [9400, 9900],
[11500, 12175], [13570, 13870], [15030, 15800],
[17480, 17900], [18900, 19020], [21450, 21850],
[25670, 26100]]
# define some frequency series
freq = [None]*10
# sort the data based on the frequency interval
for i in range(0, 10):
freq[i] = all_data[(all_data['frequency'] >= interval[i][0]) &
(all_data['frequency'] <= interval[i][1])]
# see the length of each frequency
sum = 0
for i in range(0, 10):
sum += len(freq[i])
tmp = all_data[(all_data['frequency'] == 9370)]
del f