

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-08-18 14:37 被阅读0次


For many of us, a work diary is a practical thing. We use them for work to make a note of appointments or meetings, scribbling1 words next to dates to remind us of something we have to do in the future. But journalling is more about feelings. It's a personal diary, often kept far from prying2 eyes, sometimes detailing our secrets and desires. But, when it comes to feelings, what are the benefits to writing things down?

Sometimes it can be difficult to say exactly what we're feeling. Because of anxiety or frustration3, it can be tricky4 to put your problems into words. For some of us, putting pen to paper and jotting5 down our thoughts is a much easier process than saying them. But it's not just about the ease of scrawling6 words. Writing things down can actually help us to formulate7 ideas, consolidate8 emotions, and understand our feelings. There's something cathartic9 about making sense of something that is stressing us


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